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Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - nobbie - 06-17-2005

A quick question:

Are the Warlock grimoires/abilities for summoning an Infernal and a Doomguard still just very rare, hard to come by drops, or are there special quests now in patch 1.5 which allow you to learn these important highend skills?

If there are quests now, at which levels can the Warlock do them, and where can I find more detailed info?

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Lissa - 06-17-2005

nobbie,Jun 17 2005, 06:18 AM Wrote:A quick question:

Are the Warlock grimoires/abilities for summoning an Infernal and a Doomguard still just very rare, hard to come by drops, or are there special quests now in patch 1.5 which allow you to learn these important highend skills?

If there are quests now, at which levels can the Warlock do them, and where can I find more detailed info?

They're quests now, have been since 1.3.

As to level, you still cannot get through the quest without major help for the Infernal prior to 55+ (if you do it at 50, you're going to need a couple near 60 friends to help you complete it) even though it's our lv 50 pet. The Doomguard is only gotten upon reaching lv 60 and is an excerise in masochism (you'll two or three times getting to the quest giver, possibly 2 or 3 times getting to a commander, and 2 or 3 times returning to the quest giver to turn in the quest).

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - nobbie - 06-17-2005

Thanks. Are there URL's like Thottbot with detailed step-by-step info for each quest?

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Icebird - 06-17-2005


1. Talk to Niby the Almighty, the gnome at Shatter Scar Vale. His imp Impsy gives you a quest to collect 3 flawless essences from various demons: Jaedenar Legionnaires in Shadow Hold, Legash satyrs in Azshara, and Felguard sentries at in the Tainted Lands (they're the non-elite demons patrolling near the Dark Portal).

2. Niby then asks you to resurrect Kroshius, a level 56 elite infernal. You have to kill him for his infernal core. Best tactic is to Enslave one of the Infernal Bodyguards - they're immunie to all his attacks. Don't do anything in the battle - your very damage will draw aggro. Just let your demon wear away his health and hope Enslave doesn't break.

3. Return to Niby but watch out for the surprise at the end...


1. Find quest giver in Tainted Scar. I recommend taking off all your gear, and making a naked ride for him (fast horse helps... you may want to do the Dreadsteed quest first). He's a table surrounded by chains in the northern part of the instance. (Who is he, and what the hell he's doing there is another mystery....). You will die. Rez very very carefully next to him (demons are barely out of aggro range) and grab the quests fast.

2. Quest number one: Collect satyr blood from the demons in DM East. Not too difficult in a group.

3. Quest number two: Collect tears from Hederine demons in Darkwhisper Gorge. I've heard these guys are an almighty pain to kill. One tactic I've heard: Chain fear them for 3 minutes so you can Curse of Doom them 3 times.

4. Final part: Imprison a Doomguard Commander. From the reports I've heard this is very buggy in the latest patch. You have to channel a spell, and almost any action the Commander takes currently breaks channelling. The only successful strategy I've heard is for a hunter to freeze trap it.

And for that you get two pets that aren't very reliable to control after 5-10 minutes without talents.


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Lissa - 06-17-2005

nobbie,Jun 17 2005, 07:31 AM Wrote:Thanks. Are there URL's like Thottbot with detailed step-by-step info for each quest?

There's a couple of posts about how to do each at Blizzard's Warlock forums. Post is stickied IIRC.

Allakhazam may have info on how to do it step by step as well.

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Lissa - 06-17-2005

Icebird,Jun 17 2005, 09:41 AM Wrote:Doomguard

1. You will die. Rez very very carefully next to him (demons are barely out of aggro range) and grab the quests fast.


Unfortuneately, this is not the case anymore. You will very likely die a second time talking to the quest giver as no place is safe around him (an actual patrol wanders very close to him and those demons surrounding the altar are also close enough to see you at 60).

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Icebird - 06-17-2005

I guess I should have clarified. My experience...

I rezzed right next to the quest giver. None of the stationery demons aggroed when I rezzed. I grabbed the quests (clicked accept without reading them to get them in the log), then started to read what he had to say. The patrolling demon entered aggro range and killed me. I spirit rezzed, since the graveyard is located close to Netherhgarde.

In other words, you need to rez carefully to avoid getting killed *before* you can get the quests. You probably will die on the way out.

Blizzard *really* wanted to make using a Doomguard painful for locks. After all that work you get a spell which requires a party of 5, a 90 silver reagent, and the sacrifice of a party member to use.


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Drasca - 06-17-2005

Lissa,Jun 17 2005, 01:48 PM Wrote:You will very likely die a second time talking to the quest giver as no place is safe around him (an actual patrol wanders very close to him and those demons surrounding the altar are also close enough to see you at 60).

Very correct. Multiple corpse runs are likely. Its not as bad as frogger's higher levels, but still fairly challenging just to get to the quest giver, get said quest.

