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Denouncing the War against Hell - Printable Version

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Denouncing the War against Hell - Obi2Kenobi - 06-17-2004

The following Satire deplores the barbaric actions of heaven in Diablo 2.

In the interests of preserving international law, I find myself obligated as a citizen of the world to denounce the unlawful practices of "Heaven" against the sovereign world of "Hell".

Baal is dead and his regime is fallen. But now look at the quagmire we are in because of the war. The world stone was destroyed by the forces of Heaven causing untold millions of civilian deaths around the world, added to the deaths on both sides caused by the war itself, and for what?!

According to Heaven's spokesman Tyreal, Baal posed an "Imminant threat" to our world. He spoke broadly about fire and brimstone and about how Baal intended to use the "World Stone" to mount an invasion of the Earth Plane which would eventually threaten heaven itself.

But what evidence do we have of this? Where are the invasion forces? Oh dead? And what's this? A small group of up to 8 people slayed the entire "invasion force"? Some threat that was. Tyreal obviously lied when he exagerated the threat posed by Baal and his Brothers.

Indeed some claim what was seen as an "invasion force" was merely a large group of domestic police needed to keep watch over the billions of illegal immigrants Heaven shoves down Hell's throats over the years.

In fact an independant investigatory committee found no "hard evidence" that Hell ever intended to invade the Earth Plane much less pose a direct threat to heaven. Most of heaven's so called intelligence comes from the testamony of insurgents captured in Hell like Izual. This being on closer investigation is actually an angel and as such his credibility is nil.

At this point it is interesting to note that Heaven failed to attain a UN security council vote in favor of action. It never the less decided to "go it alone" with its so called "coalition" contributing a mere 8 troops.

Now lets take a look at the atrocities committed by the occupying powers. We have actual photos of Heaven's allies standing over a freshly butchered pregnant mother and her babies:

Disgusting. And Heaven claims to be on the "good side".

Furthermore we have documentation of prison abuse in violation of the Geneva conventions. Tal Rasha was never given a fair trial, and was always a law abiding citizen of a country that was even allied with Heaven. Yet they bound him with hard iron chains, deprived him of food for years, and kept him sorrounded by bright and burning lava which kept him awake and in agony for years. And they claim that isnt torture. Just look how Tal Rasha is writhing in agony in the films Blizzard published when they caught it on tape with a secret cameraman following Diablo and that little cowardly guy.

Such acts only encourage Hell to commit atrocities in retaliation.

Now I am not claiming Diablo or his brothers were good guys. Sure we have documentation that he killed and tortured millions. But in their weakened state following their earlier defeats, they were clearly no threat to heaven. Why then did heaven invade Hell? One simple reason:


It takes a lot of power to light up heaven which refuses to conserve energy by turning off its insanely bright lights which burn at all hours of the day. Obviously Hell's abundance of Lava makes for a perfect power source to feed the greedy Heavenly beings who live in a self proclaimed state of "perfect bliss" for all eternity. How dare they sit contentedly on their golden seats while billions starve and die in Hell. Yet they then have the nerve to invade Hell and steal thermal power to further their decadence.

What evidence is there of this? Well lets take a look at Heaven's leader, God (who coincidentally was never elected to rule over heaven). He emits so much light that people are said to go blind when they look at him. Furthermore, he is the single largest shareholder of all Heaven's power companies, in fact owning 100% of all Heavenly assets. Would he not stand to gain enormously from the geothermal power to be gained from Hell? Of course he would. Which is why God pushed for war against Hell.

The UN should vote to condem the unlawful acts of Heaven against the sovereign world of Hell.

Swiped (with permission) from "Royal Assassin3".

Denouncing the War against Hell - Minionman - 06-17-2004

That's nice. Reminds me of the Maldar story.

Denouncing the War against Hell - [wcip]Angel - 06-17-2004

Ahahaha! Very funny indeed ;)

But should it really be on the Diablo2-forum? :)

Denouncing the War against Hell - Guest - 06-17-2004

Quote:But should it really be on the Diablo2-forum?
It's Diablo 2 related, I don't see why not.

Reminds me of a paper somebody wrote of why Tyreal was evil. I'll see if I can find it. It was pretty funny.

Denouncing the War against Hell - [wcip]Angel - 06-17-2004

But it's not *really* about Diablo2, is it? :unsure:

Denouncing the War against Hell - Assur - 06-17-2004

[ Wrote:Angel,Jun 17 2004, 04:51 PM]But it's not *really* about Diablo2, is it? :unsure:
It's a spoofstory about Diablo II and since it doesn't fit in the other forums I would say that it is in the right place B)

Denouncing the War against Hell - Minionman - 06-17-2004

So that's what Hadriel is doing in the river of flame, figuring out where the good lava is.

