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Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-08-2006

We've recently completed an extensive review of the Shaman class, plugging in many changes for the next major content patch.

One of the first thing we reviewed was the mana cost for each Shaman spell and ability. The following list of spells will see a reduction in mana cost upon the release of the next patch.

Searing Totem - Mana cost reduced.

Mana Spring Totem - Mana cost reduced.

Healing Stream Totem - Mana cost reduced.

Rockbiter, Frostbrand, Flametongue and Windfury Weapon - Mana costs reduced.

Lightning Bolt - Mana cost reduced.

Next we took a took a pass at the duration for each Shaman spell and ability. This next list outlines spells which will see an increase to spell duration for patch 1.11.

Disease Cleansing Totem - Duration increased.

Fire Resistance Totem - Duration increased.

Flametongue Totem - Duration increased.

Frost Resistance Totem - Duration increased.

Grace of Air Totem - Duration of ranks 1 and 2 increased.

Nature Resistance Totem - Duration increased.

Poison Cleansing Totem - Duration increased.

Stoneskin Totem - Duration increased.

Strength of Earth Totem - Duration of ranks 1 through 4 increased.

Tremor Totem - Duration increased.

Windfury Totem - Duration increased.

Windwall Totem - Duration increased.

Players should also be happy to know that skill levels gained with two weapons when specced with the "Two-Handed Axes/Maces Enhancement Talent" will now be retained should a player unspend this talent point and return to it later.

Since we're on the topic of talents, I thought I'd give you some insight to a number of upcoming changes specifically affecting talents for the next patch. A full preview will be available through the interactive talent calculator, which should go live sometime in the next couple of days. Please note when reviewing these changes that it isn't necessarily comprehensive of every change, and that all numbers provided are based upon maximum rank investment.


Starting with the first tier, you'll immediately notice that Convection has replaced Improved Lightning Bolt. Only now the passive effect of Convection will reduce the mana cost of Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 10%. Similarly, you'll notice that the Concussion will now improve damage done by Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 5%, in addition to Shock spells.

Moving along to the second tier, you'll notice Earth's Grasp, a talent that increases the health of the Stoneclaw Totem by 50% and the radius of the Earthbind Totem by 20%, for a mere two points. This is a significant improvement over the current Improved Stoneclaw Totem talent.

Call of Flame will now increase damage done by Fire Totems by 15% for 3 points, rather than 10% for 5 points.

The final tier 2 talent available is completely new -- Elemental Warding. For three points this talent will reduce damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 10%.

Outside of the fact that there is no longer a prerequisite for Reverberation there are no changes to the tier 3 Elemental talents.

The fourth tier now has a few more options available beyond just Improved Fire Nova Totem -- which is now named Improved Fire Totems, and now decreases the threat generated by the Magma Totem by 50%, in addition to the two second reduction to the delay before the Fire Nova Totem activates. Those new options are:

Eye of the Storm (3 points): Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Storm Reach (2 points): Increase the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning Bolt spells by 6 yards.

Deeper into the tree, at tier 5 you'll notice another new talent -- Elemental Devastation. For three points, your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 9% for 10 seconds.

Competing with this talent is Elemental Fury, left unchanged.

The second to final talent in this tree is Lightning Mastery, while left unchanged now requires Call of Thunder.

Toping off this tree, the 31-point talent, Elemental Mastery will now reduce the mana cost of the next spell by 100%, in addition to giving your next Fire, Frost or Nature spell a 100% critical strike chance. Also, the cooldown has been reduced to 3 minutes, from 5.


The only change to the first tier of talent in this tree affects Shield Specialization, which now offers a 25% increase to the amount of damage blocked by shields, in addition to improving block chance by 5%.
Moving onto tier 2 talents, you'll also notice only a single change. Guardian Totems, which replaces the Improved Stoneskin Totem talent, reduces the cooldown of the Grounding Totem by 2 seconds and increases the effect of both the Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 20%.

Upon reaching tier 3, players will notice that the Improved Strength of Earth Totem talent has been replaced with Enhancing Totems which increases the effect of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 15%.

Flurry and Toughness will now be the tier 4 options, both left unchanged.

Competing with Parry, at tier 5 will be two new talents:
Improved Weapon Totems (2 points): Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 30% and the damage of your Flametongue Totem by 12%.
Elemental Weapons (3 points): Increases attack power bonus of Rockbiter by 20%, Windfury by 40% and damage of Flametongue/Frostbrand by 15%.

