I was playing my MA/Shadow assy last night in act IV normal, and noticed that when hitting monsters, some percentage of the time I cast Terror on them (I think thats the one where they get green on top of their heads and run away). I havent equipped any Terror-granting items or 'monsters flee' items, and neither has my merc. Any ideas how this is happening?
Your question has already been answered on the AB.

You must have been using a shadow. Shadows get random equipment. Random equipment might include a "hit causes monster to flee" affix.
adeyke,Jun 3 2004, 03:15 PM Wrote:Your question has already been answered on the AB.

You must have been using a shadow.  Shadows get random equipment.  Random equipment might include a "hit causes monster to flee" affix.
Yeah, I just thought of that actually. That could be it, but it also happened when I hit a monster (to that monster) and my shadow was off fighting another monster. Could it be an aura effect where we would both get it within range? If so, there was no visual effect.
Quote:Could it be an aura effect where we would both get it within range?
OK, so how do you know what abilities your shadow master has when spawning her, other than by seeing her in action?
You don't.

There are sometimes cases when you can look at the colour of the shadow's visible equipment and deduce what affixes caused it, but this information really isn't very reliable.
The Cause Monsters to Flee mod makes stuff orange, for reference.
adeyke,Jun 4 2004, 01:14 PM Wrote:You don't.

There are sometimes cases when you can look at the colour of the shadow's visible equipment and deduce what affixes caused it, but this information really isn't very reliable.
Yeah, IIRC there was a sub-site of AS I think, where the colour of the shadow master, along with her slvl, determined her mods. Anyone have a link? I seem to have lost it.
Little Faith,Jun 4 2004, 01:32 PM Wrote:The Cause Monsters to Flee mod makes stuff orange, for reference.
Hmm, thanks for the info.

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