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Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Printable Version

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Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Stormbringer - 05-16-2003

Hi Guys. I started an Assassin yesterday, and i never played with this class, so, i want to create an perfect two claws assasin (PvsM) with good stuff...please i need help with the points and equipment.
Where i put the skills points? whats the good skills to max?
Where i put the atributte points?
Whats the best itens to use?
Please, i need help,ok?
Thaks for all!!!
Send the Opinions.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Elric of Grans - 05-16-2003

Hail Stormbringer,

*chuckles* Elric hailing Stormbringer ;)

Anywho, to the topic at hand! Most Assassin skills are great, really. You cannot go wrong with Tiger and Cobra Strike, and with a two-claw Assassin you should probably use Dragon Claw as your finisher. Every one of the four elemental claw attacks has a use, so take your pick as to which (if any) you want. Claw Mastery is obviously good, and Weapon Block is nice (but don't get it too high); Fade abd Bust of Speed are always nice to have, and Venom can be good too - if you're willing to add the points. Cloak of Shadows is pretty cool, and Mind Blast is nice, while both Shadows are excellent allies - though the Master is by far the most popular. Wake of Fire, Wake of Inferno, Lightning Sentry and Death Sentry are all nice, and I personally also like Blade Sentinel and Blade Fury - but I'm wierd ;)

You'll not need a lot of mana, but life may be tricky; high Strength and Dexterity both help you in the long run. Two claws is your ultimate is dual-claw weapondry, and you may also like some armour with that :D Yes, I know that's not much use, but saying "Dood: get these impossible to find itemz" is just as useless, so it is no worse than most item opinions you'll get ;)

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Stormbringer - 05-16-2003

:D Thaks For the help Elric !!
Its good to know where to start.
Thak u very much.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Occhidiangela - 05-16-2003

See a few of the Assassin posts on the Armory forum. Take a look on both pages. There is a good one about Trap only assassins. Very effective and easy to use build.

For Martial Arts Focus, you will want to work your way to at least 90 or 100 in Str and Dex, to equip the higher end claws in late game, perhaps more depending on how many stat adding items you also equip.

You need no points in Energy, as Cobra Strike leeches both life and mana for you, and you can pile it on top of Tiger Strike before finishing. One point in cobra is all you really need.

Vitality adding points rate depends on if you are HC or SC, and how much life you will need in hell diff. That differs with your play style.

Max Claw mastery
Max Tiger Strike
I suggest Phoenix Strike as the elemental skill
Pump or max Shadow Warrior. She will sometimes toss about cloak of shadows and make the screen go dark, but is THE best tank in the game.
A point in Psychic hammer and one in mind blast are well spent as 'back these baddies off for a second" skills.
A point in fade pays bonuses, as any +assassin skills adds to that and pops your resistances up when you need them.
A point in Burst of Speed, or perhaps a few points, is key to fast attacks and fast running.

Dragon FLight seems popular as a finisher as well . . . put a point in it if you like and see how you like it.

In any case, enjoy, Assassins are fun. :)

Check the Arreat Summit items section, in weapons, to see the stat requirements for assassin weapons. That can help you decide how many points you want to put into your str and dex stats.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Striker - 05-16-2003

Use Chippydip's page to help you with assigning your skill points.

Figure out what skills you want to max, and then you can play around with the secondary skills and how high you want to get them.

And I'm tossing in a vote for Blade Shield. Cool skill to play with. There are quite a few effects that transfer with it. Look for them in the old forum. There are plenty of old threads on it. I'm having a blast with my Blender/MA assassin. Most fun I've had in awhile. :)

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Striker - 05-16-2003

Occhidiangela,May 15 2003, 11:18 PM Wrote:Pump or max Shadow Warrior.  She will sometimes toss about cloak of shadows and make the screen go dark, but is THE best tank in the game.
I'm assuming you mean the Shadow Master? :)

Although I suppose if you had cloak of shadows on the right mouse button, the warrior would cast it too... ;)

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Tal - 05-16-2003

I've had very good luck with my martial arts assassin. She has maxxed phoenix strike, max shadowmaster, and I'm working on maxxing claw mastery and dragonclaw. By far she is my best equipped and the most fun of my characters to play. She easily solo's hell with a bit of well used strategies culled from my Diablo 1 days. Things to keep in mind are to not let yourself get swarmed as you don't have as many area effect spells, though judicious use of cloak of shadows and a quick withdrawal assists in this area. For merc I suggest an Act 2 merc - just about any will be useful for an assassin. I personally use a Holy freeze merc on my online assassin. My offline assassin is kicking about NM act 3 with her original healing act 2 merc from normal.

This is the equipment that my online assassin uses and is in no way what you have to use. After all a good deal of the fun of this game is in finding/trading for items you want for your characters.

Full Nats set
Bartuc's as second claw
This amulet.
Rare belt with high lit and cold resists
Rare ring with 7% ll and good lit and fire resist
Ravenfrost (for that all important cannot be frozen mod)
Um rune in Nat's helm
15% resist jewel in armor
High lightning damage jewel in the bartuc's - didn't want to socket the Nat's claw just yet.
Crafted and or rare gloves (I can't remember which they are) with +2 to martial arts skills and other helpful mods.
Prior to completing the set she was very effective using dual bartucs, a smoke armor and a rare circlet with dual leech and + to martial arts skills.

Hope this helps.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Occhidiangela - 05-16-2003

I meant Shadow Master, and

What was in my coffee?


Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Striker - 05-16-2003

Occhidiangela,May 16 2003, 11:05 AM Wrote:I meant Shadow Master, and

What was in my coffee?

Don't know what's in your coffee, but I hope you're sharing! ;)

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Stormbringer - 05-16-2003

Hy guys.
Im just looking the forum quicly here, and i just post this to thank all who helped me.
Thanks all very much for the help.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Daente - 05-16-2003

Well, in my experience with a Dual-Claw Assassin, I've found the most luck for me has come from using Claws of Thunder. I don't hear too many people talk about it, but a high enough levels it can be pretty formidable. :)

Even if it isn't your cup of tea, it's a fun skill to use when there no Lightning Immunes around.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - mageofthesands - 05-17-2003

I hate martial arts. So much skill switching. I use dual claws and Burst of Speed to try to pummel the monster asmany times as possible. I'm funny like that.

Perfect 2 Claws Assasin (Const. Opinions) - Albion Child - 05-19-2003

Max claw mastery, tiger strike and dragon claws. Put a couple in burst of speed and one into Cobra strike. Use Phoenix for Physical immunes. Extra points go into shadow master.

NOTE: it you are twinked and have Bartucs, 2 points in BoS max.....If you are playing untwinked solo, 5-7 is probably a good number, but you could do with les, or even max it......