Weapon Mastery, now the new 26 point talent increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 10%.

Lastly, Stormstrike, now the only 31-point talent option in this tree has had it's mana cost reduced and the cooldown shortened to 20 seconds.


The first changes to this tree start at the 2nd tier. Improved Reincarnation will now resurrect the Shaman with 20% more health and mana, in addition to the 20 cooldown minute reduction. Ancestral Healing will provide the same benefit for only 3-points, and Totemic Focus will now reduce the mana cost of totems by 15% at max rank.

Four new talents are now available as tier 3 options.

Nature's Guidance (3 points): Increases chance to hit with melee and spells by 3%.
Healing Focus (5 points): Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.
Totemic Mastery (1 point): Increase radius of totems that affect friendly targets by 5 yards.
Healing Grace (3 points): Reduces threat caused by healing spells by 15%.

Combat Endurance, Eventide and Improved Lesser Healing Wave have been removed from the game completely, keeping Captain Placeholder company.

At tier 4, replacing the Improved Healing Stream Talent is Restorative Totems. A talent that increases the effect of the Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 25%.

You'll notice two things at tier 5. Nature's Swiftness no longer has a prerequisite, and another brand new talent:

Healing Way (3 point): Healing Wave spells cast on the target cause an effect that increases the effectiveness of any Healing Wave spell cast on that target by 6% for 15 seconds. This effect will stack of to three times.

The last change to this tree affects the 31-point talent, Mana Tide Totem. Mana regen has been increased for all ranks.

Other notable changes, you should be aware of include:

Windfury Weapon - Attack power bonus reduced. (This spell's effectiveness will now be more in line with other weapon enchantments).

Flame Tongue Weapon - Damage increased.

Rockbiter Weapon - Attack Power increased slightly.

Flame Shock - Damage over time portion of all ranks slightly increased. Mana cost of ranks 3 through 5 decreased.

Flame Shock - A new rank is available (rank 6) from Upper Blackrock Spire.

Elemental Fury: Tooltip now indicates it increases the critical damage for Searing Totem, Magma Totem, and Fire Nova Totem.

Fire Nova Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from effects that increase the Shaman's spell damage.

Grounding Totem: This totem will no longer reflect the Mage talent Combustion back onto the Mage.

Healing Stream Totem: This totem now receives increased healing from effects that increase the Shaman's healing and spell damage.

Magma Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from effects that increase the Shaman's spell damage.

Searing Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from effects that increase the Shaman's spell damage.

Windwall Totem: Greatly improved damage reduced by this totem.

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-08-2006

Terrible! Gahh!!

Zero raid love for Shamages, meaning any raid group pushing new content should just tell them to stay home.

They actually reduced the raid viablity of deep enhancement shammys by moving improved grace of air so far up the tree. Unless they make stormstrike cost 0 or close to 0, its still a waste of space.

Good thing they buffed Resto, because that is what 90% of cutting edge shaman will be forced to do.

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-08-2006

The consensus of my guild's shaman are:

Our elemental shamans are jumping for joy. Not only was the one tree that didn't need help not nerfed, but it was buffed, making elemental shaman even better for PvP.

Our (two) restoration shaman say the buffs to the resto tree were OK but not great. At least they'll have more utility in raids.

The enhancement tree, the one that needed the most work, got the least amount of help.

Looks like the standard shaman will be 31 elemental/20 restoration still with a smattering of people who decide to go full resto because all they do is raid. So, while other talent reviews have been designed around getting a larger variety of class builds, this review only strengthened the already existing cookie-cutter builds.

I was really hoping that Mana Tide would be given to all shaman, but I guess my inside source wasn't pulling my leg in this case.

Shaman Talents Released! - Kevin - 05-09-2006

Yep like paladins. The tree that needed the most help actually got nerfed in some peoples opinions and the two cookie cutter builds got tweaked a little (the 31 retribution and the 31 holy were the two major cookie cutter builds before the review). Sorry shaman, sucks that you got the paladin class people doing your review.

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-09-2006

Your guys go 31/0/20? Interesting. I don't see how you can beat NS in PvP, can you tell me their opinions on it? When they raid, do they actually cast a lot of damage spells on cutting edge encounters? Or do you guys just figure gear + skill > spec, who cares if they have wasted most of their talents?

Resto looks a lot better to me, especially since it was already the clear raiding tree. You can save some points on dumbass prereqs and have some nifty places to put them.

