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Total Conversion Mods for D2:LOD - Printable Version

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Total Conversion Mods for D2:LOD - ima_nerd - 04-05-2005

I love D2 but the scenery and missions have grown tedious. I've been looking for single player mods but all I've found are drop mods and low quality skill change mods. Are there any decent TC mods out there to make D2 a bit more interesting for me?

Edit: Grammer

Total Conversion Mods for D2:LOD - ChaosEnergy - 08-19-2005

The question is, what are you looking for..

A mod, changing completly look and feel, skills and so on, a mod, making original somewhat harder, mods with online community,
For a good view have a look into phrozenkeep ( or look at


Or have a look into my signature :)