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Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Printable Version

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Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Cyath - 03-13-2004

Like the topic says, I want to find a D2 editor so I can try out builds in single player before having to invest time and effort in creating them on Bnet...but everytime I try and find one, I get spammed by tons and tons of ads, cheat sites, hack sites, and basically everything except said editor. Surely there must be a simple, easy to use one out there? I have no intention of cheating or hacking the game in any way, I just want to do some test play. Oh yeah, and it has to be for 1.10 - because that's the current version. ^_^

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Wyrm - 03-13-2004

If I'm not mistaken, The Phrozen Keep has a character editor on it, though I don't remember where inside it. If that's a bust, you could always do a search on Jamella's D2 Editor.

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Ruri - 03-13-2004

Also, you could search for Shadow Master. That's what I use. You can't edit reopen characters after you play them in 1.10 (which really sucks), but you can create them. It give you access to everything. Class, Level, Gold, attributes, skills, arms & armor, quests, waypoints....even merc and their arms and armor. It's pretty cool.

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Lady Vashj - 03-15-2004

Does Jamella have a 1.10 version out yet?

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Obi2Kenobi - 03-16-2004

Not that I am aware of.

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Obi2Kenobi - 03-16-2004

You can create characters in ShadowMaster in 1.10?? *wishes he had known about this* *runs off to check*

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Professor Frink - 03-16-2004

If you start diablo II with -act 5 on the command line, new single-player characters will start in act 5 at level 33 (160 stat points and 32 skill points unused). Be sure to go out and reach a waypoint, because you don't start with any (even act 5 town)

If you need more than that, I could probably slap something together. What exactly are you looking for?


Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Rijnswand - 03-16-2004

Well I'll be....

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Wyrm - 03-17-2004

Lady Vashj,Mar 15 2004, 05:29 PM Wrote:Does Jamella have a 1.10 version out yet?
No, what you'd have to do is install version 1.0x and create the char that way, then upgrade to 1.10. Or you could just use the other prog (ShadowMaster) that was mentioned.

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Lady Vashj - 03-17-2004

Well, I do have one computer that still has 1.09, but the version of Jamella I have is a beta from way back (1.04, I think), and is buggy as all hell. Where can I download ShadowMaster? And (out of sheer curiosity) can it be used to resurrect a dead SPHC char? Jamella says it can, but I've never had the opportunity to test it and wouldn't trust it if I did.

Where can I find a reliable D2 editor? - Todd - 03-17-2004

For 1.10, you'll probably want Zonfire. You can get at It's in two part, the V.80 full install and an update to that. I've only played with it a little bit, but it seems quite capable. For testing out full builds, you'll want to find some item packs somewhere as well.