But really, if they are giving innervate to all druids, manatide to all shamans only makes sense. And it really isn't hard to come up with decent raiding talents for the bottom of all trees. This took me all of about 3min to do.

Resto - Healing reflection: Healing wave causes 5% damage to your target's target, if it is hostile. The threat from this damage is applied to your target.

Enhancement - Combine enhancing totems, Elemental Weapons, and Weapon totems into one 5 point talent, and put it in tier 6. Make stormstrike cost about 1/5 the mana it does, and have the vulerablity apply to fire, frost and nature.

Elemental - Elemental mastery totem - Fire totem, increases spell damage by 100.

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-09-2006

oldmandennis,May 8 2006, 05:21 PM Wrote:Your guys go 31/0/20?  Interesting.  I don't see how you can beat NS in PvP, can you tell me their opinions on it?  When they raid, do they actually cast a lot of damage spells on cutting edge encounters?  Or do you guys just figure gear + skill > spec, who cares if they have wasted most of their talents?

Hmm... perhaps I misspoke, since I haven't played a shaman myself past level 15. Maybe the cookie cutter is 30/21 elemental/resto to get nature's swiftness. The current end of the resto tree doesn't have much, so they don't lose much by not getting those talents. The main complaint they've always had about getting Mana Tide has always been how they'd have to "waste" ten points to get it.

Shaman Talents Released! - lemekim - 05-09-2006

The stackable Healing Wave buff is nice - if it works on Lesser Healing Wave as well (which it sounds like it does).

Otherwise the changes to restoration/raiding don't seem like enough. The totems got an increase in duration from 1.5 minutes to 2 minutes (thats the duration of the newest ranks of the Grace of Air and Strength of Earth, which were left unchanged). Yet there is nothing that addresses raid buffing at all.

Mana tide is still a 31 point talent, even though like Innervate, a lot of Shamans were forced to spec into it, and it limited their specs. We all know Innervate was made into a natural skill... I didn't expect that to happen of course, but at least moving it to a 10 talent point, like Blessing of Kings, seemed like a sensible thing.

Shaman Talents Released! - Artega - 05-09-2006

And that means poor little Frostbrand Weapon is STILL useless.

What I wanted to see done with it was an increase to its snare capabilities. I don't think a 60% snare (with talents) would be overpowering, since Earthbind is on a cooldown, and Frost Shock has diminishing returns.

It looks as though most tots are seeing a general improvement, but this still doesn't change the fact that it's still a flawed mechanic. I'd like to see totem health increases, either based on caster level, or through a talent. Being able to one-shot tots with a wand or quick Hamstring really makes them fairly difficult to use in PvP, unless you happen to have War Stomp handy.

Searing Totem did not need its mana cost reduced; it needed its damage increased and its duration decreased. No fight is going to last 45 seconds, and it's terrible for instances anyway, since it has an annoying tendancy to break CC.

As already mentioned, they buffed the one tree that absolutely did not need it, left Restoration about where it's been (the stackable Healing Wave buff sounds nifty), and didn't fix most of the serious flaws with Enhancement.

Nice to see Shield Specialization getting some love, since there's now actually more than one choice for your first five points, though I'd still take Ancestral Knowledge.

Guardian Totems is nice; it still won't do much for Stoneskin and Windwall (not that I use them to begin with), but the reduced cooldown on Grounding is very nice.

Aside from this, I'm not particularly thrilled with any of the changes. This coming from the same people that have nerfed my class of choice with damned near every single patch since release, I'm not particularly surprised, either.

Shaman Talents Released! - ildon - 05-09-2006

I'm really disappointed that people aren't realizing how EXTREMELY streamlined the enhancement tree has become.

Quote:Moving onto tier 2 talents, you'll also notice only a single change. Guardian Totems, which replaces the Improved Stoneskin Totem talent, reduces the cooldown of the Grounding Totem by 2 seconds and increases the effect of both the Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 20%.
At (apparently) the cost of a slight nerf to imp grounding totem (which no one got anyway), this consolidates two talents into one, and adds the bonus to windwall totem (you can stop laughing now, it's still a buff).

Quote:Upon reaching tier 3, players will notice that the Improved Strength of Earth Totem talent has been replaced with Enhancing Totems which increases the effect of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 15%.
This is HUGE. Enhancement is no longer a total trash tree for raiding. A 31 point talent moved to tier 3, for zero talent point cost? I like it. Tier 3 was always tough to fill out before. Now, if you're not really pvping, this is a must-have.

