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BE Paladins and Shattrah - Warlock - 04-09-2007

Is there any story or other background for high level BE Paladins that explains why they are accepted in Outlands? Seems to me that "Hi Adal, hope you don't mind that we've got one of you guys trapped so we can drain his power, got any quests?" might not go down so well.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Zarathustra - 04-09-2007

I recently started a Draenei Paladin to see the new areas (and have a getaway from guild administration while playing aside the girlfriend), and came across a quest where you capture a Blood Elf Paladin. The Draenei are appauled at what they consider an abomination, while the Blood Knight says that "The Light" is a power that can be bent to one's will just as any other, as are the Naruu.

Truth be told, the Naruu seem rather passive. Their disposition makes me wonder just how much truth there is to Xi'ri's conquest.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Watto44 - 04-10-2007

Quote:Truth be told, the Naruu seem rather passive. Their disposition makes me wonder just how much truth there is to Xi'ri's conquest.
This space is currently occupied by a conspiracy theory involving goblins, murlocs and a mysterious woman named Granny Smith. :)

The room with the captured Naruu in Silvermoon definately creeped me out, and it does make you wonder. However, if an undead warlock with a tame demon can get quests from Adal, why not a blood elf paladin?

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Tuftears - 04-10-2007


BE Paladins and Shattrah - Brista - 04-13-2007

There is a story you get when you take the tour of Shattrah guided by Khadgar's elemental pet. The gist is a nasty bunch of Blood Elves came along and attacked the city causing much death and destruction then their leader requested a parlay. He met the Naaru and said "hey guys I had a vision that we should follow you so here we are". (This faction became the Scryers and the rather miffed original inhabitants of Shattrah became the Aldor). There was some gumpf about putting up with them in the face of the greater threat of the Burning Legion

There isn't a story that the entire TBC storyline was conceived on the back of an envelope at a drunken party but perhaps there should be :rolleyes:

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Taelas - 04-13-2007

It's simple.

It was a stupid justification for letting Blood Elves be paladins which is pretty much ignored as soon as you get out of the starting areas.

The Draenei justification with regards to shamans is better... but again, it's ignored as soon as you get out of the starting areas.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - oldmandennis - 04-13-2007

Quote:The Draenei justification with regards to shamans is better... but again, it's ignored as soon as you get out of the starting areas.

It's not Draenei shaman that suck - Draenei have been shaman since they were first introduced. It's the Draenei Paladins that are the horrible mismash of craptacular retcon. That's all wrapped up in their new origin and their pewpew spaceship.

Would it have been so terrible to leave the Draenei as "the broken"? Put their starting zone near the portal in outland, say the NE have taken pity on a band that want's to break free from Illadin, and gave them a flight point to the portal, with their 10-20 area an adjunct to the SOS. Remove Pally/priest, add rogue. The A'dal can still be powerful beings drawn to fight the legion and restore outland... they just didn't give the Draenei a spaceship or save them from the Legion.

One thing I'm missing is any motivation for the BE to go after Kaelthas, other then T5 chests. I haven't played through the whole BE start, but as far as I've seen its all "Yea Kaelthas!" If he really has the cyper of damnation... So? I'm dedicated to the survival of the BE nation back on Azeroth. I could care less what A'dal has these scryer traitors doing.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Gregorius - 04-13-2007

Quote:It's not Draenei shaman that suck - Draenei have been shaman since they were first introduced. It's the Draenei Paladins that are the horrible mismash of craptacular retcon. That's all wrapped up in their new origin and their pewpew spaceship.
The Naaru in general were an entirely ridiculous idea. They had to be strong enough to repel the Legion...but too weak to really fight them? And they're just captured so easily? I guess the point is that all their amazing powers are psychic or something, which is how they're so technologically advanced despite an inability to move? At all?

I actually don't see what's wrong with the Blood Elves being Paladins on a general...I mean, they used to be "good" and all, and they knew magic first. Maybe it's just circular logic, but I don't see why Paladins *have* to be "good." Arthas was tainted, anyway. I wish the Blood Elves couldn't be hunters, more. Aside from the lore implications (haha), it would be so awesome for them and the Tauren to be totally mutually exclusive in terms of classes.

