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Full Hammerdin Guide - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurker Games (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-6.html) +--- Forum: Diablo II (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-8.html) +--- Thread: Full Hammerdin Guide (/thread-6182.html) |
Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 *^-The Hammerdin-^* Stats: Strength: 120 for a nice nigma Dexterity:add about 20 points for Defence Vitality:The rest Life is so important on a hammerdin Energy:This is ur other important stat i suggest for every lvl add 2 Energy & 3 Vit Skills: Max These In Order Blessed Hammer Concintration Blessed Aim Vigor Holysheild: The rest after u max ^ Equipment: Helm-Shako Ammy-Maras(Res makes it better than nething) Armour-Nigma (the key to a beast) Uped magi for poor people. Weapon-Hoto (nice try and get a good 1 high res) Wizardspike (this is nice too) Sheild-Zak Gloves-Magefist Boots-Waterwalks or somthing else u can find with nice res and castrate mana Belt-Tgods (so good for absorb id use it) Arachnid(do i need to compliment) String (nice Damage Reduction) Rings- 2 Dwarfstar (mabey 1 raven and 1 dwarfstar id use 2 see below) Pros Good tanks Can teleport like sorces with nigma and cast rate Great def with holysheild Life (if you do what i said) Ability to solo( i have yet to see a hammer immune hehe) Fast killers Cons Kinda hard to kill stuff in small places(like durance) Thats it realy Strategy: Ok, this is a great strategy for being able to solo and in my opinion if u want to be the best hammerdin. All u need is absorb. Hint you realy dont need to do so much more damage with plus skills absorb and cast rate is ur main priority. To make up for the loss of having the 2 Dwarfstars instead of sojs simply get a few combat grandcharms. And use Thundergods belt for gods sake you will still be able to hit 10k and beast diablo in under 5 seconds. All that absorb will let you go through the Chaos Sanctuary without getting hurt. You will only loose little life due to ur Holysheild and the points into Vitality and when u get hit by venom lords or any spellcaster in the sancuary there spells will heal you due to your great absorb and restances. This is the best possible build for a hammerdin in diablo 2 lod 1.10. I have only died one time due to lag while doing a solo baal run it was 1 of 50 so dont bust my chops dog. But my all time favorite place of course is chaos sanctuary because of how much my char owns it how much it is, the experiance and the great drops. I can garentee you 100 percent unless u lag very bad that this will be your best character you have made. My Hammerdin was doing solo baal and chaos runs at lv 80 now im lv 89 and still doing it all the experiance was solo basically. Try this strategy or ur the biggest fag. -for you bastards who said im basically illiterate- lol Wu-Tang! Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 this is the best character in my opinion you can possibly make on diablo i havent made a char even close try it Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 tell me if u like this guide and try it Full Hammerdin Guide - ShadowHM - 06-22-2005 Wu-Tang,Jun 22 2005, 04:04 PM Wrote:Try this strategy or ur the biggest fag. My dear child: 1) Not all who play this game want the endless boredom of a clickfest. Your strategy involves little other than "collect the following uber-gear and click endlessly", aiming for only two super-uniques per game. 2) Insults are a poor way to garner support. 2) You still cannot spell, which is an impediment to communication on a forum. You cannot have Lurked long here. If you persist with this style of posting, you will undoubtedly not be allowed to Lurk for long. I strongly suggest you take a time-out to read other posts and consider your audience before posting again. Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 dude my guide is basicaly telling you that you need absorb on a hammerdin to be any good i can use a char with vipermagi pesants hat and a wizspike with absorb and still own its absorb which im trying to express Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 Im not gonna make a guide about crap armour to make a crap char this guide is for people who arent noobs and can afford nigma and hoto and this is to make the best possible char wu-Tang! Full Hammerdin Guide - gekko - 06-22-2005 Wu-Tang,Jun 22 2005, 04:49 PM Wrote:Im not gonna make a guide about crap armour to make a crap char this guide is for people who arent noobs and can afford nigma and hoto and this is to make the best possible char *poke* Nah, this one ain't even interesting. gekko Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 its not supposed to be interesting gekko i just made it to show u ow to make the best hammerdin show me a better build Full Hammerdin Guide - Minionman - 06-22-2005 Wu-Tang,Jun 22 2005, 03:57 PM Wrote:its not supposed to be interesting gekko i just made it to show u ow to make the best hammerdin show me a better build Wouldn't azurewrath and/or unupgraded bloodletter be better for this character? How about edge bow? Full Hammerdin Guide - Guest - 06-22-2005 im not quite catching u minion u think a bow and a barb wep are better than hoto? please write back im interested in what ur trying to say Full Hammerdin Guide - Yogi_Baar - 06-24-2005 Wu-Tang,Jun 22 2005, 11:20 PM Wrote:im not quite catching u minion u think a bow and a barb wep are better than hoto? please write back im interested in what ur trying to sayDon't bother, Minionman. It looks like he doesn't know about the interaction of Thorns and Concentration. Sure, you lose the shield, but what you gain is... well, I don't want to reveal too much. And neither should anyone else. If he really wants to know, he'll search the forum for the info. If not, he'll just be another n00bl4r who still thinks HotO is good. *smirk* Full Hammerdin Guide - SetBuilder - 06-26-2005 Yogi_Baar,Jun 23 2005, 11:32 PM Wrote:Don't bother, Minionman. It looks like he doesn't know about the interaction of Thorns and Concentration. Sure, you lose the shield, but what you gain is... well, I don't want to reveal too much. And neither should anyone else. If he really wants to know, he'll search the forum for the info. You have to also understand this person isn't interested (from what I see) in "fun" builds, or challenging builds. This is primarily a build good for runs on bnet, really wouldn't be any point playing it, other than that. My guess would be if he builds a druid, it's a tank as well. Full Hammerdin Guide - Griselda - 06-28-2005 Good-bye Wu-Tang, You are no longer welcome here. The primary reason is spamming and insults- - Making extra threads to "advertise" current threads at the top of the forum is not appreciated. Similarly, bumping current topics is generally frowned upon. - Use of insulting language such as "ur the biggest fag", etc. is not welcome here. - Posts asking to trade items are not welcome here. Any one of these things by themselves might have earned you a warning and not a ban. All of them together, however, warrant a ban. For other Lurkers who might be reading and wondering, I deleted a few of Wu-Tang's threads. I always delete trading posts, because if I just lock them, people can still contact the poster through private messaging or on battle.net to arrange a trade. If there's the possibility that posters could profit from a trading thread, there's no reason to avoid posting them. I also deleted a topic that was just an ad for another topic. If anybody disagrees with my actions here in banning this poster, please take it up with me via private messaging. Thanks. |