Quote:Competing with Parry, at tier 5 will be two new talents:
Improved Weapon Totems (2 points): Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 30% and the damage of your Flametongue Totem by 12%.
Every raiding warrior (and some rogues) LOVES windfury totem, and in areas where all the mobs are not fire resistant/immune (aq, naxx) flametongue totem is extremely under rated. It stacks with your choice of goa, tranq, or nr totem. I love this new talent.
Quote:Elemental Weapons (3 points): Increases attack power bonus of Rockbiter by 20%, Windfury by 40% and damage of Flametongue/Frostbrand by 15%.
In addition to doubling the buff power of two of the talents and increasing the other two by 50%, this consolidates what was theoretically EIGHT talent points into TWO. Basically, an enhancement shaman can actually have a compelling reason to switch between wf and rockbiter (yeah, the other two are still pretty much a joke) as the situation calls for, without hesitating due to being specced for one or the other.

Quote:Weapon Mastery, now the new 26 point talent increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 10%.

Quote:Lastly, Stormstrike, now the only 31-point talent option in this tree has had it's mana cost reduced and the cooldown shortened to 20 seconds.
I'd still rather have NS or elemental fury...

Basically, the buffbot raid build for shaman has arrived. It was always something I wanted to try before, but putting like 35 talents in one tree for almost no return was just stupid. Now you can go 25 in the tree and reap all the rewards necessary for raiding, with almost no impact on your healing ability. And if you're a buffbot, you're in the warrior/tank/rogue/(hunter?) group anyway, and manatide is not really helping you. Combine this with the increased duration of totems, and the increased range on totems talent... Enhancement is no longer a "pvp-only" tree.

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-09-2006

ildon,May 9 2006, 01:22 AM Wrote:Enhancement is no longer a "pvp-only" tree.

Great commentary. My only nit is that Enhancement was never a PvP tree. In fact, Enhancement shamans are generally laughed at in PvP. The Elemental tree was the PvP tree and will be even more so after these changes.

Shaman Talents Released! - Artega - 05-09-2006

MongoJerry,May 9 2006, 11:57 AM Wrote:Great commentary.  My only nit is that Enhancement was never a PvP tree.  In fact, Enhancement shamans are generally laughed at in PvP.  The Elemental tree was the PvP tree and will be even more so after these changes.

Enhancement was the leveling tree; Shaman Mana efficiency is horrific, and melee is free, so it makes sense. You notice a very large leveling speed increase after you get Parry and Toughness.

While 31 Elemental is popular, I think the most popular build was the 23/7/21 cookiecutter; this gets you Improved Fire Nova, Elemental Fury, Improved Ghost Wolf, and Nature's Swiftness.

With the upcoming buffs to Elemental, I think 31+ Elemental will become the new cookiecutter, especially given the range increases given to Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-09-2006

Calculator is up, by the way.

Quote:While 31 Elemental is popular, I think the most popular build was the 23/7/21 cookiecutter; this gets you Improved Fire Nova, Elemental Fury, Improved Ghost Wolf, and Nature's Swiftness.

I don't know... the only time I miss IGW (now that I don't solo quests much, and don't need to get away from a pack of angry mobs after missing a runner) is if I am trying to flag run in a Pug wsg without a druid. On the rare occasion I need to make a quick escape, either NS or warstomp will probably let me get away. Or you can just run and drop EB. Lightning shield might be a bit underrated.

Quote:With the upcoming buffs to Elemental, I think 31+ Elemental will become the new cookiecutter, especially given the range increases given to Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.

I know of _one_ shaman who has stormstrike - the rest ALL have NS. I don't really see anything here that is going to change it.

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-09-2006

/bonks self

The obvious new raiding 31 point Enhance talent - Bloodlust

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-09-2006

oldmandennis,May 9 2006, 01:09 PM Wrote:/bonks self

The obvious new raiding 31 point Enhance talent - Bloodlust

10 bucks says it'll be added as a 41 point talent in the expansion. (Not based on any information other than my own speculation).

