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Exodar Grind - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurker Games (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-6.html) +--- Forum: World of Warcraft (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-16.html) +--- Thread: Exodar Grind (/thread-3558.html) |
Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-14-2006 Just posting the information and updates here to clue others in who may want to grind this. If anyone would like to reply with the Horde counterpart to this writeup/guide, I'd appreciate it. Exodar Quest Locations Swamp of Sorrows - The Harborage Hillsbrad Foothills - South Shore Inn The Hinterlands - In front of the Aerie Peak Bunker Western Plaguelands - Chillwind Point Ashenvale - Forest Song, and one chain that starts with a random drop off an Infernal at Felfire Hill. In total, those quests will net you around 2500 rep with Exodar. AV Turnins Armor Scraps x20: 2.5 rep Horde Medals (any rank): 2.5 rep Storm Crystal x1: 2.5 rep Storm Crystal x5: 18.75 rep (3.75 each) Frostwolf Hides: 2.5 rep Rams: 2.5 rep My Method in AV (Alliance) Join the first rush out towards Stonehearth, branching off to join the defenders that are hitting the Horde as they approach. Kills are not the priority, nor is damage. Your top priority is carving out an area where it's safe to loot Horde players. You want as many of their drops as you can get your grubby hands on. With a strong defense, it's not uncommon to see the Horde offense taken apart, giving you ample time to scavage the battlefield. Shift-looting is your friend. Guage the speed of the offense and plan accordingly. You don't want to be caught holding a ton of items to turn in when Drek goes down. When you see the Frostwolf Towers assaulted, head back to Dun Baldar and turn everything in. Additionally, when you get around 100 Storm Crystals you should head back. I mention the Storm Crystals because they're a hot turnin. If anyone else is turning them in, the Druids could be activated before you have a chance to gain any faction from the turnins. 100 Storm Crystals will net you 20 turnins, or 375 rep. Priorities for Turnins: 1. Storm Crystals 2. Horde Medals 3. Armor Scraps The armor scraps can wait, because no one can effectively "beat you to the punch" on them. The Storm Crystals and Medals, though, can only be turned in so many times per AV. After that, the NPC will no longer accept them. After you've turned in all your items, head back out and join the fight again. At this point you're on bonus time, and should be wary of the game ending soon. If you've got extra goods to turn in, don't be afraid to trinket back to Dun Baldar. Those drops don't do you any good in your backpack. You can easily hit 500 rep a game by doing this, with good games (meaning those that end up being dragged out) landing you about a thousand. The total combined rep for the Storm Crystals, medals, and armor scraps can definitely add up. I'd say the other objectives really aren't worth it. It takes far longer to carry supplies from the mine, capture a ram, or gather a wolf hide than it does to down a Horde player and gain 20 armor scraps. I'm currently sitting at 9537/12000 towards Revered on my Druid. Friday night should be Revered, and after that the LONG grind to Exalted. My goal is Exalted before the expansion for his Elekk, allowing me to use the 700some stacks of Runecloth I have hoarded on my alts, getting them mounts with other factions. Yes, I know. I could just get my PvP medals and pick up a black Elekk when the expansion hits. But what's the fun in that? Exodar Grind - nobbie - 12-14-2006 Quote:Just posting the information and updates here to clue others in who may want to grind this. If anyone would like to reply with the Horde counterpart to this writeup/guide, I'd appreciate it.You forgot to mention the best and easiest ones: All Draenei starting area quests on Azuremyst/Bloodmyst Isle from level 1 to 20;) If everything remains as it currently is in the BC beta, then doing Exodar beginner quests gives you the full, increased reputation even as a level 60 Alliance character. All starter quests together should give you around 15000 to 20000 reputation. The only drawback is that - as a level 60 - you cannot see the quest exclamation marks on the Exodar NPC's anymore, so you have to talk to all NPC's on Azuremyst/Bloodmyst Isle in order to get all quests. The same is true for all Blood Elf quests from level 1-20 in the Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands. I've just completed my once started but then put on hold Orgrimmar Exalted run with my Undead Warlock in patch 2.0.1, which already has the increased reputation rewards of BC. I started with 5000/12000 Honored reputation and earned the remaining 28000 points for Exalted in just two afternoons doing Orc starter quests, incl. the purchase of a (reasonable) number of runecloth stacks (now 75 rep each). Exodar Grind - redinter - 12-14-2006 Quote:Just posting the information and updates here to clue others in who may want to grind this. If anyone would like to reply with the Horde counterpart to this writeup/guide, I'd appreciate it. I did all the silvermoon quests I found, please correct me if I am wrong, as I dont have the exact numbers written down. The locations of the NPCs for the starting quest lines should be right tho. level 60 characters will have to talk to the blood elf NPCs, since like Nobbie said, there arent any exclamation marks, as the quests are grey. They give