Cain does say something like "heavan's motives are inscrutinable"

Humans show again and again that they can defend themselves fine, but heavan never tells them the story.

Religion is one major with the U.S. and middle east in general, though not much with Iraq.

And this is sort of off topic but why is it that earth and hell have many types of cool creatures all over but heavan only has angels? In all the places in the game, hell to, there are other types walking around with the main fighters, Earth ha it's animals, hell has it's wierd animals and trapped souls and lava skeletons, but the pandemonium fortress only has the four people and it's walls. All the other starting towns had some clue that there was more types of stuff out there.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Assur - 06-17-2004


Well, the Pandemonium Fortress is an outpost in hell (Tyrael says something to that effect), so no wonder that no other celestial beings are hanging around!

We'll probably see heaven in the expansion to Diablo III, when we confront the treacherous Tyrael and liberate heaven :D

good karma

Denouncing the War against Hell - Minionman - 06-17-2004

Assur,Jun 17 2004, 08:01 PM Wrote:Hi

Well, the Pandemonium Fortress is an outpost in hell (Tyrael says something to that effect), so no wonder that no other celestial beings are hanging around!

We'll probably see heaven in the expansion to Diablo III, when we confront the treacherous Tyrael and liberate heaven :D

good karma
That's right. I'll just wait a decade and see what they dream up for heaven.

The outpost bit just doesn't stick out well. So heaven and hell are supposed to be diifferent planes like earth and the other two. Humans will need outposts in D3 in the other two planes.

Denouncing the War against Hell - [wcip]Angel - 06-17-2004

Assur,Jun 17 2004, 05:10 PM Wrote:
[ Wrote:Angel,Jun 17 2004, 04:51 PM]But it's not *really* about Diablo2, is it? :unsure:
It's a spoofstory about Diablo II and since it doesn't fit in the other forums I would say that it is in the right place B)
But it's about that thing in Iraq. The "War on Terrorism" or whathaveyou.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Rinnhart - 06-17-2004

If it was ment as a parody just on Diablo 2, it belongs here. If it was ment as a parody on Diablo 2 with an underlying political statement, it belongs in the Lounge.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Tal - 06-17-2004

[ Wrote:Angel,Jun 17 2004, 11:41 AM] But should it really be on the Diablo2-forum? :)
It was a diablo 2 parody with underlying political themes about modern events. Its what made it funny. Additionally it would seem prudent to me, at least in border line cases like this, to let the Administrators worry about switching it to a more appropriate forum if necessary. :)

Denouncing the War against Hell - [wcip]Angel - 06-18-2004

I guess we can judge its nature (political vs humorous) by the responses its gotten. Evidently, the thread is where it belongs :)

A good laugh!

Quote:Swiped (with permission) from "Royal Assassin3".
Do we need permission to share this with other D2-enthusiasts. I'd like to show this to some of my D2-friends, but I wouldn't want to step on anybody's toes.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Obi2Kenobi - 06-18-2004

I asked said person if it could be distributed, and he said sure. :)

Denouncing the War against Hell - NuurAbSaal - 06-18-2004

Quote:We'll probably see heaven in the expansion to Diablo III, when we confront the treacherous Tyrael and liberate heaven 

unfortunately Tyrael will be bugged through a couple of DIII patches, so we'll have to wait for DIII 1.100 (zero added for emphasis) to finish the game.



Denouncing the War against Hell - Fragbait - 06-18-2004


Quote:when we confront the treacherous Tyrael

Pah. That guy couldn't even take on tal rasha/baal and the dark wanderer/diablo at the same time. Baal even trapped him in his tomb. Moreover, he lost his famous sword when he destroyed the worldstone. This foe can't be much of a challenge! :D
Nice twist of the storyline, though.

Greetings, Fragbait

Denouncing the War against Hell - Rinnhart - 06-18-2004

Blizzard needs a new plot twist.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Minionman - 06-19-2004

You talking about how in all their games a good guy goes bad and becomes very powerful? In that case, I agree with you, and think they way overdid it in Warcraft 3 with all the undead characters and sort of Illidan, Grom, and Kael'thas.

Denouncing the War against Hell - [wcip]Angel - 06-19-2004

Minionman,Jun 19 2004, 12:17 AM Wrote:You talking about how in all their games a good guy goes bad and becomes very powerful?  In that case, I agree with you, and think they way overdid it in Warcraft 3 with all the undead characters and sort of Illidan, Grom, and Kael'thas.
You better not be making fun of Kerrigan!

My sweet, sweet Sarah. I love you still, even in your hideously deformed state.

My dear Queen! I swell with awe and fear.

edit: yes! Still slightly drunk.

Denouncing the War against Hell - Assur - 06-19-2004

slightly? :P