Shaman Talents Released! - Artega - 05-10-2006

oldmandennis,May 9 2006, 02:08 PM Wrote:Calculator is up, by the way.
I don't know... the only time I miss IGW (now that I don't solo quests much, and don't need to get away from a pack of angry mobs after missing a runner) is if I am trying to flag run in a Pug wsg without a druid.  On the rare occasion I need to make a quick escape, either NS or warstomp will probably let me get away.  Or you can just run and drop EB.  Lightning shield might be a bit underrated.
I know of _one_ shaman who has stormstrike - the rest ALL have NS.  I don't really see anything here that is going to change it.

Which is why I said Elemental, not Enhancement. Or are you referring to Elemental Mastery?

As for IGW, I find it vital to proper kiting. I can't stand and melee with a Rogue or Fury Warrior, but with IGW, I can quite easily kite them; snare them, IGW away, heal, melee until I need to heal again, and then repeat. A bit trickier with Warriors, since you'll need your trinket and you'll need to know where their Intercept is in terms of cooldown.

Additionally, Earthbind is only a somewhat lengthy cooldown (15 seconds is quite a lot when you're trying to play keep-away), and War Stomp is much better saved for a quick heal or a free Fire Nova (assuming it's talented.) Of course, I don't even have War Stomp, so maybe that makes IGW a bit more important to me. I'd also think IGW would be even more important to a Tauren Shaman, since War Stomp guarantees you'll be able to be in wolf form before the stun ends.

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-10-2006

Artega,May 10 2006, 09:14 AM Wrote:Which is why I said Elemental, not Enhancement.  Or are you referring to Elemental Mastery?

Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess my point still stands - instant 2k heal or instant 600 damage > bonus 600 damage.

Quote:As for IGW, I find it vital to proper kiting.&nbsp; <snip kiting discussion>

So what specifically do you use this for? Random world PvP? Not bagging it, just trying to understand. Do you kite them all over a wide area? Or is it a relativly tight circle?

It seems to me like this would take too long and take you over too wide of an area for a flag cap in AB. It sounds like it would do alright on defense though.

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-11-2006

One of The Core's elemental shaman, Vashaman, has posted two messages with his take on the new elemental tree on our guild boards, and he absolutely loves the changes. Considering that his normal mode of speech is to yell out, "Wtf! Chain Lightning!" these posts were pretty remarkable in their detail and thoughtfulness. Vash and I don't often see eye to eye, but I have to give him credit that when it comes to playing an elemental shaman and in particular when it comes to playing an elemental shaman in PvP, he knows what he's doing. So, while asking you to set aside any prejudices about grammar or usenet speech, here are his posts:

Post 1

Whelp, after spending 5 minutes on the calculator, ive figured what im going to spec.

Looks like im going to miss imp fire nova totem. Still debating to get it or not.

But this is what im going for, for right now.

improve ankh would own in pvp, 40 percnet life and mana?! I die to a 1 v 3 and I kill 2 but I die to the 3rd person I ankh up and mana pot tuber ndb and ill have like full HP again LOL.

this what ima go wit.

Hunters,Warriors,Rogues crit all the time with their physcial damage/ranged attacks.

Basically there is no need to put 3/3 in Eye of the Storm.

If you look at it, dagger rogues have like 30+ crit and thats like almost every hit.
I mean sheesh check noctred out lol. Foo crits every hit nearly
Hunters shoot so many arrows one of them are bind to crit, and their pet can crit too. So ill have arrows and a pet critting me, so ill have the eye of the storm buff on too.
And Rogues.. lets not even say anything.. they were born to crit.

And right now I dont have 5/5 Lightning Mastery due to how the tree is set up right now. I have 3/5 Lightning Mastery.

The big bonus for me is that I get to have all this amazing stuff, and have 5/5 lightning mastery, its #$%&ing nice! and the storm reach is #$%&ing amazing. 6 more yards.

Even tho my chain lightning got nerfed by 5 percent which is prolly 50 dmg. I can deal. But they also increased my lightning bolt by 5 percent, so my lightning bolts will be hitting harder than my chain lightnings do in patch 1.11.

Because the more my +dmg goes up the more my lightning bolt cathces on to my chain lightning damage wise.

By the time the patch comes out ill have over 500 +dmg in all schools, and my lightning bolt will do more than my chain lightning because of the fact that chain lightning is a 2.5 second cast without talents. And lightning bolt is 3.0 cast without talents. Lightning bolt gets more benefit from spell damage.

It was pretty lame how blizzard didnt update our lvl 54 Lightning Bolt spell in aq20 with a new book rank. But it seems that they updated it in the shaman elemental talent by 5 percent, which is not bad at all.

