Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Man, I've been thinking now that I've actually had some sleep (the whole Leviathan thing kept me up to 3 A.M. - I just had to see what would happen...), and the clues were just so obvious!

Just one quick example: When you first get to Dantooine and talk to the Jedi Council, one of the Masters protests you being trained as a Jedi, saying "Are we certain Revan is dead? What if we undertake to train this one and the Dark Lord returns?"

:blink: :o :blink:

I knew it sounded strange at the time, but I can't believe I missed all the clues!

Man, now I feel bad... I thought I was great, doing all these good deeds, one with the Light Side of the Force... And everything I've done has only begun to make up for what I did before.... :(
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WarLocke,Dec 17 2003, 05:16 PM Wrote:Hey!  Green is cooler than purple!

(I use a green sabre, and gave Jolee a purple one.  Juhani weilds blue and red sabres in my game, with Dark Jedi Master robes - quite fetching  :D )
I finally got my purple crystal (well, violet) and put it into my lightsabre. It was one of the most satisfying moments so far in the game ^_^

I'm just on my second planet, so I still have plenty of hours to go. I'm the proverbial goody two-shoes jedi so far, only scored some dark points when I killed Starkiller for a bounty (mighty annoying, it was an official bounty wasn't it?).

Anyway, I've blown 20,000 credits in the extra spacestation and my chic looks dead sexy in her (upgraded) exoskeleton.

I so have to go through with a darky. Last night was one of the best gaming sessions I've had, not only because of the purple, but also because I got a hold of HK-47. He hes the BEST lines in this game, really :lol:

The slightly annoying thing is that I won't be able to touch it after tomorrow since I'm flying to Spain for my Christmas vacation. But I'm sure I won't miss playing with my PC, even such a nice game ;)
Win 10 rounds of pazaak on Yavin, and get 20% of everything he sells. In the long run, this turns out to be a huge discount. It doesn't just include lower prices, but he'll buy your stuff at higher prices!
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I must be over-levelled, or over-equipped, or something.

I just finished the unknown planet bit, and nearly every fight there (besides the Mandalorians) was easier than I expected. I don't normally micromanage my party (I find the available scripts work okay for the most part), but I was just rolling over everything tossed at me. Rakatan horde? No problem. 4 rancors? So what? Sith/Dark Jedi and Assault Droids? Pfft.

Now, to be fair, I cleaned out Yavin, the store on Korriban, and bought just about everything I could ever need (except the Baragwin super-weapons at Yavin - I was afraid of having this very problem). Seera Kast has 28 Dex and 33 Defense, with +8 or so Blaster Bolt deflection and a 'saber that does 6-30 damage (+2-12 vs. Dark Siders) with an Attack bonus of +33.

I mean, I was deliberately using my normal attack because I killed things too fast with Flurry. It's no fun when the fight goes 'slash, slash-slash, urk!'

Erm. I hope the grunts on the Star Forge are a little harder. ;)

Malak is so gonna get smacked down. Me and the Mantle of the Force are gonna make him my biatch. B)
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There is a difficulty-slider in KOTOR, Warlocke ;)

With multiple jedis using stasis, even the Mandalorians on the unknown planet posed no threat.

You should get the lifeleech-thing (forgot the name). Malak will use it in his last battle, but you can use it in his stead. (You'll see what I mean.)
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There's a difficulty slider?? Sheesh. :o

I took Carth and Juhani along for the Star Forge, 'cuz I gotta have my hubby along, and Juhani just rocks. She does have Stasis Field, but the AI/script prefers to have her just use Power Attack over and over (and over... WTF? She's wasting all her extra attacks from dual-weilding 'sabers like that!). Seera, on the other hand, is making liberal use of Force Wave and Advanced Lightsaber throw under my control. The save DC for my force powers is something like 30 now that I have the Star Forge Robes, so they work surprisingly well even on dark jedi.

I'm gonna take a break and eat something - I'm all frazzled after dealing with hordes of grunts (but hell, was it awesome!). Even running KOTOR at 800x600 with the low-res texture pack and all the options turned down, with 12+ lightsabers swinging around and Carth going through grenades like popcorn (bless you, Grenadier script...) my framerate drops to about 12-15 (but it's a gorgeous 12-15 fps :D ).

