Loosing 3 strength...
Last night i was helping someone through NM with my lvl 79 Druid, its all going well, we're on act 2 just about to kill Duriel, we go in, etc, and i notice that i'm doing very very little damage (suprising, since i have the IK maul) so i check my inventory and my Ik maul has a red back ground... i thought this was very odd, so i held my curser over it to see whats was wrong - and i was told i needed 225 Str to use it, hang on i thought, i have exactly 225 str.. i've been using this maul for months now, i check my stats and lo-and-behold Str - 223. :blink:

What the hell happend to my str!? i thought i might have lost a charm, but they were all present and accounted for, i even checked the venders to see if i'd accidently sold a charm, but nope.. nothing. :(

Luckily the guy i was playng with had a spare +3 str charm so i could use my maul again, but i was miffed because it took me ages to lvl him enough to gain 225 str and then 3 str just vanishes?! :blink:

Has this happend to anyone else?
Blood and death are waiting like a raven in the sky
I was born to die
Hear me while I live
As I look into your eyes
None shall hear a lie
Power and dominion are taken by the will
By divine right hail and kill

Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail and Kill, Hail and Kill
Is it possible that you had an Item (glove, boot, armour, belt, helm) that gave you the str that you needed and broke (zero durability)?
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
after thinking a bit about this (since last night) I think you may need to check your ammy or rings...if you changed either, you may have lost a few str....also, Im not 100% sure on IK set bonuses, but did you have a partial set that you removed, and lost the set bonus?...other than that I have no idea....

*NERDmanWhippy on Us East

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