Ancestral Healing gives me 25% MORE armor when I crit heal on myself or anyone. That would be good for pve/pvp. Shamans have alot of crit with spells. So im digging that. And instead of putting 5/5 for it, they changed it to 3/3 which is very awesome.

Hmm, Totemic Mastery in the restoration tree is also nice for pve. 3 piece earthfury (which I wear 5 pieces in pve) gives you +10 yards on totems. and totems are originally 20 yrds to where it is standing to how far it can reach how to you and friendly targets. So with totemic Mastery I have a +5 on totem yards, which will stack with 3 piece earthfury, so thats a grand total of 35yrds totem on everyone of my totems, which is VERY VERY VERY helpful. Im loving that.

And all of our totem get +dmg and healing benefits too. Thats #$%&ing nice right there.. but what im scared on is when we do BWL, for a nef call.. I wander if those totems will get the benefit from the shamans +healing and damage gear, if so, them totems gonna #$%&ing hurt ! when its the shaman nef call lol.

But if you look at it, all instant cast spells only get a 42% benefit from our spell damage, because its instant cast. Some people say 33 some people say 42, I dont really know. But since are totems are instant cast, I HIGHLY doubt that they will get FULL benefit from our +dmg and healing. Because if that was the case, lets take it for example how my +dmg is 444 to all schools right now.

My regular searing totem is 44 dmg everytime it fires. so if it gives 444 +dmg, that would be #$%&ing insanely overpowered having a #$%&ing small 40 mana totem shooting 500 damage NUKES at you! Jesus, that would be insane! I dont think the totems gonna get full benefit from +dmg and healing that, I HIGHLY very highly doubt this.

So to sum it up.

Im Gaining a 33% chance to gain a focus casting state where I dont get uninterupted while casting or channeling an offensive spell like lightning bolt/chain lightning for 6 seconds.

Im gaining faster casting time with my Chain Lightning/ Lightning Bolt spells without having to leave out other good stuff

Im gaining +6 yards on lightning bolt and chain lightning

Im gaining 5 % increase on Lightning bolt but a 5 % nerf on chain lightning which is fine with me.

EXTRA mana cost on my Lightning Bolt spells.

Ill have 35 YRD range totems with LONGER durations and Mana cost reduced.
So my totems will be #$%&ing cheap as hell.

I gain a 40 minute Warlock Soulstone and I can make it 30 minutes if I get the relic Karabin has from UBRS.

Im gaining %25 percent armor increase when I crit heal on myself and others.

Cheaper Cost of my Weapon Buffs.

I got alot of buffs, but 3MINOR nerfs:
5 percent chain lightning Decrease. And Loss 1 crit to lightning spells.
No more Imp Fire Nova Totem

This #$%&ing review rocks, especially since im elemental and im glad blizzard gave elemental more buffs. #$%&ing amazing.

But if you think about it since I wear 3 piece stormcaller which gives you a 20 percent chance to proc a +50 dmg buff, that will make up for my 5% chain lightning nerf.

So basically Ive only gotten 1 NERF LOL which is 1 spell crit LOSS to lightning spells.

I love blizzard.

Post 2

Zeshu Wrote:Vash put down the bong! lol

Seriously though... Look at some of the new talents we have. Oh wait.. you can't have them though. Not if you want NS.

With the 30/0/21 Ele/NS build you are only gaining over the current talents
5% Lightning Dmg
10% Less mana on shocks and CL. Previously was just lightning
+6 yards on lightning spells
33% chance to gain focused casting when taking a crit. (really only big for hunters)
A little more mana/health on ANKH
+5 yards to friendly totems but losing 1% crit on lightning

That's it! That's what we all waited a year and half for.. lol
They can make it sound as cool as they want but that's what you get.

I think you are just happy cuz you didn't get nerfed. Well you sure as hell didn't get buffed either :(

I dunno man, my rogue/hunter/warrior fights will be ALOT more easier than before. And they basically give us more survivalbility. When I ns crit heal myself I gain 25% more armor from 5734 which is in the mid 7500's. Thats hot man.. and our healing spells crit alot, they made it 3/3 instead of 5/5

Also, the ankh is good for pve and pvp, im defniately going to be using my ankh alot more when I lose a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 in a situation, thats gonna be cool.

+5 yards on totems is alot! Im pretty sure you have been feared from your tremor totem, and you just needed A LIL bit more range for it to tick in pvp, because you dont wear a 3 piece earthfury in all your +dmg gear.

