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Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - Printable Version

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Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - WimpySmurf - 08-07-2007

The Raid Leaders are having difficulty remembering who was present for which boss kills in Kara last week.

        Illh    Night    Maiden  Att        Chess    prince
1       conc    conc    conc    conc       Tiga     Tiga
2       vinnie  vinnie  vinnie  vinnie     Geld     Geld
3       moors   moors   moors   moors      Dunar    Dunar
4       shiki   shiki   shiki   shiki      Isolde   Isolde
5       reainie reainie reainie reainie    Sham     Sham
6       tori    tori    tori    Dag        Frac     Frac
7       saryn   saryn   saryn   saryn      Malodius Malodius
8       Sham    Geld    Dag     Sham       Azzlea   Saryn
9       Molf    Molf    Molf    Molf       Marn     Marn
10      Swirly  Swirly  Swirly  Swirly     Vreeslik Liss

So, if you were present for one the boss kills and aren't listed in the lineups above, or are mis-listed in the lineup above, please reply to the thread and let me know what's wrong/missing.

This is greatly appreciated.


Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - WimpySmurf - 08-07-2007

Ok I think I've got the lineups from Thurs & Friday.


Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - Frag - 08-09-2007

My memory isn't stellar, but I'm reasonably certain that both Geld & I weren't on a Prince kill.

~Frag :wacko:

Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - Kevin - 08-09-2007

Quote:My memory isn't stellar, but I'm reasonably certain that both Geld & I weren't on a Prince kill.

~Frag :wacko:

I'm pretty sure you were there because you were still DPS spec. Crazy recklessness executes at the end. Or was that a different week?

Terenas- Help with lineups from last week - Frag - 08-10-2007

This is what I get for staying up past 2 a.m. repeatedly to raid.:P I think you're right.
