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Hacked items gone mad... - Printable Version

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Hacked items gone mad... - Wee mad Arthur - 03-08-2003

:o My friend who's relativly new to Diablo 2 found the wonders (or lack thereof) of battle net, and then he moaned at me for not telling him about battle net so he could make his presious barb on, so then he finds open :o

He came to me today and said someone had given him some items on open, i nearly died laughing when he said 'Are the hacked?' heres the screenies of Sigons Steel set thats been hacked to buggery. :-

I knew hacking was bad, but i didn't think they could do that to items.

Hacked items gone mad... - Vash - 03-08-2003

*shoots self*

Hacked items gone mad... - Wee mad Arthur - 03-08-2003

Vash,Mar 8 2003, 02:02 PM Wrote:*shoots self*

Hacked items gone mad... - Sickywicky - 03-08-2003

And all the time when I was looking for better stuff, while sigons set is all i need !!!! :blink:
This is a real eye opener for me thanks, I will rule in hell now. :D (ofcourse I'm being as sarcastic as hell now)

Hacked items gone mad... - Ruvanal - 03-08-2003

Wee mad Arthur,Mar 8 2003, 08:24 AM Wrote:I knew hacking was bad, but i didn't think they could do that to items.
Rather tame considering what can be done with items.

Hacked items gone mad... - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 03-08-2003

He says... as if the Realms are pure as the driven snow. :lol:

Hacked items gone mad... - ShadowHM - 03-08-2003

Nicodemus Phaulkon,Mar 8 2003, 11:17 AM Wrote:He says... as if the Realms are pure as the driven snow.  :lol:
I dropped by the local internet cafe this afternoon to deliver the two middle kids there to play some Warcraft.

A number of machines had D2 up, so I lingered to watch a tad.

They all had Maphack on. They all are loaded, apparently with Maphack, so that it is automatically there when D2 is loaded.

There must be players out there that don't even realize it is a hack. :(

Of course, I could not resist commenting. The bewildered teenagers had two things to say:

"I need it to see where the cows are."

"Everybody uses it - what is the problem?"

I had to do it - I gave them the thumbs down, said it was for lamers only, and left, leaving two confused teenagers behind me, wondering what the grey-haired old lady was on. :blink:

Hacked items gone mad... - Striker - 03-08-2003

ShadowHM,Mar 8 2003, 01:59 PM Wrote:Of course, I could not resist commenting.   The bewildered teenagers had two things to say:

"I need it to see where the cows are."

"Everybody uses it - what is the problem?"

I had to do it - I gave them the thumbs down, said it was for lamers only, and left, leaving two confused teenagers behind me, wondering what the grey-haired old lady was on.   :blink:
I always get a chuckle when people say they need to know where the monsters are located and that's why they use MH. Guess they don't like surprises. I wonder if they open Christmas presents early too ;)

Sadly, one of my cousins has been using it of late and he loves it. I'm trying to get him to stop, but it's like talking to a brickwall.

*sigh* Here's hoping 1.10 blocks it for the new ladder characters.

Hacked items gone mad... - --Pete - 03-08-2003


Just read your post to Magi. "Good for her", was her comment. I second that, gud'on ya, as out southern neighbors say. ;)

Young punk lamers, indeed -- LOL


Hacked items gone mad... - NiteFox - 03-10-2003

ShadowHM,Mar 8 2003, 07:59 PM Wrote:"I need it to see where the cows are."
Why would anyone want to see where the cows are? All you have to do is move a tile in the level to see where the fuggin' cows are :)

Hacked items gone mad... - Conner Macleod - 03-10-2003

Uh oh, getting severely off topic now. Open is the home of hacked Battle.Net

Check these out, available on or before 12/2001

Executioner Sword

If all Ith Bows were like this, we'd be screwed

A rather Unique Unique Ring

Now, the argument for NOT using hacks on Open is MUTE! Everyone uses them. I used these on Open on a zon and baba religiously, but on closed I'm all about the legit stuff. Since I haven't engaged in true Open Mortal Combat in over a year, I wonder what they are up to now? By the way, those armors you seen in the background are referred to as Whites because of their color.

The truly masterful among the Open players make these items. I've converted a few items into small charms, it's a simple matter of changing item type flags, but I have NEVER been able to make these uber items. Example, the sword there makes a wonderful small charm, especially when you make 20 copies of it, you become invincible. With the item and character editor gear available on many Open Only sites, it makes for an interesting game.

