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Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - Printable Version

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Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - DeeBye - 01-11-2007

If you haven't heard of Hellgate:London, it's the first game by ex-Blizzard guys led by Bill Roper. It's supposed to be the next spiritual successor to the Diablo series.

First, the good news. It is expected to be released in summer 2007.

Next the bad news. It's quite likely that online play will be pay-for-play, and not the free Guild Wars model everyone assumed.
Quote:In addition to yesterday's announcement that Hellgate: London will be shipping in Summer 2007, developer Flagship Studios revealed this week that the game's multiplayer component is a subscription-based online service. Speaking to Shacknews at CES in Las Vegas, CEO Bill Roper noted that the game draws significantly from massively multiplayer games, with genre trappings such as guilds, continually developed content, a full social system, and raid-type gameplay.

Drawing similarities to ArenaNet's Guild Wars, Hellgate's online is heavily instanced. Group and solo PvE is the game's main focus; PvP will exist in a small scale form, but is not a major element of the initial launch. It will also feature a Hardcore mode similar to that found in Blizzard's Diablo II, a game on which many members of the Hellgate team worked. Hellgate's multiplayer will contain all of the missions and story from the single-player aspect of the game, as well as exclusive gameplay modes and content. Like the single-player game, it will be comprised of dynamically generated areas and items. Further content will be continually added over time by a dedicated Flagship team.

Flagship expects to launch an open beta prior to the launch of the game. Pricing details have not yet been determined, though Roper noted that there will be some kind of trial or free play system for those looking to get a taste of the game without commitment.

"I think that just as Diablo and Diablo II started this religious argument over whether they're RPGs or not, I think that Hellgate will spark that same debate over whether it's an MMO or not," commented Roper, who added that the game has been designed as an MMO from day one. Check back this week for an extensive interview with Roper, delving more comprehensively into the online aspects of Hellgate: London.

Update: Since posting our original news item on the matter, Shacknews has been contacted by Electronic Arts, which is co-publishing the game along with Namco Bandai. EA noted that there has not in fact been any final decision made as to Hellgate: London's online pricing model, be it subscription-based or otherwise. We respect this situation, while maintaining that we have reported fairly on statements we received. A full interview is forthcoming.

It's nice that a free singleplayer mode will be included, and I'd like to see some sort of basic free online model with disabled features or something. Hellgate:London had been the only game I've been looking forward to lately (other than maybe Spore).

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - Assur - 01-11-2007


If you haven't heard of Hellgate:London, it's the first game by ex-Blizzard guys led by Bill Roper. It's supposed to be the next spiritual successor to the Diablo series.

First, the good news. It is expected to be released in summer 2007.

Next the bad news. It's quite likely that online play will be pay-for-play, and not the free Guild Wars model everyone assumed.
It's nice that a free singleplayer mode will be included, and I'd like to see some sort of basic free online model with disabled features or something. Hellgate:London had been the only game I've been looking forward to lately (other than maybe Spore).

ZOMG If Bill Roper and the others keep up the old Blizz traditions it'll probably ship in 2009:whistling: Up to now I haven't played a subscription game, but if it doesn't include massive raids and turning into a Macro-Bot I'll probably sign on! Anybody else?

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - DeeBye - 01-11-2007

Quote:Up to now I haven't played a subscription game, but if it doesn't include massive raids and turning into a Macro-Bot I'll probably sign on! Anybody else?

I agree with you on the massive raid front. I don't see why this is touted as a feature for so many MMOs. I don't want to spend hours and hours with 40 other people I don't know whacking away at some giant creature.

I might consider paying a monthly fee if it was cheaper than current than the current standard. I can't see myself paying $15/month for the same model that Guild Wars uses. I guess we'll see what Hellgate is worth after the beta testing, assuming I can get in.

Also, check out the weapon list at the Hellgate: London website. You can see little flash gameplay videos of the weapons in use. Some of them look pretty cool, especially the melee weapons.

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - Nystul - 01-11-2007

Pay plan aside, I don't like the sound of this. You can design a great small scale game, or a great large scale game. They have significantly different needs. Drive down the middle = squashed bug.

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - ima_nerd - 01-12-2007

Blah, that sucks. I, too, was looking forward to only this game and Spore. I already have WoW on my checking account now, whether it stays or not will be seen, but pay-to-play makes me leery. I feel like I have to be playing the game constantly or I'm just throwing money down the drain. I'll buy it for the single player at the very least.

I can't see how they can justify charging money if it's modeled after the GW online structure.

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - Jugalator - 01-13-2007

Fortunately, for some reason SchackNews didn't quite get the news right and, among others, Max Schaefer has posted a response to this story:
It's time to start participating in forums again! I used to participate all the time back when I worked at Blizzard, but haven't since we started Flagship.

Now that we're getting closer to shipping, and now that there's lots of information (and misinformation) out there, it's time I start getting familiar with our community again and communicating our message of love and happiness.

Obviously the topic of the day is the news from CES, and the controversy on pay models. We want the best of both worlds: free play for both single- and multi-player, AND an ongoing revenue model to fund the expansion of our world through ongoing content - something we never were able to do with the Diablo series at Blizzard. Exactly how we get there is the subject of ongoing discussion, but rest assured we're committed to significant free online multi-player play!

Anyway, this is a subject that will continue to be discussed and quoted and misquoted as we go. In the meantime, greetings to everyone, and I hope we are able to fulfill your expectations for Hellgate: London!

Max Schaefer
C.O.O. and co-founder, Flagship Studios

Community manager Ivan Sulic has also replied:
Are continuing expansion packs still on the table in lieu of monthly fees?

Could be the bonus dvd does it or subscription or real money transactions or auctions or micro purchases or lots of smaller expansions. Could seriously be anything. Which is why they still debate some. So... Until the reach a decision, whatever that is, and then print it across the web in a release, it's all going to be speculation and misunderstandings and odd quotes.

Both stories can be read on Hellgate Guru among others.:)

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - SwissMercenary - 01-13-2007

Am I the only one willing to bet his 2 cents on the prediction that it'll be micropurchases?

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - DeeBye - 01-14-2007

Quote:Fortunately, for some reason SchackNews didn't quite get the news right and, among others, Max Schaefer has posted a response to this story:

That's relieving and puts Hellgate back on my "buy right away" list. I just hope my hardware can make a good show of it.

Hellgate:London gets a release date, and we all get bad news - Guest - 02-23-2007

it's a good thing theres a free trial of it.but looks good.considering it very different from other mmo's out there.lets give it a chance and see if it's worth it.B)