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Razuvious Without Mind Controls - Printable Version

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Razuvious Without Mind Controls - Quark - 12-05-2008

What, you thought it was with stacked tanks? Not Exactly. Notable is Xav's response:

Quote: Hey there, I was wondering if any of those 3 hunters would be interested in re-rolling alliance and getting a full 'guild sponsor'? We'd provide you with gold, consumables, and everything else, in return for you raiding with us at 80 and being amazing: That is, not being an AFK, macro-mashing hurfdurfer, while going above and beyond the call of duty.

I want to clarify and say that while I generally am sarcastic on these forums, I am not sarcastic in this post at all, and am totally serious.

Yes, even top guilds like Premonition fall to Hunter syndrome.

Razuvious Without Mind Controls - Kevin - 12-05-2008

Quote:What, you thought it was with stacked tanks? Not Exactly. Notable is Xav's response:
Yes, even top guilds like Premonition fall to Hunter syndrome.

That rules. I could so see Kira, Tam and I doing that and loving it to. But of course we play the real faction as well so aren't as handicapped by the bouncing night elf booby syndrome. :)

Razuvious Without Mind Controls - Taelas - 12-05-2008

Hguh? Sounds as if Xav's pretty desperate for good hunters...

Xav's a good guy. If I had the skill (and reactivated my US account), I'd take him up on that offer in a heartbeat.... even though I don't play a hunter.:P