And technically, NE males are the Druids and females are the fighters, although this obviously goes ignored in the game.
Quote:Would it have been so terrible to leave the Draenei as "the broken"? Put their starting zone near the portal in outland, say the NE have taken pity on a band that want's to break free from Illadin, and gave them a flight point to the portal, with their 10-20 area an adjunct to the SOS. Remove Pally/priest, add rogue. The A'dal can still be powerful beings drawn to fight the legion and restore outland... they just didn't give the Draenei a spaceship or save them from the Legion.
I'm going to go ahead and admit that I wouldn't be playing a Draenei if they were ugly.
Quote:One thing I'm missing is any motivation for the BE to go after Kaelthas, other then T5 chests. I haven't played through the whole BE start, but as far as I've seen its all "Yea Kaelthas!" If he really has the cyper of damnation... So? I'm dedicated to the survival of the BE nation back on Azeroth. I could care less what A'dal has these scryer traitors doing.
I dunno, I don't perceive the Elves as a society/nation so much as an enormous group of individuals who really are trying to keep themselves alive just another day. I haven't gotten there yet, but I think the point is that Kael isn't really looking out for them anymore.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Monkey - 04-13-2007

Quote:Would it have been so terrible to leave the Draenei as "the broken"? Put their starting zone near the portal in outland, say the NE have taken pity on a band that want's to break free from Illadin, and gave them a flight point to the portal, with their 10-20 area an adjunct to the SOS. Remove Pally/priest, add rogue. The A'dal can still be powerful beings drawn to fight the legion and restore outland... they just didn't give the Draenei a spaceship or save them from the Legion.

I'm totally with you, OMD. I wanted to roll a Draenei/Broken rogue quite badly. Even in the patched-up lore of TBC, The Broken are totally cooler than the Draenei. They remind me of The Forsaken. They're clinging to the ragged edge, holding on for survival, and not afraid to step on the throats of anyone who would threaten them. Sure, they're trying to find their way to The Light, but they're realistic--threats need to be put down, not ignored.

Playing my warlock through Draenei quests is even worse than reading the lore on the website. The Draenei quest text seems like it's pointed at someone playing a paladin (or someone who has high morals, at least), so they just come off as blind, idealistic fools. Meanwhile, the Broken say they need some throats stepped on and there's some gold for me if I take care of it. Now that's what I'm talking about.

Full disclosure: I did roll a Draenei hunter to see the new starting area. Her name is "Spacegrrl" and her pet is a ravager named "Spacecaat"

...he's a cat

...from space. :shuriken:

BE Paladins and Shattrah - oldmandennis - 04-13-2007

Quote:The Naaru in general were an entirely ridiculous idea. They had to be strong enough to repel the Legion...but too weak to really fight them? And they're just captured so easily?

I'm going to go ahead and admit that I wouldn't be playing a Draenei if they were ugly.

I dunno, I don't perceive the Elves as a society/nation so much as an enormous group of individuals who really are trying to keep themselves alive just another day. I haven't gotten there yet, but I think the point is that Kael isn't really looking out for them anymore.

The sillyness of the Naaru aside, the fact that some of them are really powerful, but that one got captured really isn't that hard to comprehend. Think of people - some of them can wrestle alligators, others can be cornered by mice. Or think of humans in the game - Highlord Morgaine is several million times more powerful then Kul Tiras Marine.

Well, Draenei probably can't be considered pretty either. They look powerful and impressive. I'm not saying they have to use the actual Broken model currently wandering the swamp of sorrows. But they shouldn't have made them powerful space demons either. Something inbetween, would get enough people playing who want to see the starting zone, want to roll shammy, or just want to try out what is new.

There aren't an enormous amount of blood elves or high elves running around. The 3rd war did not go well for them.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Gregorius - 04-14-2007

Quote:The sillyness of the Naaru aside, the fact that some of them are really powerful, but that one got captured really isn't that hard to comprehend. Think of people - some of them can wrestle alligators, others can be cornered by mice. Or think of humans in the game - Highlord Morgaine is several million times more powerful then Kul Tiras Marine.
Well, I won't ask if there's any time when you actually see a Naaru do something-I'll see for myself. But they seem impossibly passive, which was one of the points this thread made in the first place.<_<
Quote:Well, Draenei probably can't be considered pretty either. They look powerful and impressive. I'm not saying they have to use the actual Broken model currently wandering the swamp of sorrows. But they shouldn't have made them powerful space demons either. Something inbetween, would get enough people playing who want to see the starting zone, want to roll shammy, or just want to try out what is new.
I don't know if I really want to defend the design choices, but I'm fond of the way they turned out...visually. Plotwise, their sanctimoniousness and stuff is definitely obnoxious. I think I'm going Scryers.

I mean, they made female Orcs totally awesome too (although, unless they're undead, I don't make characters with ugly faces, which does eliminate quite a few), so I'm sure they could've done right with the broken.
Quote:There aren't an enormous amount of blood elves or high elves running around. The 3rd war did not go well for them.
Well, that's what the lore says, but the lore says that the vast majority of basically all the races (except what...dwarf, forsaken [who don't have numbers on their side to start with, given the scourge and all, right?], Stormwind (?, but I think that 20-ish years is long enough) and I'm really not sure on the Orcs) are dead (or traitorous).

