Assassin Attack Speed
I'm looking for information on breakpoints for the dual claw elemental assassin chargeups, and for Phoenix Strike. So far I've turned up a chart at done by Fuzzbox and a weapon speed calculator at I'm getting conflicting information from these two sources (or I'm reading something wrong!)

Can anyone point me at a reliable source for information relevant to 1.1? Or as an alternative, I'd be happy to do the testing myself if I knew how. Is there some way in-game to accurately determine the frame rate of an attack? Or does one need to pull apart and analyze mpqs?

I put a calculator together in excel. It's sitting here: JRichard's Assassin Stuff

Try it out and let me know if there are errors you can find in it.

Time however long it takes you to make 25 attacks. The result, in seconds, is the number of frames in the animation (since the game runs at 25 frames per second).
Isn't it amazing how obvious so many things are once someone points them out to you?

Thanks for the helpful suggestion Dragoon.

<Wanders off to boot self in behind 25 times...>

Heh, I don't really think it's obvious. I usually tell people and they're like, "Oh. I never would have thought of that but it makes sense." :)

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