That's why you don't play Open - it gets really boring after the 2nd Clvl 247 baba takes you down with his 50,000 dmg sword. But open is GREAT for trading, everyone has a copy of their gear on their hard drive, so no fear of popping, no scamming, tons of free gears, etc. But you have to put up with the hacked gear and you can only go so far because someone is ALWAYS better. And VERY little game knowledge is applied in the Open world because nobody cares if something is ITP (PI) or Stone Skin - they are going down in one touch.


Hacked items gone mad... - Sheep - 03-10-2003

Hmmmm... Sounds like a lot of "fun". :huh:

Hey everyone! Check my new avatar!

Thanks Chameleon!

Hacked items gone mad... - Conner Macleod - 03-10-2003

BTW - I wasn't advocating cheating, just stating the facts about Open. It's "boring" which is why I play Closed.

I hope they fix the Realms here shortly, I'm getting really bored because I'm now super poor and can't trade for anything that I need! (pgems, crafting supplies, etc). I swear, I'm back on Open with the way things are - no trading and people are only wanting cheated gear! WTF!


p.s. Cute Avatar Sheep. :)

Hacked items gone mad... - the Langolier - 03-10-2003

About -900 str/dex required eh? Do the negatives mean you need to increase your stats by enough to have them roll over? :)

Hacked items gone mad... - ShadowHM - 03-10-2003

Conner Macleod,Mar 10 2003, 07:39 AM Wrote:BTW - I wasn't advocating cheating, just stating the facts about Open.  It's "boring" which is why I play Closed.

I hope they fix the Realms here shortly, I'm getting really bored because I'm now super poor and can't trade for anything that I need!  (pgems, crafting supplies, etc).  I swear, I'm back on Open with the way things are - no trading and people are only wanting cheated gear!  WTF!


p.s.  Cut Avatar Sheep.  :)
The short answer is that there are going to be cheaters everywhere. Quit living with that wide-eyed hope that things will get better anywhere on that front. The Realms are NOT going to be 'fixed'. Blizzard has made it abundantly clear that they are not going to operate a police force with any kind of consistency or determination. In Real Life, society pays a police force to do that work, and they still can't catch all the cheaters. Blizzard gives us a service for free, and it is not realistic to expect that they will spend much time or energy on any form of police force. (Notwithstanding any wishful thinking claims they make about design.)

Open B'net IS full of cheaters. So are the Open Realms games. Your only way to absolutely avoid them is to play Single Player. Or, you can do what most here do, and play mostly in passworded games with folks you know. Or, just be cautious in open (i.e. unpassworded) games for the inevitable hacked and twinked PK's. Trade only with those people you completely trust.

You could always give yourself the challenge of playing 'pure' characters, or, as some call it, 'group pure' characters where the only trades are between your own characters.

Further, being 'super poor' gives you a chance to hone some strategy and tactical skills, for those situations where the 'uber' gear would blast you through without blinking. That is the place where the folks that use hacked gear really deny themselves. They have no clue about game mechanics or strategy, and get bored because nothing challenges them.

The fact is that this game is as challenging as you want to make it.

And, lastly, don't take this personally. You are not the only person who seems to harbour the expectation that Realms games 'should' be clean and that this means you got short-changed and should be entitled to carry on about it.

Hacked items gone mad... - NiteFox - 03-10-2003

Quote:Further, being 'super poor' gives you a chance to hone some strategy and tactical skills, for those situations where the 'uber' gear would blast you through without blinking. That is the place where the folks that use hacked gear really deny themselves. They have no clue about game mechanics or strategy, and get bored because nothing challenges them.

Amen. I've been waiting so long for someone to say that because it is absolutely true. Though I wouldn't class them as being "super poor" even in jest.

I am a dedicated SP player. My computer isn't up to snuff to play Realms often, and when I have done the lag has been literally crippling. I am a Single Player, and therefore I cannot trade.

Therefore, I can trust every drop.

Therefore, I can trust everyone I have fighting belongside me.

Therefore, I have to put some thought into character development rather than having to build my entire strategy around a single draw of the Buriza that I am never going to find.

