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throwing damage equation - Printable Version

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throwing damage equation - rabidfox - 05-07-2005

I cannot figure out how the game calculates the damage that my throwing paladin does. I have looked several places and can't find the equations that help you figure that out. I'm almost certain that the one on the Arreat Summit is wrong, it only uses strength, and no dexterity.

I have a level 65-ish throwing paladin that uses holy shock with ITD throwing knives and fanatasism with javalins, and just for fun I stared using sanctury, and i'd like to figure out how much damage I'm actually doing with my sanctuary.

If someone could tell me the basic equation for throwing damage that factors in; (if nessisary) strength, dexterity, weapon damage, damage increases from charms (sharp charms) and damage increasing auras, it would help me out a great deal.

and another thing, are throwing weapons treated just like normal meele weapons if you fight hand to hand with them (as opposed to throwing them).

-Rabid Fox

throwing damage equation - BFD - 05-08-2005

Yes, throwing weapons are treated normally as axes, dagger or spears when used in melee.

This is the best explanation I've seen. From the Facts & Formulae Archive
Dracoy & Co' Wrote:Weapon Damage

Weapon Minimum Damage = Base Minimum Damage * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100) + (+x to Minimum Damage)
Weapon Maximum Damage = Base Maximum Damage * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100) + (+x to Maximum Damage)
+x % Enhanced Damage and +x to Minimum/Maximum Damage in this case is only what is shown on the weapon.


A Berserker Axe(27-71) with 296%ed and +50Max damage.

Weapon Maximum Damage = [Base Maximum Damage * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100)] + (+x to Maximum Damage)
= [71 * (1+ (296/100)] + 50
= [71 * (1+ 2.96)] + 50)
= [71 * (3.96)] + 50
= [281.16] + 50
= 281 + 50
= 331 Final Maximum Weapon Damage

Total Damage

Minimum Damage = (Weapon Minimum Damage + (+x To Minimum Damage)) * (1 + StatBonus + (+x% Enhanced Damage) / 100)) * Modifier
Maximum Damage = (Weapon Maximum Damage + (+x To Maximum Damage)) * (1 + StatBonus + (+x % Enhanced Damage) / 100)) * Modifier
+x % Enhanced Damage = all +x % Enhanced Damage from different items (jewels in armor/helm/shield, Lionheart etc.) and skills (both your skills, and others auras and Heart of Wolverine). Enhanced damage versus demons/undead is put here as well.
'+x To Minimum/Maximum Damage' in this case is from items other than the weapon (armor and charms). You could add +x to Minimum/Maximum Damage in the next formula, but I choose to add it here since when it comes from other than weapon, it isn't displayed on the weapon.
-% dmg from skills like Weaken, Taunt (monster only), Battle Cry is put here. If monsters have no StatsBonus or Skill ed%, then -% dmg will lower their dmg by the stated amount. When they have an aura (Might/Fanat), the -% reduces the skill ed%.
+damage (ie, The Redeemer) is the same as +min/max dmg, with the +min and +max being equal to the amount shown. The Character Screen does not take +damage into account when calculating total dmg.
StatBonus = a damage bonus you get from your strength and/or dexterity (depends on what kind of weapon you're using).
Hammers (War Hammer, Maul, Great Maul and their excep and elite counterparts) : 1.10*str / 100
Daggers, Throwing Weapons and Assassin Claws: (0.75*str / 100) + (0.75*dex / 100)
Bows and Crossbows: dex / 100
Amazon Only Spears/Javelins: (0.80*str / 100) + (0.50 *dex /100)
Other Weapons: str / 100
Rounded down to 0.01 accuracy

Default = 1
Multiple Shot/Strafe/Lightning Bolt = 0.75
Critical Hit/Deadly Strike = 2
Blade Fury 1h = 0.75
Blade Sentinel/Blade Fury 2h = 0.375
Blade Shield = 0.25

+x % Enhanced Damage jewels in weapons enhances the weapon damage directly, but if you place the jewels in armor/shield/helm, the bonus will be added along with stats-bonus and skills.

If a jewel adds both ed% and min dmg, the ed% will only affect the max dmg.
If a jewel has both ed% and max dmg, the ed% only affects the min dmg.

Ethereal Weapon Damage

Weapon Minimum Damage = [[Base Minimum Damage * 1.5] * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100)] + (+x to Minimum Damage)
Weapon Maximum Damage = [[Base Maximum Damage * 1.5] * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100)] + (+x to Maximum Damage)
+x % Enhanced Damage and +x to Minimum/Maximum Damage in this case is only what is shown on the weapon.

[] = Round Down


An Ethereal Berserker Axe(27-71) with 296%ed and +50Max damage.

Weapon Maximum Damage = [[Base Maximum Damage * 1.5] * (1+ (+x % Enhanced Damage)/100)] + (+x to Maximum Damage)
= [[71 * 1.5] * (1+ (296/100)] + 50
= [[106.5] * (1+ 2.96)] + 50)
= [106 * (1+ 2.96)] + 50)
= [106 * (3.96)] + 50
= [419.76] + 50
= 419 + 50
= 469 Final Maximum Weapon Damage

throwing damage equation - rabidfox - 05-09-2005

Thank you for the speedy reply. That had the information I was looking for.

One thing I did notice though, my throwing weapons were not being treated like normal meele weapons when I meele with them. The damage didn't calculate correctly using only strenght as a factor, they still need the part strength part dexterity equation to calculate correctly, at least on the charater screen, and this applied to throwing knives, axes and javelans. so that means any character "could" be doing more damage meeleing with a throwing weapon rather than a non-throwing weapon, "if" you had enough dexterity.

example: a barbarian that uses 1-handed axes could find a good damage throwing axe(cruel winged axe), and even though it's listed one hand damage might be lower than a non-throwing axe (ferocious ettin axe). but if the barbarian has enough dexterity, he could be doing more damage with the throwing weapon.

might be worth checking out, but probably won't make a big difference at all, because throwing weapons meele damage is significantly below that of standard meele weapons.

throwing damage equation - adeyke - 05-09-2005

rabidfox,May 9 2005, 10:53 AM Wrote:The damage didn't calculate correctly using only strenght as a factor, they still need the part strength part dexterity equation to calculate correctly, at least on the charater screen, and this applied to throwing knives, axes and javelans.[right][snapback]76698[/snapback][/right]

This is how it's supposed to work. The stat-based damage bonus is a property of the weapon itself, regardless of how you use it. All daggers, throwing axes, and javelins (other than amazon-only ones) get .75 off-weapon ED per point in strength or dexterity. It doesn't matter if you're using them in mêlée or at range.