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Energy Shield Recieve Bonuse from Telekenis - Printable Version

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Energy Shield Recieve Bonuse from Telekenis - Chameleon - 12-22-2003

Ummm... ok,

What the heck is the Bonus?

Energy Shield Recieve Bonuse from Telekenis - adeyke - 12-22-2003

The mana drainage per point of damage absorbed is:
(32 - base telekinesis level) / 16

That is, if you didn't have any points in TK (hard to do since it's a pre-req), you'd lose 32/16 = 2 points per damage absorbed. If you maxed TK, you'd lose 12/16 = .75 points per damage absorbed.

Energy Shield Recieve Bonuse from Telekenis - Caaroid - 12-22-2003

but with the changes tp how it works now, you either invest 20 points in TK or forget it