Therefore, if I find an item that I have no literal use for (Druid pelts with a Barb, Amazon bows with my Druid, Barb helms with my Am- Well, you get the idea) then it's gold. I find enough good items to last my characters the whole game, but usually on a different character. And, no, I don't single-trade. I can't create an IPX game on my machine.

I've just started a new Bowazon (Kitsune's back folks! And this time she's dyed her hair blonde and gained an extra three cup sizes...), and if I asked on any forum (Even here) what is a good setup for a Bowazon, I'll get nothing but a dream list of items that I can never legitly attain. No Burizas for me, forget everything about Lycander's, and I'll be lucky if I can land myself a Windforce in Single Player. For half the first act she has been coping with nothing more than a Superior Long Bow (To be Imbued) while my merc lives with a chip top/eme Long Bow which will last her until I ditch her for an Act 2 merc. The best bows I have ever found were a Whitherstring and a Stormstrike. On my Druid. Which I then pawned off for some cash. Conversely, during Tristram I received no fewer than three Wolf Heads with some fairly nice mods for a budding Weredruid.

There's no justice in Single Player. All there is is playing the damn game.

Hacked items gone mad... - Occhidiangela - 03-10-2003

Way to go, Shadow! :)

Hacked items gone mad... - Conner Macleod - 03-10-2003


Further, being 'super poor' gives you a chance to hone some strategy and tactical skills, for those situations where the 'uber' gear would blast you through without blinking. That is the place where the folks that use hacked gear really deny themselves. They have no clue about game mechanics or strategy, and get bored because nothing challenges them.

Off topic for an explanation of my previous post:
[/off topic]

LOL. Man, I post some extra examples of more cheated gear and I get slammed for my efforts! LMAO. As for honing skills, that's why I'm a Closed player, my skills and mechanics knowledge isn't quite up to say, Ruvanal's, but I definitely know what the heck I'm doing. I was merely pointing out that there are nastier items that don't even make the game worth playing on Open. In Open, it's all PvP and who can build the most uber of players. The thing I like most about closed was the economy aspect. The bartering system allowed you to further delve into aspects of the game COMPLETELY unavailable to Open or SP players, unless you used cheats to get there. Further, game knowledge is WHY I'M HERE! :) I know more things than 99% of players, as do most of you - because we actually care to know how our favorite game works!

By super poor, I'm saying that I have a nice soj collection that I worked hard and long to get, and now nobody wants to trade anything unless it's stuff that I NEED! Example: Nobody will part with the standard 40 pgems for 1 soj anymore. Now they want 4 to 5 sojs for 40 pgems. Well, I cube in the thousands of Pgems, so I would be absolutely broke by the time I got to Pgem #700. :angry: Others now want pdscs for some reason, making me super poor because all I have in that flavor are second mod pdscs, 175 pdscs, 200+, and one 383 that will not be leaving my possession. I sold all the 100s as I located them. :(

Imagine being an addicted smoker, and then being told the next day that all cigarettes are henceforth BANNED for sale. The only way you will get them is on the black market, and THEN you spend a ton to get your fix. Well, same thing is true for cubers/crafters like me. I need Pgems and LOTS OF EM. So now, my gaming experience is ruined until 1.10 comes out. I'm just bored now I guess.

[/back on topic]

And I played single player for about 1.5-2 years (can't remember how long), and you're definitely right, there is no justice. The best item I ever got to drop was a Swordguard and String of Ears.

Hacked items gone mad... - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 03-10-2003

Quote: I was merely pointing out that there are nastier items that don't even make the game worth playing on Open. In Open, it's all PvP and who can build the most uber of players. The thing I like most about closed was the economy aspect.

How about that for a quote from a "knowledgable player", Occhi?

Hacked items gone mad... - ManaCraft - 03-10-2003

ShadowHM,Mar 10 2003, 02:17 PM Wrote:That is the place where the folks that use hacked gear really deny themselves.  They have no clue about game mechanics or strategy, and get bored because nothing challenges them.
Exactly. I couldn't agree more.

The average players get bored with the game because in their minds they have "completed" it. By hacking, cheating and MFing, they intentionally decrease the amount of challenges they will face throughout the game, and thus rapidly shortens the lifespan of it - most of them without even being aware of it.

Understanding that the games life expectancy is tied directly to how you play it is IMHO one of the marks of an experienced player.