EDIT: Just finished the game (WOOT) a little while ago, so I bring you screenshot goodies. B)

Here's me just before I confronted Malak. You'll notice my insanely high Wisdom and Dexterity (+10 to each, from items) and saving throws. My Constitution is 10, but the Light Mastery bonus for Sentinels is +3 Con, so there's an extra 20 Vitality.

[Image: SeeraKast_Stats.JPG]

My lightsaber had the Mantle of the Force in it, as well as the Solari and Upari crystals. It ended up doing 6-30 damage (+2-12 vs. Dark Side enemies), with +8 to my Blaster Bolt Deflection rolls (with another +5 from the Yavin gauntlets - I was killing troopers with their own bolts :ph34r: ) and +33 to my Attack rolls. For force powers I had Heal, Master Speed, Force Immunity, Force Wave, Advanced Lightsaber Throw, and Affect Mind. My feats were Master Dueling, Master Jedi Defense, Master Conditioning, and Improved Toughness. I could look up my adjusted skills, but the only one I remember at the moment is Persuasion, which was a modified +20 by the end of the game.

Oh, and finally: here's a pic of me smacking Malak around. You suck, you jawless freak! :P

Wow. Just wow. This game is definitely up there with Torment and Deus Ex. Maybe not the best RPG ever, but still in exalted company. I think I'd actually rate KotOR abit higher than BG/BG2...
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White robe? Did you get it white because you played the light side? I thought the robe would be dark regardless of side, seeing as Revan was dark.
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I guess so. The robe I got was called "Star Forge Robe" - isn't the Dark Side equivalent "Darth Revan's Robe"? Two different items, I'm guessing.

Hehe, now I need to go through the Eeevil way. Definitely a Consular as the bad guy; using Force Lightning with Jolee was soo seductive...
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Yes, Darth Revan's robes are different from the Star Forge robes. Revan's robes make you look like a girly Darth Revan. The Star Forge (light side) robes make you look just plain girly.

(Seriously, one gives +5 wisdom and +2 to saves, which is downright incredible, while the other gives +4 strength and 1 regeneration, neither of which were even slightly useful against Malak as a dark side consular.)

But I *was* a girl. I loved how it looked.

Be right back with a screenshot.

edit: iiik! There seems to be some sort of trouble with my PC. Everytime I alt+tab out of KOTOR my PC restarts. I've tried this twice now. I guess I'm in for a reformating this holiday.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Dec 17 2003, 12:52 PM] Bolty: Did you have Mission in your party when you killed her brother in the desert camp?

If so, how did she react?
Sadly, no...I didn't even activate her brother quest because I didn't meet her brother's old girlfriend - what was her name, Lela or something?

I'm catching a lot more of these sidequests in my second time through, but I'm playing light side now. My character image has streaming lights behind it because I'm so super-good. It's irritating. :) I can't kill anyone unless they attack me! I actually have to care about others! Sheesh.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
WarLocke,Dec 18 2003, 02:21 AM Wrote:Then he drops the bombshell, and all I can think is "Oh hell no...  No way..."

So anyway, like I said:  Holy Freaking God.  :o  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :ph34r:
Play the game through a second time and you'll notice countless clues...times Jedi cut each other off in mid-sentence, little drops here and there, the Star Map on Kashyyk. But I too was very surprised my first run through. Who would imagine?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Dec 20 2003, 04:35 PM Wrote:
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Dec 17 2003, 12:52 PM] Bolty: Did you have Mission in your party when you killed her brother in the desert camp?

If so, how did she react?
Sadly, no...I didn't even activate her brother quest because I didn't meet her brother's old girlfriend - what was her name, Lela or something?

I'm catching a lot more of these sidequests in my second time through, but I'm playing light side now. My character image has streaming lights behind it because I'm so super-good. It's irritating. :) I can't kill anyone unless they attack me! I actually have to care about others! Sheesh.

