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warcraft related murder? - Printable Version

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warcraft related murder? - eppie - 11-24-2009

Maybe people are interested here on the lounge.
I don't really have further comments.

warcraft related murder? - --Pete - 11-24-2009


Quote:Maybe people are interested here on the lounge.
Glad to see that American law and order officials aren't the only morons when it comes to video games. Other than that -- SOS.


warcraft related murder? - kandrathe - 11-25-2009


Maybe people are interested here on the lounge. I don't really have further comments.
That news article is crap. Sorry. Their social network happened to include WOW, and probably going to bars, and probably many other things. It may have been a factor in bringing the group together, but there is no evidence suggested in the article to link WOW to motivating murder. Unless the have photos of the rogue elf strangling her, I'm going to assume unrequited love.

warcraft related murder? - Sir_Die_alot - 11-25-2009

You want a sad story this guy was in my guild at the time all this went down. Him me and 3 or 4 other people people from the guild were farming BWL trash when he suddenly DCed and never came back. We found out about a week later what happened with him. The bottom article is mostly correct but has the wrong character name for who is main was of all things. =P

Last we heard from him his life was getting back on track. His father forgave him and he was on some kind of mental health probation.

warcraft related murder? - eppie - 11-25-2009

Quote:That news article is crap. Sorry. Their social network happened to include WOW, and probably going to bars, and probably many other things. It may have been a factor in bringing the group together, but there is no evidence suggested in the article to link WOW to motivating murder. Unless the have photos of the rogue elf strangling her, I'm going to assume unrequited love.
O indeed, I also take these thing with a grain of salt. In their defence, how much evidence do you want in a news paper article of a case that hasn't been fully investigated yet?

warcraft related murder? - kandrathe - 11-25-2009

Quote:O indeed, I also take these thing with a grain of salt. In their defence, how much evidence do you want in a news paper article of a case that hasn't been fully investigated yet?
Oh, I dunno. Maybe if she scrawled in blood, "I failed my saving throw." Or, if they had been grinding the same neighborhoods for aluminum recyclables. If the guy was found wearing an Orc costume sharpening his battle axe and had a wall full of screen captures of her night elf druid surreptitiously snapped while she was changing her armor. Perhaps she was one of their healers and let their raid die.

My friends and I occasionally play Left 4 Dead until our eyes bleed, but none of us have a compulsion to go grab a sniper rifle to see if peoples heads explode like melons. Most people have a tangible grip on reality, and then a very few are psychopaths capable of heinous acts of violence.

warcraft related murder? - DeeBye - 11-26-2009

I once killed an old man on the street because he asked me to "Stay awhile and listen.."

He didn't drop any good loot.

warcraft related murder? - Rhydderch Hael - 11-26-2009

Quote:I once killed an old man on the street because he asked me to "Stay awhile and listen.."

He didn't drop any good loot.
I left my bootprint on a B&E. When I said, "Jack, rip this door..." that danged tin can failed to de-cloak and get to work.

warcraft related murder? - Archon_Wing - 11-29-2009

Quote:I once killed an old man on the street because he asked me to "Stay awhile and listen.."

He didn't drop any good loot.

Well, only monsters drop good loot.;)

Damn you, who's gonna identify my crap from now on??

warcraft related murder? - kandrathe - 11-29-2009

Quote:Well, only monsters drop good loot.;)

Damn you, who's gonna identify my crap from now on??
I'll do it for 10%.