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Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Concillian - 09-15-2006

With expansion coming, I'm looking to do some inventory cleanup. I figure what is at least semi-valuable now will have virtually no value come expansion.

I'm offering this list for 2 reasons:
-- If you want anything, let me know. I will be happy to give most of it to someone who needs it, either for free or well below market value
-- If you think I'm overlooking some reason to keep mass quantities of something around, let me know

Usage for funds is going to be a 4th epic mount (rogue -- exalted Frostwolf mount) and some gearing for the rogue (I haven't bought lobotomizer yet, so that and an enchant, plus maybe a little more, we'll see). Plus some remainder for use in expansion.

Here's the list of what I have stockpiled that I will mostly be selling off a little at a time soon:

Vision Dust -- 81
Dream Dust -- 56
Greater Nether Ess. -- 17
GEE -- 18

Small Glowing -- 2
Large Glowing -- 1
Small Brill -- 5
Large Brill -- 10

Silk Cloth -- 100
Wool Cloth -- 140
Runecloth -- 111
Coarse Stone -- 72
Heavy Stone -- 30
Solid Stone -- 32

Blue Sapphire -- 9
Azerothian Diamond -- 11
Large Opal -- 7
Huge Emerald -- 5
Star Ruby -- 9
Truesilver Bars -- 40
Gold Ore -- 8
Silver Ore -- 4
Blood of the Mountain -- 2

Essence of Air -- 4
Essence of Fire -- 2
Essence of Undeath -- 10
Golden Pearl -- 1
Arcanite Bars -- 8
Arcane Crystal -- 2
Enchanted Leather -- 16
Felcloth -- 1
Cured Rugged Hide -- 10

Please let me know if there is any interest in any of it. I might hang on to the Blood of the Mountain in case Keepers ever decide they might make me some FR gear, but I think that's kind of doubtful at this point.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Tal - 09-15-2006

Blue Sapphire: 2
Azerothian Diamond : 3
Large Opal: 2
Huge Emerald: 2

I'm hoping to either make or have made some of the Enchanted Thorium pieces for Shalandrax at some point. The list of materials are impressive so I'm not entirely certain if I'll ever be able to make more than a piece or two. I'm also not certain just how often jewels show up in mining at higher levels either. The list above are the jewel requirements that the pieces need - how much for the lot?

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Concillian - 09-15-2006

Quote:how much for the lot?
Lol, for that junk. Check your mail. Or if you want send it back and I can just keep a few in reserve for you if you need them.

Arcanite is the limiter on ET items. If you farm up the arcane crystals, the rest of the gems should come for free.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - TheDragoon - 09-15-2006

My priest, Adirra, is looking to finish off her silk tailoring later tonight. If you want to COD the silk to Adirra for a fair price, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Kevin - 09-15-2006

Quote:My priest, Adirra, is looking to finish off her silk tailoring later tonight. If you want to COD the silk to Adirra for a fair price, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)

If that isn't enough silk let me know. I've got a bunch sitting on one of my alts that will not be played enough to use it for quite some time.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Treesh - 09-15-2006

Mogo can always use more GEEs. I can hold them and use them for enchants for guildies who may be short when there aren't any on the AH. How much you want for them?

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Concillian - 09-15-2006

Quote:My priest, Adirra, is looking to finish off her silk tailoring later tonight. If you want to COD the silk to Adirra for a fair price, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)

I didn't catch this before I went to work, I'll be able to send it tonight, but my tonight is probably later than your tonight. And, yeah, I'm not going to charge a guildie for silk

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Concillian - 09-15-2006

Quote:Mogo can always use more GEEs. I can hold them and use them for enchants for guildies who may be short when there aren't any on the AH. How much you want for them?

I actually need to keep a few around, but I can let go of 8 - 10 or so. Latest AH has been in the 7-8 range. How about 2.5? Actually lets keep that as normal price for guildies. Anything 2-3 ish gold or below free anything more is about 1/3 of going rate in AH... as long as I don't catch people re-listing my generosity, but I don't think that will happen.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - bonemage - 09-15-2006

Quote:My priest, Adirra, is looking to finish off her silk tailoring later tonight. If you want to COD the silk to Adirra for a fair price, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)
I might have piles and piles of silk that I've stockpiled just to help guildmates level up their tailoring. I haven't logged into that mule character for 5 months, so it may not be there (I could have sold it months ago to clear space), but I'll check and see. What I have is yours. I gathered dozens of stacks of it while grinding in SM to train up all types of weapons...

