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Kara2 SignUp Thread - Printable Version

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Kara2 SignUp Thread - Magix - 10-31-2007

We are going to Kara for our Grand - "Grand Finale" closed run in cooperation with our friends at House Harpell.

I apologize, in advance, for the "off-times", but I have a busy week, Halloween is Wednesday, family coming in town Thursday, mucho work, etc... blah, blah:P So, hopefully, we, as a team, can accomodate the following:

<span style="color:#FFFF00">Raid time for Saturday is a little later than normal, but it is a weekend, and hopefully okay!!
Saturday 11/02 is 8:10 invites, 8:25 waitlist, 8:30ish first pull, with a stop time of around 11:30ish, so a little later, but not too bad:P.

Additionally, part 2 of the run will be Monday 11/05 with a 7:10pm invite, 7:25 waitlist and a 7:30ish start to clean up any remaining bosses B), with a presumed stop time by 11pm, back to normal!!

Please List:
Preferred Role(s): (tank/dps/primary heal/secondary heal)
Day(s) available:

If you have multiple keyed toons, and are willing to come on either, please note that, and which one is preferred.

HH is doing their signups on their forum, and we will merge the signups to make a roster.

<span style="color:#FFFF00">If the roster works out to accomodate, the plan will be: To get through Prince, or beyond! on Saturday, then for Monday the remaining would be, potentially, Illhoof, Netherspite, Nightbane, Attuman, and Maiden!

Runs after this week will be "open" and posted on the CA site, as more details become available, you will be informed asap!


Kara2 SignUp Thread - Magix - 10-31-2007

Toon: <span style="color:#FFFF00">Drexler
Class: Paladin
Preferred Role(s): Healer/RaidBufferB)
Day(s) available: Saturday and Monday


Toon: <span style="color:#FF6600">Nightshiftr
Class: Druid
Preferred Role(s): Tank/Melee DPS
Day(s) available: Saturday and Monday

I will bring whatever toon the raid needs:P


Kara2 SignUp Thread - Pen - 10-31-2007

Preferred Toon: Mazter
Class: Rogue
Preferred Role(s): Damage
Day(s) available: Saturday and Monday

Or, and only IF needed to make the run happen

Toon: Detector
Class: Priest
Preferred Role(s): Healer
Day(s) available: Saturday and Monday

I will bring whatever toon the raid needs, but much prefer my rogue


Kara2 SignUp Thread - Bun-Bun - 10-31-2007

Hykim, Moonkin, DPS, Saturday only

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Shorty - 10-31-2007


Saturday and Monday

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Sabra - 10-31-2007

Sabramage reporting for both with a preference for Saturday.

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Lightlady - 10-31-2007

Toon: Lightlady
Class: Holy priest
Preferred Role(s): primary heal
Day(s) available: Saturday is undetermined at this moment. It's my birthday. Going out to celebrate. :DWill get on once I get home. Monday I'm available.

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Ruvanal - 10-31-2007

Signing with Taunshu for both days. She still needs Attuman for a necklace.

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Lissa - 10-31-2007

Shadow Priest
Available both days

Can send in Tahapenes as needed. Also, would like to try and get Lissanna keyed and if the Fiend Slayer Boots come up in the chest and no one wants, could use getting them for her since Darkweaver Syth hates her...

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Magix - 11-03-2007

<span style="color:#FFFF00">Saturday - November 03, 2007
Toon / Class / Role

Arrock / Warrior / Tank
Nightshiftr (or Drexler) / Feral / Tank
Orisella / sPriest / DPS [Caster]
Detector / Priest / Healer
Dazan / Rogue / DPS [Melee]
Scorpi / Tree / Healer
Hykim / Moonkin / Healer
Sabramage / Mage / DPS [Caster]
Taunshu / Hunter / DPS [Ranged]
Aviel (can join when arrives) / Hunter / DPS [Ranged]

Thanks to those of you who 'volunteered' to heal!!
Scorpi will be bringing in Mini on bosses that he can
Ori will be bringing Taha in for applicable bosses
Aviel or Lightlady one may make it in time for running:P
Drex will come in for single tank bosses so others can have their desired toons

<span style="color:#FFFF00">Monday - November 05, 2007
Toon / Class / Role

Arrock / Warrior / Tank
Nightshiftr (or Drexler as needed) / Feral / Tank
Lightlady / Priest / Healer
Orisella / Priest / Healer
Mazter (or Detector as needed) / Rogue / DPS [Melee]
Dazan / Rogue / DPS [Melee]
Stabilio / Rogue / DPS [Melee]
Aviel / Hunter / DPS [Ranged]
Minipug (or Scorpi as needed) / Mage / DPS [Caster]
Wroah / Warrior / DPS [Melee]

Sabramage / Mage / DPS [Caster]
Taunshu / Hunter / DPS [Ranged]

This week, more than just about any other, I wish we could have waitlisted no one, but this one revolved around healing, and the likely swap for it.
Some bosses will require 3 healers, on those bosses that only require one tank, I will swap to Drex. I will, likely, also ask Minipug and/or Mazter to swap on the ones that require 2 tanks (understanding the attempt to get to exalted).
Next weeks runs will likely be posted on the CA forums.
<span style="color:#FFFF00">Thank you all for a wonderful series of runs, every single one of you have been awesome!

Thank you!!

Kara2 SignUp Thread - Magix - 11-06-2007

Congratulation Kara2 Team!! Tonight, we finished up Kara with a Bang:
For our Final Night's Run:
One-Shot: Attumen
One-Shot: Maiden (with 5 melee class:P)
One-Shot: Prince
One-Shot: Netherspite
And, for a real twist to our Grande Finale!
One-Shot: Beast Boss

Total Run was under 2 full nights!

Congratulations to all, it has been, and will continue to be a great, fun, experience running with you all!
