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January's Quotes of the Day - Printable Version

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January's Quotes of the Day - Tris - 01-21-2008

After taking time to consider the best means for posting this, I think I'll just keep updating this one post.

Here goes:

"There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing
is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Albert Einstein

January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 01-22-2008

Quote:After taking time to consider the best means for posting this, I think I'll just keep updating this one post.

Here goes:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing
is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Albert Einstein
This appears to be the fallacy of the excluced middle.

Living your life as though somethings are more of a miracle, and some more mundane, seems to work well for a lot of people.

Then again, caffeine is to me a miracle (drug), though to others it but one more, mundane chemical.

Where ya sit determines what ya see.
(^^^^ is my input on the quote for the month.)


January's Quotes of the Day - kandrathe - 01-22-2008

Quote:This appears to be the fallacy of the excluced middle.

Living your life as though somethings are more of a miracle, and some more mundane, seems to work well for a lot of people.

Then again, caffeine is to me a miracle (drug), though to others it but one more, mundane chemical.

Where ya sit determines what ya see.
(^^^^ is my input on the quote for the month.)

I just remind myself that life is mostly filled with misery and mindless selfishness, then sometimes I'm surprised by a moment of joy or a pleasant intelligent conversation here and there. It seems like a miracle.

January's Quotes of the Day - Tris - 01-22-2008


"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."


January's Quotes of the Day - Vandiablo - 01-23-2008


"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."


... because ye shall surely die if you leave behind any portion of your heart.

-Marco? Polo!

January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 01-23-2008


"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."

Then flush.


January's Quotes of the Day - Lissa - 01-23-2008


"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."


"Where ever you go, there you are."

Buckaroo Banzi


January's Quotes of the Day - Tris - 01-25-2008


"When you look good, you feel good.
When you feel good, you play good.
And when you play good, they pay good."

Deion Saunders, Football and baseball player

January's Quotes of the Day - Vandiablo - 01-26-2008


"When you look good, you feel good.
When you feel good, you play good.
And when you play good, they pay good."

Deion Saunders, Football and baseball player

*grumble grumble*

And if they pay you well, you should at least try to look good. Deion Sanders' basically stole from the Redskins in the 2000 season by taking a big chunk of money to play. He played well in some of the games (about two of them) but mostly he seemed to be planning his retirement. His ego was there all season though. Instead of bringing a winning attitude to a team that needed it, he seemed to relish denigrating everyone but himself.

January's Quotes of the Day - Hammerskjold - 01-26-2008

Quote:*grumble grumble*

And if they pay you well, you should at least try to look good. Deion Sanders' basically stole from the Redskins in the 2000 season by taking a big chunk of money to play. He played well in some of the games (about two of them) but mostly he seemed to be planning his retirement. His ego was there all season though. Instead of bringing a winning attitude to a team that needed it, he seemed to relish denigrating everyone but himself.

The quote and your recollection does not seem to match at all to the athlete I remember named Deion Sanders. It does however, sound exactly like someone called 'Prime Time' would say.

January's Quotes of the Day - Vandiablo - 01-26-2008

Quote:... your recollection does not seem to match at all to the athlete I remember named Deion Sanders. It does however, sound exactly like someone called 'Prime Time' would say.

DOH! You got me questioning me memory. Deion and Prime Time were in the same body. Has it really been 7 years??? Jeez.


January's Quotes of the Day - Tris - 01-27-2008


After my house burned down, I could see the moon more clearly
Zen saying

January's Quotes of the Day - kandrathe - 01-28-2008


After my house burned down, I could see the moon more clearly
Zen saying
Computers are useless. They can only give the answers. -- Pablo Picasso

January's Quotes of the Day - Vandiablo - 01-29-2008


After my house burned down, I could see the moon more clearly
Zen saying

After we cut and burned all the trees down, we could see the moon more clearly until a century later when the resultant runaway greenhouse effect turned Earth into a Venusian hell where sunlight could not penetrate to the scalding poisonous surface.

(The good news: No more terrorists! The bad news: a stagnant market, no housing starts, no new jobs, etc., just a couple hundred million year recession during which intelligent (?) life might evolve. Might. Or, might not.)

January's Quotes of the Day - Tris - 01-29-2008


ALl that a man achieves, and all that he fails to achieve
is a direct result of his own thoughts.

-- James Allen (late 19th and early 20th century observer of human growth

January's Quotes of the Day - Xanthix - 01-29-2008


ALl that a man achieves, and all that he fails to achieve
is a direct result of his own thoughts.

-- James Allen (late 19th and early 20th century observer of human growth

This reminds me of Henry Ford's quote, "Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right."

Good quotes!

January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 02-01-2008


After my house burned down, I could see the moon more clearly
Zen saying
That is more due to your neighbor failing to close the blinds in his bathroom than your house burning down.


January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 02-01-2008


"When you look good, you feel good.
When you feel good, you play good.
And when you play good, they pay good."

Deion Saunders, Football and baseball player
It's not how you look, dahling, it's how you feel. You look like you feel mahvelous!



January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 02-01-2008

Quote:Computers are useless. They can only give the answers. -- Pablo Picasso
They only do what they are told to do by people who often have no idea how to say what they want.


January's Quotes of the Day - Occhidiangela - 02-01-2008

Quote:Computers are useless. They can only give the answers. -- Pablo Picasso
They also sometimes help you to double post, thanks to freaking hangups in one's web browser.

Bill Gates must die.