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Treesh - 09-15-2006

Quote:I actually need to keep a few around, but I can let go of 8 - 10 or so. Latest AH has been in the 7-8 range. How about 2.5? Actually lets keep that as normal price for guildies. Anything 2-3 ish gold or below free anything more is about 1/3 of going rate in AH... as long as I don't catch people re-listing my generosity, but I don't think that will happen.
Works for me.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Klaus - 09-15-2006

Can I snag 6 Truesilver bars and 2 Azerothian Diamonds, Conc? If I decided to make a second flame reflector for the FR, I'll need that stuff. (Plus 6 essence of water, so if you'd like to send me 6 undeaths for a good price, I could use those, too).

The dark iron bars being the most painful part, of course (Thanks again for those for the first trinket, btw).

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Concillian - 09-15-2006

Quote:Can I snag 6 Truesilver bars and 2 Azerothian Diamonds, Conc? If I decided to make a second flame reflector for the FR, I'll need that stuff. (Plus 6 essence of water, so if you'd like to send me 6 undeaths for a good price, I could use those, too).

The dark iron bars being the most painful part, of course (Thanks again for those for the first trinket, btw).

Sure... I still have 5 dark iron bars left, and ore for 2 or 3 more bars. These are not being sold and are for guild use. No way I'd sell those, as people send me ore and I smelt it. I've done my share of contributing ore, but my feeling on the DIBs is that they are "ours" and not "mine".

The rest of the stuff should be no issue.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Kevin - 09-15-2006

As a note. I still haven't gotten it inventoried but I have a lot of leatherworking crap on Feverfor.

So if anyone needs dragonscales or scorpid scales or the silithus crafting stuff for anything (and if it takes leather I can probably make it for you) let me know. I usually keep about 100 rugged and 60 thick leather on him all the time too but that gets sold when the prices on the AH are good. I consider a lot of this guild use stuff. A good percentage of the black, red, and green scales came from guild runs. The blues, well I've killed and skinned thousands of blue dragons trying to get the blue sinew (that I finally gave up on farming and just bought). But this is all pretty much stuff I'm willing to give away if you need it.

He has all kinds of mojo and a lot of speciality leather too (warbear, some devilsaur, chimera, etc). I'm not really taking donations on any of it, other than the dragonscales, but if you need something odd for leatherworking, I've probably got it.

He has a decent stock of elemental stuff of all kinds too so if you need a breath of wind or something else poke me about it. If I didn't mention it here I might still have it as well, just ask.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Klaus - 09-15-2006

Quote:As a note. I still haven't gotten it inventoried but I have a lot of leatherworking crap on Feverfor.

So if anyone needs dragonscales or scorpid scales or the silithus crafting stuff for anything (and if it takes leather I can probably make it for you) let me know. I usually keep about 100 rugged and 60 thick leather on him all the time too but that gets sold when the prices on the AH are good. I consider a lot of this guild use stuff. A good percentage of the black, red, and green scales came from guild runs. The blues, well I've killed and skinned thousands of blue dragons trying to get the blue sinew (that I finally gave up on farming and just bought). But this is all pretty much stuff I'm willing to give away if you need it.

He has all kinds of mojo and a lot of speciality leather too (warbear, some devilsaur, chimera, etc). I'm not really taking donations on any of it, other than the dragonscales, but if you need something odd for leatherworking, I've probably got it.

He has a decent stock of elemental stuff of all kinds too so if you need a breath of wind or something else poke me about it. If I didn't mention it here I might still have it as well, just ask.

Any chance that in all that farming you picked up the schematic for the Arcanite Dragonling?

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Kevin - 09-15-2006

Quote:Any chance that in all that farming you picked up the schematic for the Arcanite Dragonling?

Yes, two or 3 times, it was a big part of how I paid for my epic mount and the sinew. Though I think I gave one to another engineer. I know I at least offered them up in guild before I auctioned them. If I get another one I'll ship it to you.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Klaus - 09-15-2006

Quote:Yes, two or 3 times, it was a big part of how I paid for my epic mount and the sinew. Though I think I gave one to another engineer. I know I at least offered them up in guild before I auctioned them. If I get another one I'll ship it to you.

Woot. :)

I don't blame you for selling them. I don't recall seeing you offer one up, but I may have been offline, or possibly it was before I switched to engineering.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - Kevin - 09-15-2006

Quote:Woot. :)

I don't blame you for selling them. I don't recall seeing you offer one up, but I may have been offline, or possibly it was before I switched to engineering.

Could be both. I've been farming those dragons (solo and in groups) since I was L58 and a lot of the farming was during times when not too many others were on and if they were it may have been someone like Conc who was just farming as well and really watching guild. :) The last pattern I got was probably 2 months ago. I don't recall when you switched to eng either.

Terenas -- Conc's Inventory Cleanup - mistique - 09-17-2006

Hey dude,

If no ones asked yet i could do with the Essence's of undeath, since i'm turning them into water's for crafting.

TY, Mistique