Hint to all new warlocks: keep your Sense demons on, and veer right upon first entering the tainted scar. It is very possible to do it deathless, but takes a lot of attention and a bit of luck. Frogger away!

At 60, its easiest to do all three dreadsteed, infernal, and doomguard quests all in one bout.
Quote:4. Final part: Imprison a Doomguard Commander. From the reports I've heard this is very buggy in the latest patch. You have to channel a spell, and almost any action the Commander takes currently breaks channelling. The only successful strategy I've heard is for a hunter to freeze trap it.

The final part of doomguard is pretty easy once you have a 5 man party.

Not really buggy when I did it. I was attacked at least 4 times and it didn't break. Might've been set back a bit, but I've 'captured' several 4 Commanders this way.

At the time though, I didn't know 'capturing' them leaves a pokeball-esque gem item object on the map floor to be picked up. I assumed it would automatically be created in my inventory like soul shards. Remember, when you capture commanders, they leave an item to be picked up where they were 'captured'.

Quote:Blizzard *really* wanted to make using a Doomguard painful for locks. After all that work you get a spell which requires a party of 5, a 90 silver reagent, and the sacrifice of a party member to use.

And it doesn't start out enslaved. Your warlock can die in the ritual. Basically, you can never use this in the field, and PvE many guilds are too afraid to use it in raid. Not that you necessarily can spare the shards even in a boss battle.

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Icebird - 06-18-2005

Drasca,Jun 17 2005, 03:09 PM Wrote:The final part of doomguard is pretty easy once you have a 5 man party.

Not really buggy when I did it. I was attacked at least 4 times and it didn't break. Might've been set back a bit, but I've 'captured' several 4 Commanders this way.

Can you confirm you did the quest after the release of the 1.5 patch Drasca? (ie in the last week and a half or so).

I've read a lot of reports that since the patch, the channeling spell breaks much more easily. Players were finding that almost any action at all by the Doomguard Commander would break the channeling: changes target, spell breaks, attacks someone else, spell breaks, uses an ability, spell breaks.

Killed 3 Hederine slayers in about half an hour last night. Chain feared them each for 5 minutes straight with multiple Curse of Dooms. Total Tears of the Hederine found: Zero. BLizzard hate us.


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - KiloVictor - 06-21-2005

Icebird,Jun 18 2005, 07:32 AM Wrote:Killed 3 Hederine slayers in about half an hour last night.  Chain feared them each for 5 minutes straight with multiple Curse of Dooms.
That's probably a more efficient way to kill them than I used, but I didn't want to deal with fear breaking constantly, so I used my curse slot for Curse of Shadows and dotted them to death. With Nightfall procs for shadowbolts, it worked pretty well. I found that circle strafing was a requirement to keep the mob at or near max range so I could get fear off in time after renewing dots.
Icebird,Jun 18 2005, 07:32 AM Wrote:Total Tears of the Hederine found: Zero. BLizzard hate us.
Doubly true -- I think the drop rate is around 10%, which is bad enough. Worse is that they seem to have broken the fear dynamic with the 1.5 patch. Previously, if you feared a mob that was inbound for you, they'd start moving off immediately. Post-patch, it seems that they continue pathing to you after fear lands, *then* run off in some random direction. But if you get unlucky and fear breaks quickly, they're standing right there on top of you with that bloody great sword. :(


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Icebird - 06-21-2005

I'm waiting to try again with another warlock. Multiple CoDs / Corruptions should the speed this process up a bit. But a 10% drop rate? That's insane!


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Drasca - 06-24-2005

Icebird,Jun 21 2005, 04:51 PM Wrote:I'm waiting to try again with another warlock. Multiple CoDs / Corruptions should the speed this process up a bit. But a 10% drop rate? That's insane!

Heh, I've slain dozens of those demons total. However... you'll want to work your way deeper inside Darkwhisperer gorge, preferably with a friend. Any class. Rogues work well. Search for Hederine Initiates, succubi types. Don't bother with the mana burners unless you have to (felhunter types), they don't drop tears.S ense demon for the Initiates. They drop tears as well, and are much easier to kill than Slayers. Ideally have felhunter with you, as Initiates regularly immolate. Spell lock and devour those immos.

Also of note is the Hederine queen deep within the gorge. She's quite fun to play with. Find and slay her!

Loot wasn't great, but well worth the journey.

Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - KiloVictor - 06-24-2005

Drasca,Jun 24 2005, 11:45 AM Wrote:Don't bother with the mana burners unless you have to (felhunter types), they don't drop tears.
They do drop tears, but they're not a fun fight for casters.


Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - Drasca - 06-28-2005

KiloVictor,Jun 24 2005, 03:37 PM Wrote:They do drop tears, but they're not a fun fight for casters.

Ah that's a change. Never had much trouble fighting them here, but I was paired up with a rogue at the time. Don't recall what happened fighting solo.

Still, Initiates are any new lock's best bet. It takes base investment of effort to get inside, but its much easier once you do enter darkwhisperer gorge.