They may have nerfed chain lightning by 5%, but they increased lightning bolt damage by 5 percent as well. Thats really nice man. And for that 5% chain lightnign nerf, stormcallers 3 piece makes up for it.

They made lightning bolt cost CHEAPER without talents, and now another reduction on the mana cost of lightning bolt by 10%. I use lightnign bolt alot, its the cheapeast spell we have which ruffly cost about 305 mana, and it is going to be cheaper next patch. My bolts crit for 1800+.

The 6 yard distance is nice, especially for kiting now. And our biggest spell nukes, will be very far distant. A warriors charge is 30 yards, and we can stand back before they charge, and hit them with a lightning bolt or chain lightning. And also, its easier to get 5/5 lightning mastery.

Eye of the Storm affects heailing also. Making it SUPER easy to heal when they crit you. Now I will be using healing wave instead of lesser healing wave when I have eye of storm on when I fight paladnis.. Since the new rank of Healing Wave is very mana effecient.

Our totems are CHEAPER and Last Longer, thats another mana saving spell without totemic focus.

Im thinking about getting 3/3 eye of storm, and getting 3/5 lightning mastery. I already currently play with 3/5 lightning mastery.. but 100 percent chance not to have your channelling spells interupt by ranged/melee attacks is awesome... I think thats what im giong to do. Im just going to miss imp firenova totem and lose 1 crit.

Basically they gave us a better way to have MORE armor when we heal ourselves with a shield on.

Uninterupted CHANNELING spells that stacks with HEALING FOCUS in the resto tree.

Longer Range on Spells, which is very nice.

Increase Lightning Bolt damage and MANA reduction on it. I was expecting them to incrase the damage because our spell is lvl 54, and they didnt give us a new book in aq20. So the increase is from talents which is very understandable.

You gotta realize Zeshu, that the elemental tree is the LAST tree we expected to get super buffed. I thought enhancement was gonna get bloodlush or something like that for sure. And they were gonna add 1 measly talent to elemental.'

But I am very happy that they buffed elemental. I mean its been my spec since I created my character.. I only have a 5g Respec Cost righ now....

Im loving the buffs.

Im gonna own sooooo hard next patch... man cant wait.


IF you have 450 spell dmg and healing.. your #$%&ing searing totem will be shooting for like 150 Damage A SHOT man. And Your healing streams will be like 150 or something a lil less than that EVERY 2 seconds.... AND OUR TOTEMS ARE CHEAPER?!

#$%&ing more survivalbility man... and our +dmg and healing is going to make A HUGE DIFFERENCE in PVP/PVE.
Against Paladins and Warriors I drop healing stream and searing totem on paladins, and fire nova on warriosr. Now its gonna heal me a #$%& load. And my searing totems gonna own. Most paladins dont even bother to take down the searing totem, due to the fact if they run and knock it down, they gave us kiting distance. And if you let a shaman kite you, your pretty much done.

But lol wait til we do nef and our totems gonna hurt! LOL.

I gain ALL THESE BUFFS, just for the loss of 1 SPELL CRIT man...

Shaman Talents Released! - oldmandennis - 05-11-2006

Quote:Vash put down the bong! lol

Seriously though... Look at some of the new talents we have. Oh wait.. you can't have them though. Not if you want NS.

Basically, yeah. A straight buff to a class/spec that didn't need it in PvP, a reinforcement of the need to go 31 resto atleast to raid, and a removal of ANY reason to go 31 enhance.

Shaman Talents Released! - Kevin - 05-11-2006

oldmandennis,May 11 2006, 05:40 PM Wrote:Basically, yeah.&nbsp; A straight buff to a class/spec that didn't need it in PvP, a reinforcement of the need to go 31 resto atleast to raid, and a removal of ANY reason to go 31 enhance.

Which is pretty much what they did for paladins. A slight buff to ret builds for PvP. A slight buff to holy for raid healing and buffing. And no real point in going 31 protection if you want to raid a lot.

Actually my 1.8 paladin build was not repeatable in 1.9 and I could never figure out a build that could do as much PvE DPS as my old paladin did. At least shaman damage isn't being nerfed like pally damage was.

Shaman Talents Released! - MongoJerry - 05-12-2006

Vashaman just posted is final 1.11 build (barring any changes that come later):

Another one of our elemental shamans, Nuance, will go with this very slightly different build: