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Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Printable Version

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Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Schuey - 04-14-2004

ok, questions on prevent monster heal. I cant seeme to find the info I want, although it may be burried in previous posts.

Is it only applied with physical damage? Can my (any) merc apply it. Is it timed? If so how long does it last?


Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - adeyke - 04-14-2004

Mercs can't apply it. There's no timer on it if you stay near the monster, but if you leave and come back, it'll reset.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Schuey - 04-14-2004

Is it only applied by physical damage?

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - adeyke - 04-14-2004

It's only applied by "attacks".

Shockwave is a pure physical skill, but it doesn't transfer PMH. Lightning bolt is a pure elemental skill, but it does transfer PMH. So categorizing it by damage type is not meaningful.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Schuey - 04-14-2004

Thanks.... where can I find a list of what skills are considered attacks and what are not considered attacks?

If there is not one, which sorc skills are attacks?


Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - adeyke - 04-14-2004

Generally, if it it uses a weapon, it's an attack. That's just a rule of thumb, though.

None of the sorc skills are considered attacks. You can't apply PMH with any of them.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Wyrm - 04-14-2004

None of the Sorc skills are attacks, unless you count hitting a monster with a weapon that's been Enchanted.

An easy way to think of what an attack (that adeyke refers to) is, is that it's any attack that uses your weapon to deal damage. For example, when you throw a Plaugue Javelin, the javelin that hits monsters is an attack, but the poison cloud that spreads from it isn't.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Obi2Kenobi - 04-14-2004

Quote:It's only applied by "attacks".

I seem to recall (correct me if I'm wrong) hearing that you have to do damage. So if you punch a physical immune monster and have no elemental damage, it won't be applied.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - adeyke - 04-14-2004

That doesn't match my experience.

I modded monsters to be immune to everything except cold. I used some cold spells on them. They regenerated. I hit them with a PMH weapon attack that didn't contain any cold damage. They stopped regenerating. The attack didn't damage the monster at all, but it still applied the PMH.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Baajikiil - 04-14-2004

Quote:I seem to recall (correct me if I'm wrong) hearing that you have to do damage. So if you punch a physical immune monster and have no elemental damage, it won't be applied.

I believe you are thinking of open wounds; open wounds will not trigger if there is no damage dealt. It *will* work on phys immunes if you can damage them with elemental though.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - adeyke - 04-14-2004

You don't have to deal damage to the monster in order to apply OW to it. However, if the monster is at full health, it doesn't regenerate at all, so the negative regeneration from OW is ignored. That means the OW will remain in a dormant state either the 8 second OW timer runs out (in which case the OW disappears) or the monster drops from full hitpoints (in which case the OW starts taking effect).

This means that a pure physical character can apply OW to a PI monster, provided that someone else manages to damage the monster (any amount will do).

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Baajikiil - 04-15-2004

Thanks for the clarification, I didn't know that.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - myrdinn - 04-15-2004

PMH is part of the "ToHit" Function. It applys before the Damage Function.
PMH duration is 120000 Frames .

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Schuey - 04-15-2004

83+minutes ... wow that is long.

thanks myrdinn.

Is the PMH is removed if you leave the vicinity of t he monster? (i.e. going back for more pots against UBER D)?


Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - ShadowHM - 04-15-2004

Schuey,Apr 15 2004, 04:14 PM Wrote:Is the PMH is removed if you leave the vicinity of t he monster?  (i.e. going back for more pots against UBER D)?
My experience is that a trip to town for potions is not long enough to let him start regenerating again.

Prevent monster heal, can merc apply - Obi2Kenobi - 04-15-2004

Ah, yes, open wounds. I probably got that mixed up because it was in a thread about beating the monster regeneration (I think). :)