Also, it probably evens out a little more at high levels, but at least 3/4 of the horde I see outside of BG's are Elf. Stormrage isn't exactly huge when it comes to Horde population either though...but man, the day that Orc woman (Warrior) was shredding Refuge Pointe was awesome.:)

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Taelas - 04-14-2007

Meh, it seems god-like beings are starting to accumulate in Warcraft lore.

Titans, nature demi-gods (Cenarius), Elune, the spirits of the wild, the Old Gods, the Dragon Aspects, the Naaru... Where does it end?:P

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Warlock - 04-14-2007

Quote:Meh, it seems god-like beings are starting to accumulate in Warcraft lore.

Titans, nature demi-gods (Cenarius), Elune, the spirits of the wild, the Old Gods, the Dragon Aspects, the Naaru... Where does it end?:P

Heh. Just after the supply of ancient threats that have been contained for millennia and are just now breaking out is exhausted:)

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Taelas - 04-14-2007

Quote:Heh. Just after the supply of ancient threats that have been contained for millennia and are just now breaking out is exhausted:)
Hahah. Oh yeah.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Zarathustra - 04-17-2007

Quote:One thing I'm missing is any motivation for the BE to go after Kaelthas, other then T5 chests. I haven't played through the whole BE start, but as far as I've seen its all "Yea Kaelthas!" If he really has the cyper of damnation... So? I'm dedicated to the survival of the BE nation back on Azeroth. I could care less what A'dal has these scryer traitors doing.

Having done both the Scryer and Aldor quests from A52 (on the same character! :shuriken:) I can say that the Blood Elves, regardless of faction, are pretty pissed at the deception Kael'thas has pulled on all of them. He's in league with the Legion. As such, he's an enemy.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - oldmandennis - 04-17-2007

Quote:Having done both the Scryer and Aldor quests from A52 (on the same character! :shuriken:) I can say that the Blood Elves, regardless of faction, are pretty pissed at the deception Kael'thas has pulled on all of them. He's in league with the Legion. As such, he's an enemy.

Ah. I got my epic mount and stopped questing right when they sent me to manaforge Ara. Reading through the quests on wowhead, that where the big reveal is.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Zarathustra - 04-18-2007

Quote:Ah. I got my epic mount and stopped questing right when they sent me to manaforge Ara. Reading through the quests on wowhead, that where the big reveal is.

Definitely worth a read. The Blood Elves seem to view Kael'thas as their savior right up until they figure out he's in league with the Burning Legion, at which point it's "LET'S KILL HIM." Nothing like a common enemy to bring warm fuzzy feelings to all.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - lemekim - 04-18-2007

Quote:Definitely worth a read. The Blood Elves seem to view Kael'thas as their savior right up until they figure out he's in league with the Burning Legion, at which point it's "LET'S KILL HIM." Nothing like a common enemy to bring warm fuzzy feelings to all.
Which brings us back to the timeless discussion you can frequently find on the WoW forums - why would, for example, these Blood Elves kill Illidan? He was actually one of the people who helped them, and he is actually against the Burning Legion, but let's go kill him anyway, right? And yes, apparently now there are some sound files in game which point to Maiev coming and helping the raid kill Illidan (even though Blizz said that you don't really kill Illidan, as much as get in his way).

Not that I like Illidan, but there is about as much reason to kill him as there is to kill Naaru or Consortium.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - oldmandennis - 04-18-2007

To the extent that any of this matters....

Well, if Illidan's gone completely nutty, it's probably a good idea to knock him off. I take it he realizes Kael has betrayed him, at that point he has to be removed to protect Silvermoon from his vengeance.

That doesn't change the fact that you are forced to start fighting your leader *before* you find out he has betrayed you. You have to knock out 3 out of 4 manaforges before you figure out what's going on, as well as probably doing the terrokar quests.

So if the story is that Kael decides Illidan is too unstable to ally with anymore, then changes allegiance to the burning legion... as opposed to the alliance or the horde? This is only 5 years after they flattened his homeland and killed most of his people.

Meh, I don't know why I even bother. Blizzard sure doesn't. They still have the old "Eradar corrupted Sargeras" story up on their web page.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Taelas - 04-19-2007

Quote:So if the story is that Kael decides Illidan is too unstable to ally with anymore, then changes allegiance to the burning legion... as opposed to the alliance or the horde? This is only 5 years after they flattened his homeland and killed most of his people.

Kael is pretty much nuts nowadays. Y'know, the whole magic addiction thing?

Illidan is off his rocker too. "I BEAT ARTHAS! See how mighty I am!" "Eh, dude... Arthas kicked your ass into next week... What the hell are you on about?" "No, no, I won!!":rolleyes: