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MyBattle [Diablo 2 Priv Server] - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurker Games (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-6.html) +--- Forum: Diablo II (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-8.html) +--- Thread: MyBattle [Diablo 2 Priv Server] (/thread-16634.html) |
Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Cosxi - 04-25-2013 Visit [redacted] Our Server is running on version 1.13c but you can also play with 1.13d. Maphack is allowed to use here. - Download 1.13c Maphack No Botting allowed, if you still do, you will be banned permanently. All Game Changes: Game Changes The Experience (1-90 very fast) & Droprate has been increased! Inventory, Cube and Stash size has been increased. Mercs can use all equipment - like characters. Countess can drop all Runes ingame. We got many Custom Uniques and Custom Runewords. For a list click here: List of all Custom Items Townportal + Identification books can now take up to 100 Scrolls each. You can now buy Full Rejuvenation Potions at every NPC. We got some custom Cube Recipes: 1 Rune + Perfect Sapphire = Downgrade the Rune 2 Runes + Perfect Ruby = Upgrade the Rune Custom crafting of Charms: Put all this in the cube, --> a Grand Charm + a Standart of Heroes + a Jewel + Cham (Barbarian) Jah (Sorceress) Ber (Paladin) Sur (Necromancer) Lo (Druid) Ohm (Assassin) Vex (Amazon) ![]() Our Mercs got new Auras! Combat - Fanaticism Defensive - Meditation Offensive - Conviction The Mercs that got this Aura are Hell only. Some items can be socketed now! Javelins can be socketed - Normal 1 Socket, Exceptional 2, Elite 3 Belts,Boots and Gloves can now drop with 1-2 Sockets! RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Bolty - 04-25-2013 I've edited the original post here to redact the directed URL. I'd like to know what the community's thoughts are now regarding private servers with differing rulesets now that Diablo II is a 10+ year old game. RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Hammerskjold - 04-26-2013 (04-25-2013, 08:21 PM)Bolty Wrote: I've edited the original post here to redact the directed URL. I'd like to know what the community's thoughts are now regarding private servers with differing rulesets now that Diablo II is a 10+ year old game. Aside from the maphack thing, personally I don't see much problems. The maphack not so much out of OMG Legit Moral Outrage!!11, but personally more out of a practical issue. As in I wouldn't touch that thing because IIRC it's most likely loaded with virus, trojans, malware, and keyloggers galore. Even if it wasn't, didn't the creator wanted people to pay 5$ for the privelege of using his 'software' that may or may not be loaded with malware? I play D1, HF:F, of which the file\was hosted here iirc. That was a mod, technically a mod of a mod. ![]() And if OP is talking about a private server, just IMO I don't see it being much different from people getting together on an agreed Mod ruleset\private game. If there's any concern of it being a threat of OMG Haxxors cheaters from a mod server will ruin D2's Closed Realm Ladder...well IMO that horse has safely sailed by, a long time ago. At least that's my .02$ on it, Is there great harm that I missed, if you say put up a disclaimer of 'proceed at your own risk, The following views and mods you see do not necessarily reflect the views of this station and ownership'? Though I certainly understand if you don't want the potential mess of people blaming the site because they clicked on a Bonzi Buddy link that was in a 'shifty' d2 mod URL or something. RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Taem - 05-02-2013 If someone at my workplace puts up a vending machine in the lobby and a kid gets his arm mangled because he reached up to grab a toy that didn't drop properly, who get's sued, the man who own's the vending machine, or me as a merchant? I do of course because I let him put his machine on my property. When you allow other's to post private servers, just be sure they represent everything you'd want the lounge to represent because if a member here click on an "approved" link and is taken to a site which promotes cheating, who do you think is to blame? I personally know of some servers who allow maphacks and other cheats, and other's that are intolerant of all types of cheating. I also know from talking with lots of people who play on private servers that quite a bit of them use pirated software to log into these servers which is why they don't play on battle.net, which is totally ridiculous considering you can download the game and purchase legitimate cd keys for $10 off item shops. If someone can't afford $10 for a game, then maybe they shouldn't play it? As for private servers themselves, I have no issue against them myself. Hell, I've played on d2m to play MXL, Eastern Sun, and SNEJ, and the new TSW realm for Median XL Ultimative. If the server is legitimately hosted in a country where it is legal to run a private bnet server, then why do I care if other's want to promote it? RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Hammerskjold - 05-03-2013 (05-02-2013, 03:01 AM)Taem Wrote: If someone at my workplace puts up a vending machine in the lobby and a kid gets his arm mangled because he reached up to grab a toy that didn't drop properly, who get's sued, the man who own's the vending machine, or me as a merchant? I do of course because I let him put his machine on my property. Who are you replying to? In any case, the link is still redacted last time I checked, which is a prudent call whenever 'maphack' is mentioned. No children virtual or real got their arm mangled, so maybe lower the hyperbole a bit? For the rest of your reply. Protip: If you're feeling cranky, it's much better to drink a warm glass of milk and take a nap. To get a positive response from others, try lowering your aggro levels. Virtual tough guy-ing may seem bold and brave, but from the perspective of others it's seen more like this: ![]() And remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half is divided into red lasers, and blue lasers. RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Taem - 05-03-2013 Lol, I love the pic. I feel you might be conflating the emotion behind two separate posts of mine. This post had noting to do with emotion and everything to do with logic, whereas the post in The Lounge was quite the opposite. I really have no idea how I might have came across as brash or rude in the post I made on this thread, but nonetheless, I might as well offer up clarity in case other's are confused: Even though Bolty might not get in "legal" trouble anymore for allowing other's to advertise private servers, he is still ultimately responsible for the content of the Lounge being the admin and one of only a small handful of moderators. If someone were to post something objectionable to the Lounge's views, he'd most likely want it removed. My comment was made from personal experience in my business where I've heard of customers getting "sick" eating candy out of vending machines and the merchant getting sued, not the vending machine owner, vendors getting into a physical altercation in front of guests over profits, kids tripping over vending machines and suing the merchant, etc. I felt my personal analogies had something to offer since to me, it seems related in the sense that even though the content is not directly ours, we (as managers) are responsible for the content if we leave it in our place of business. Thus if the private server allowed hacks, or worse, didn't allow hacks in the beginning but later revised their policy after getting our approval, then of course ultimately we'd be responsible for that content. However, because it's not that common for private servers to pop up for D2 nowadays, I think it can most likely be handled on a case to case basis, so my tale was merely a precautionary one. I hope that cleared things up for you ![]() Mybattle Diablo 2 Private Server - nyne - 06-08-2013 ![]() www.mybattle.at <Home page http://www.mybattle.at/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=13 <The about page, everything you need to know about our server! Also mind all rules, if you register on forums however please say you were referred by Nyne. Hope to see you there! ![]() RE: Diablo 2 Private Server [MyBattle] - Bolty - 06-11-2013 Leaving this up since it seems fairly innocuous. Spamming of this forum will not be tolerated, however. MyBattle [Diablo 2 Priv Server] - Fogeeno - 10-22-2016 We're up again! (Visit www.mybattle.eu) Hello guys, first off I want to thank you all for playing on our Server that has been re-released on the 3rd of October 2016. I will explain you Step-by-Step how to connect to our Server and it should be NO PROBLEM for you to easily follow. 1. Step: Download Diablo II 1.13c, if you don't already have one I prepared a Download link for you all: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mov106c28y88av8/Diablo+II+Lord+of+Destruction+(v1.13c).7z 2. Step: Download these 2 Files which are needed to sucessfully play our own custom Patch! 1. Patch File: http://www.mybattle.eu/dl/Patch_D2.mpq 2. Client File: http://www.mybattle.eu/dl/D2Client.dll Put those 2 Files in your Diablo II Folder and overwrite with your current ones! 3. Step: Download this program called "Blizzard Battle.net Gateway Editor" http://www.mybattle.eu/dl/BNGatewayEditor.exe And open this program up. On the very bottom you will see StarCraft, Diablo2/Diablo2Exp & Warcraft 3 Click on Diablo2/Diablo2Exp and add a new Gateway with the following info: Name: MyBattle Zone: -1 IP: logon.mybattle.eu 4. Step: Open up your Diablo, register an Account and have some fun! Cheers guys ![]() Greetings from the whole MyBattle Team! See you ingame! |