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Terenas Guild Nights - Printable Version

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Terenas Guild Nights - Treesh - 05-15-2006

With Molten Core runs going to be on Fridays (or at least that's the starting plan), we'll have to figure out another night for our guild activities. I really don't want to lose our guild nights or have the guild completely focus on raiding when not everyone wants to 40 man/20 man raid or is able to 40/20 man raid. I highly enjoy our 5 and 10 mans and I know I'm not the only one. So, list other days and times when you can frequently get online and play for a few hours.

Fridays and Saturdays are wide open for me. Sundays through Thursdays I'm not available from 9:30am server time (we have to be done with whatever we're doing by that time) to 7:30pm server time.

Terenas Guild Nights - Mavfin - 05-15-2006

Treesh,May 14 2006, 07:55 PM Wrote:With Molten Core runs going to be on Fridays (or at least that's the starting plan), we'll have to figure out another night for our guild activities.  I really don't want to lose our guild nights or have the guild completely focus on raiding when not everyone wants to 40 man/20 man raid or is able to 40/20 man raid.  I highly enjoy our 5 and 10 mans and I know I'm not the only one.  So, list other days and times when you can frequently get online and play for a few hours.

Fridays and Saturdays are wide open for me.  Sundays through Thursdays I'm not available from 9:30am server time (we have to be done with whatever we're doing by that time) to 7:30pm server time.

Probably any night but the usual SR raid nights, but, of course, select what works better for you guys.

Terenas Guild Nights - mistique - 05-15-2006

Due to the time difference and my work i can be available:

Between 6pm - 12pm server time on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Between 8:15 or 8:30pm - 12pm or 1am server time on Monday & Friday.

Obviously i wont be on all those times, this is just what a CAN do, actual days depends on whats needed and the Wife!! :wacko:


Terenas Guild Nights - vor_lord - 05-15-2006

Long term I won't be able to be regularly available other than on Fridays. As you all know I generally will have a night or two during the week where I have enough time to run an instance.

Until the end of June I probably can make whatever is the new guild playing time.

It'd be nice to have something regular on Saturdays for Urza's sake though. I would probably be able to join late fairly often on a Saturday.

Terenas Guild Nights - Klaus - 05-15-2006

Treesh,May 14 2006, 05:55 PM Wrote:With Molten Core runs going to be on Fridays (or at least that's the starting plan), we'll have to figure out another night for our guild activities.  I really don't want to lose our guild nights or have the guild completely focus on raiding when not everyone wants to 40 man/20 man raid or is able to 40/20 man raid.  I highly enjoy our 5 and 10 mans and I know I'm not the only one.  So, list other days and times when you can frequently get online and play for a few hours.

Fridays and Saturdays are wide open for me.  Sundays through Thursdays I'm not available from 9:30am server time (we have to be done with whatever we're doing by that time) to 7:30pm server time.

Currently the only nights I simply cannot make are Wednesday and Saturday. I can probably arrange for any other night, but I have to know in advance. If it becomes a regular event, I can probably plan for that.

Terenas Guild Nights - VoiceMan - 05-15-2006

Well, as most know, my schedule is more open than most, due to the fact my bride sings and dances from 8 am to 10 pm server time 6 days a week. So most nights work fairly well for me. I also don't have to get up terribly early for work, so I can stay up late weeknights, as I do Wednesdays in ZG. However, I would say that for me....Saturdays are good days for me to do something big for the most part. Thursdays are not good for me, which is about the only day I can think of that is not good.

Terenas Guild Nights - Concillian - 05-15-2006

Assuming I still played Fridays I could not make Thursdays or Saturdays regularly (2 in a row would be a bad thing for the home life)

Wednesdays are spotty for me, as I can end up stuck at work sometimes preparing for a Thursday morning meeting.

Sunday, Monday or Tuesday nights are best. After 8pm server for me because of work schedule, etc...

If no longer on Friday I can make just about any night except all day Saturday and daytime Sunday (I simply cannot "schedule" regular game time on the weekends).

I'm not positive I could attend a second night as regularly (or I could attend regularly but less regularly on Friday).

Most likely case for me is that I don't attend Fridays much, and the new guild night becomes my main night... because Keepers are running at 7 server time, and I cannot get a guaranteed spot with them by the time I get home, so will likely get locked out often. So I would like a guild night on another night so that can be a prime night for me.

Given that Tuesdays are maintenance days and patch days, it's probably not wise to schedule regular weekly activity unless it's the ONLY time that meshes with everyone.

If Urza could post good times for him on weekdays (even if it's EARLY or LATE) I could consider a group that could play at one of those times occasionally. Probably not weekly, but we might be able to swing an odd-hour 5 man every couple weeks or something.

Terenas Guild Nights - Xame - 05-15-2006

Kind of tricky for me. AQ20-Monday, ZG-Weds and MC-Friday. I don't play weekends unless my wife is at the controls fishing w/ me reading a book (sat/sun are her days). Thus it's Tue/Thurs but that is off and on given the hours I already play (maybe a short instance).

Terenas Guild Nights - khgerg - 05-15-2006

Friday night is the only time that I can commit to.

I cannot schedule anything on the weekends.

I am on a good amount on the weekday nights, but I cannot commit to any specific night.

If something night gets designated, I will do my best to attend.

Terenas Guild Nights - VoiceMan - 05-15-2006

You know..I still kind of wonder if maybe we ought to see if we can keep like the 3rd Friday of every month open for guild activities. That way we can still get into MC on the nights most Lurkers can attend (Fridays), but still have a night once a month where we can do "Lurkers" type things, and run the smaller instances, as we still need to complete sets, etc. Just an idea.

Terenas Guild Nights - Kevin - 05-15-2006

VoiceMan,May 15 2006, 04:35 PM Wrote:You know..I still kind of wonder if maybe we ought to see if we can keep like the 3rd Friday of every month open for guild activities.  That way we can still get into MC on the nights most Lurkers can attend (Fridays), but still have a night once a month where we can do "Lurkers" type things, and run the smaller instances, as we still need to complete sets, etc.  Just an idea.

What might work out well is if we start hitting (and killing) Ony. That will be like 30 minutes of time once we get it all down, then we move on to the smaller stuff. that people still need or want.

Terenas Guild Nights - VoiceMan - 05-15-2006

Gnollguy,May 15 2006, 04:49 PM Wrote:What might work out well is if we start hitting (and killing) Ony.  That will be like 30 minutes of time once we get it all down, then we move on to the smaller stuff. that people still need or want.

I like that thought.

Terenas Guild Nights - Alram - 05-15-2006

Probably Thursday, Saturday and Sunday are the best. This week I can't plan anything. In the near future, Mondays might also turn into a good night.

Terenas Guild Nights - Urza-DSF - 05-16-2006

For me Saturday and Sunday are completly free as long as IRL Stuff dosent come up. As for weekdays... I leave for work at 7:30 Server Time, and before thats it's off and on since I have to sleep/eat/whatnot. I get home usually around 2:00 - 4:00 Server time, though I believe that may be a bit early for most.