Lela is on Dantoine. She will approach you when you exit the Ebon Hawk.

Just started my 3rd run through the game. I'm now playing on "hard" difficulty. I plan to be a light character this time around, but perhaps switch sides in the temple on the unknown planet and see what happens to Juhani when I switch sides.. ;) I know Jolee won't make it.. :P
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Quote:My character image has streaming lights behind it because I'm so super-good. It's irritating.

Strange, I'm having the opposite problem. I started a Dark Side Scoundrel, and I'm having trouble actually being a jerk on Taris. After going through as a good guy (and perhaps being indoctrinated towards being good with other games) it's almost a chore to do the whole arsehole bit. The fact that most of the 'dark' options so far have been little more than shakedowns for lunch credits (bless you, Carth) doesn't help either...

Quote: Lela is on Dantoine. She will approach you when you exit the Ebon Hawk.

I don't think it's specifically Dantooine. I think the starport areas in general are all triggers. I don't think she'll approach you on Tatooine though (her dialogue doesn't sound like it would work on Tatooine, the way she talks about Griff).

Quote:I'm now playing on "hard" difficulty.

I'm going to restart my jerk as well (I really should have allocated more points to Int... I'm such a skill whore :P ) so I might try the Hard setting too. Any idea what exactly it changes?
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Taris lies in ruins.

I just got to Dantooine, and I didn't feel the first planet was that much harder on 'hard' than it was on 'normal'.

Can't wait to get to Yavin. I'm keeping all the stuff I'm finding so I can sell them on Yavin at inflated prices after I've beaten the guy in Pazaak 10 times.

Evil stuff to do on Taris:
* Assassination quests from the Hut in the sewer cantina.
* Messing up the dance of the prospective dancer. (Evil, but you gain no evil points, for some reason.)
* Helping the kids make fun of the weird alien
* Kill both the loansharks as well as the "shark bait" :P
* Kill both sewer clans
* Don't cure anyone of the plague.
* Don't show the old man in the underworld the diaries.
* Last fight in the arena. The one againgst Bendak Starkiller.
* Threatening to kill droid lady if you don't get the droid for free.
* Selling the vaccine for the plague to the sewer Hut.
* Killing the clerk in the sith base
* Killing some of the good guys locked in Davik's residence (guy next door to your room + guy in torture room.)

That's about it, as far as I can remember.
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Quote:so I can sell them on Yavin at inflated prices after I've beaten the guy in Pazaak


I played Pazaak with everyone in the game last time (well, except the Rodian in the Korriban cantina, by that time I had enough credits and was sick of the game). I also did all the swoop racing bits.

This time I'm not going to bother with Pazaak. Stupid cheating game. Probably won't do any swoop racing except for the mandatory race, either.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
The latest Star Wars-game - It's not just for compulsive gamblers.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Yup -- really a wonderful game. Morrowind/D&D/BG in a Star Wars universe, and all the better for it.

The combat (at least on the default difficulty level) was very easy, but it didn't matter: three Jedi twirling around kicking Sith *** was simply awesome to watch. Although I never felt the supposed "bond" that Bastila kept harping on and on (and on and on and on) about --- has there been a whinier bunch of main npc's in the history of computer games?

If the dark side weren't raising planets to the ground, my pathetically earnest goody-goody light side character would have happily joined them. The game certainly did an excellent job of presenting the light (obnoxious and self-righteous) and dark (nasty and treacherous) sides as being equally sickening.
I kinda liked Bastila. I was really sad when she went over to the dark side. Bitchy at first, but it got better. And I really loved the voice-acting.
I loved the voice-acting on the lady in the underworks on Taris. You know the one who wants you to help the man being pursued by the Rakghoul on the other side of the gate. It tears me up inside every time I hear her lines.


Just got back from my Christmas shopping. Bought Knights of the old republic for my 24-year old brother. If he doesn't like it ...... :P

edit: damn it!! I knew there was something I had forgotten. I forgot to bring the vaccine and the diaries to the people in the underworks! Arg!!

Well.. does it really matter? They're dead now anyways.. Still; I'd like to have gotten the light side- and experience points.
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