Complex WW question & Bladeshield Question
First off: Does anyoen have any idea how I could get get blade shield on a WWing barb? Figure it's teh only way to make him accually HIT stuff as he ww's through mobs. I found ATTRACT on a ring, so i suppost I could find blade shield charges as well?

-this is all ladder-

I'm making a WWing Assassin with DUAL chaos claws Ladder, already have the runes , just missing one claw right now. (anyone made any of teh 1.10 runewords yet?)

Anyways I'm wondering how the dual claw properties will work with bladeshield and WW. I'll have Bladeshield on AS I WW so I Will accually be hitting stuff as I whirl as well. I hope that burst of speed stacks with WhirlWind so I hit more as well. Anywyas, the chaos claws give 11% charged bolt and 9% orb chance per claw. What I want to know is th is:

With dual claws will I get a 18% for orb per hit and 22% chance charged bolt per hit, or will it ONLY be 9% and 11%? Also, Since I'm hitting with blade sh ield, that'll proc the charges again. Once again, will these be 9% and 11% or 18% and 22%? Does blade sh ield factor in all your weapons or just your main (left slot) weapon?

SO basically I'm wondering what the proc %s will be for blade sheild and the claws. i figure that with WW doing massive hits (fast attack remember?) Plus teh blade shield pumbeling everything, I'll be (hopefully) procking charged bolt and chaos orb like crazy.

Just a crazy build i thought up. Maxed claws, dual block, lit, death sentry, and inferno traps.
You cannot get any assassin skill charges on rings (or any other magic/rare item).

WW on a barbarian uses on the base speed of the weapon and the IAS on the weapon, so it wouldn't be affected by BoS. I don't think any research has been done on WWing assassins (do they have the same breakpoints?) but I expect the same would hold true for them.

CTC skills don't work with WW.
Are you sure about the CTC stuff? Seems counter intuative to some of the stuff blizz put in the game, like the chaos claw.

Blade Shield procs stuff though right?
adeyke, Wrote:WW on a barbarian uses on the base speed of the weapon and the IAS on the weapon, so it wouldn't be affected by BoS

BoS ias though, is of the non-diminishing returns type bonus. I don't remember it being discussed, but does Fanaticism/Frenzy (since they have the same bonus) affect WW?

Red_Riot Wrote:Does blade shield factor in all your weapons or just your main (left slot) weapon

Good question, I don't think this has ever been researched. By logic though it should use the first weapon equipped like all other non-2-hand skills do. And in that case since CTC on weapons is per item (I could be wrong) it'll only use one of the item's mods.

Edit > *Sigh* How do you get quotes with names working?

Edit > Ah, different boards, different ways, different bugs. The fix here is:

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A comma and a space after the name, which you only need to add to the first quotation, then the other ones work.

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