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Warning: TPPK - Printable Version

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Warning: TPPK - AngryMob - 10-13-2004

This is just a warning, I was playing yesterday evening with my lvl 83 summoner Necro, and it seems theres a hack still working on the realms that allows a player to hostile very quickly. Example: I was in Hell a1 doing some runs, when an amazon joined my party. Normally i steer clear from other players, but being a summon necro, i felt somewhat safe. She came down my TP, started killing some monsters, then all of a sudden i see a million multi-shot coming in my direction. Instinct told me to hide behind my minions, and just as i did, a tp went up and bam, hostile. Didnt do much damage, must have been a weaker amazon, but the potential to kill is there. BTW, i play hardcore only, so this is a major setback for all hardcore players. My advice, stay out of parties with ANYONE unless you know them personally. This hack lets them hit one button and it triggers a town portal / hostile action, and if you are in the way of an attack in your direction (I guess it could work for almost any character...multi shot, bone spirit, fire balls, etc) It is sad to see the realms being raped in this manner, but I guess some people feel the need to play unfairly. At least i am still alive, as I have heard countless people fall to this same hack.


Warning: TPPK - gta-maloy] - 10-13-2004

AngryMob,Oct 13 2004, 02:26 PM Wrote:This is just a warning, I was playing yesterday evening with my lvl 83 summoner Necro, and it seems theres a hack still working on the realms that allows a player to hostile very quickly.  Example:  I was in Hell a1 doing some runs, when an amazon joined my party.  Normally i steer clear from other players, but being a summon necro, i felt somewhat safe.  She came down my TP, started killing some monsters, then all of a sudden i see a million multi-shot coming in my direction.  Instinct told me to hide behind my minions, and just as i did, a tp went up and bam, hostile.  Didnt do much damage, must have been a weaker amazon, but the potential to kill is there.  BTW, i play hardcore only, so this is a major setback for all hardcore players.  My advice, stay out of parties with ANYONE unless you know them personally.  This hack lets them hit one button and it triggers a town portal / hostile action, and if you are in the way of an attack in your direction (I guess it could work for almost any character...multi shot, bone spirit, fire balls, etc)  It is sad to see the realms being raped in this manner, but I guess some people feel the need to play unfairly.  At least i am still alive, as I have heard countless people fall to this same hack.


If you happen to see someone else do this, use this hack, please take down their account name and realm, report them to by including:

your acct. and realm
offender's acct. and realm
description of the event
screenshot is applicable
hack program or the site it came from (only if you can control, avoid virii)

These types of hacks must be stopped and we are the only ones that can report them regularly.

Warning: TPPK - Guest - 11-01-2004

Sounds serious.

If you see this again, dont hesitatae to e-mail blizard about it. You could make all the difference In bnet for those people who dont want to be a victim of that hack and to cleanse bnet of the hackers that use this particular hack.