full reputation even for high levels. I am counting 250 rep for each quest, but I think some gave me 375 rep. I am currently at 2956/3000 rep to friendly, but there is a bit spilt over reputation from a new horde quest in Ashenvale, that gives orgrimmar reputation, so it is a bit off. For the curious, there is a new orc NPC in Splintertree Post, sends you to kill some demons, which in turn drop a quest item, in total 3 quests, 750 rep? with orgrimmar. Silvermoon Quest Locations Swamp of Sorrows - Stonard, 1 Quest, 250 rep Badlands - Kargath, 1 quest, 250 rep Western plaguelands - the Bulwark, 3 quests, 750 rep? Stranglethorn Vale - Grom'gol, 2 quests, 500 rep? 1k Needles - Freewind post, 3 quests, 500 rep Dustwallow Marsh - Brackenwall Village - 1 quest, 250 rep I dont do any PvP, so can't give any info about AV, but it must be parallel to Zarathustra's grind. Edit: corrected 1k needles, thanks Artega Exodar Grind - oldmandennis - 12-14-2006 Quote:I dont do any PvP, so can't give any info about AV, but it must be parallel to Zarathustra's grind. I've got 7-800 from doing a few turnins while bored in AV. Exodar Grind - Artega - 12-14-2006 The 1,000 Needles quest is three parts, and each part is about 250 rep. I think one of them is a nonfaction, quest, however, so you only get 500 total. It's worth doing just to run around as a robot for a little while, even if you aren't interested in the rep. I'm assuming the only reason you'd even want to be exalted with a faction would be for the mount; having played primarily Tauren, I only have two mount choices, and I prefer kodo to wolves:) Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-15-2006 Quote:You forgot to mention the best and easiest ones: All Draenei starting area quests on Azuremyst/Bloodmyst Isle from level 1 to 20;) Nope, didn't forget at all. But as they're not in the live game right now, I left them out. Like I said, my goal is to be ready when the servers fire up, and go buy my Elekk immediately. Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-17-2006 Update: Revered and working my way to Exalted. If not for working 50+ hrs a week and raiding, I could have had this done over a week ago. It's VERY easy to get the rep if you enjoy AV. Exodar Grind - Ynir - 12-19-2006 I joined an AV about 10 minutes after start, and the druids were not at home. An hour later (this was a long AV) they were back, and I turned in a bunch of crystals. They mounted up and rode south, presumably to the FIeld of Strife. What is their schedule? Do they take some time to spawn after the game begins? Do they take medals also? If not, who does? Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-20-2006 Quote:I joined an AV about 10 minutes after start, and the druids were not at home. An hour later (this was a long AV) they were back, and I turned in a bunch of crystals. They mounted up and rode south, presumably to the FIeld of Strife. I'm not sure what the respawn time is on the Druids. I want to say 45 mins to an hour... but that's an estimate. The missing gryphon riders accept the medals, but only after people "release" them and they make the run across the map. They do a zonewide yell when they arrive. Update: 9,000 / 21,000 and chugging along. I've found that around the 12-minute mark I NEED to head back and turn in crystals or someone beats me to the punch. Others are catching on to the grind. Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-22-2006 I hit the two-thirds mark last night at 14,000/21,000 on the road to Exalted. I've noticed a couple things along the way... 1. As time has gone on, I'm running into others who seem to be turning in items for rep as well. They're basically following the same pattern as I am in terms of item turnins, resulting in a need to beat them to the punch on the crystals and badges. Before the hotfix to the Hard Packed Snowballs, I had one hunter go as far as to throw them at me to knock me off the gryphon masters so he wouldn't have competition as I ran around. 2. Long games can be a blessing in disguise. If a game goes long enough that the Druids (or Shaman, on Horde) actually have time to respawn - and I know, that's a rarity - you can turn in all the Storm Crystals or Blood you need right away and cash in on some big bonus rep. This works out being a bit faster than finishing the battleground and requeuing for Alliance. 3. Horde have an advantage here. The queues are way shorter and as such they don't have the downtime in between AV rounds. 4. Playing defensively seems to not only facilitate the turnins, but nets more honor in the processs. Speaking with others who had gone offensive, I was coming out ahead due to the number of kills I was scoring and the smaller number of teammates in proximity. Granted, an entire team turtling means way less honor gained than a good win. 5. "Flavor of the Month" Felguard Warlocks who are new to 60 have absolutely no idea how to handle Force of Nature. I've seen them turn and run. I've seen them take the time to cast Banish on one of them while the other two keep beating on them. I think more than anything, this spell works as a psychological weapon against those who are inexperienced handling their characters under pressure. I love it. Exodar Grind - Zarathustra - 12-28-2006 Exalted as of a few days ago. Having done the grind and watched every one of my Alliance factions max out at Exalted, I'd say this is the ideal way to get another faction's mount if you don't want the black PvP mount. It's way faster (and cheaper) than Runecloth. |