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More like an interesting feature. - Printable Version

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More like an interesting feature. - Baajikiil - 05-20-2003

I was in durance lvl 3, and Brem was LE and Stoneskin(as well as CE and conviction). My fury WW was parking him near the stairs, and he cast a hydra at me just as I went up to lvl 2.

Interestingly enough, the Hydra appeared on lvl 2 with me. Never seen that before. Though I guess I may have seen curse trigger when already out of the area the cursed leader is in...

Thought it was interesting.

More like an interesting feature. - Smoketest - 05-25-2003

These are somewhat cosmetic and I didn't want to create a new topic just for them.

The Vampire monsters cast shadows. AFAIK, popular lore says they don't.

When you approach the gate to the Monastery, the sound environment changes as if you're indoors, when you are still in the Tamoe Highland.

It doesn't rain in the Outer and Inner Cloisters. Granted, there's no way to see if a roof is there, but since they obey the night/day cycle, I assume they don't have one.

More like an interesting feature. - Obi2Kenobi - 05-25-2003

Quote:The Vampire monsters cast shadows. AFAIK, popular lore says they don't.

Ha! That's nothing. The fires on the holder things in act 1 cast shadows.

More like an interesting feature. - Smoketest - 05-26-2003

Obi1.10Kenobi,May 25 2003, 09:53 AM Wrote:Ha! That's nothing. The fires on the holder things in act 1 cast shadows.
Ah yes, thank for bringing that to my attention. I fixed it. :D

My necro's Clay Golem gets stuck on his fellow summons entirely too often, doing some kind of rapid jig in place until they move or his intended target dies. Great pathfinding there. Too bad I don't have the knowhow to patch that kind of problem yet. Editing internal TXT and DC6 files are my limit at the moment.

By the way, for those interested in fixing the shadow-casting torches and braziers:

The columns of interest are BA through BH in OBJECTS.TXT. The columns are labeled in sequence from Blockslight0 to Blockslight7. I got rid of the shadows by changing all columns to 0 for the objects in question. I'm not sure what each column pertains to, whether it be light levels or light types or light sources. Some further testing is in order. I think I'll hop on over to Phrozen Keep and see if they decoded these before I go re-inventing the wheel.

(Edit: Go figure, OBJECTS.TXT is one of the files they haven't decoded yet. Once again, I'm on my own. :rolleyes: )

More like an interesting feature. - Rhydderch Hael - 06-09-2003

Smoketest,May 24 2003, 10:58 PM Wrote:The Vampire monsters cast shadows. AFAIK, popular lore says they don't.
One could write books on just how far "popular lore" with vampires has been distorted over the course of time. Shadows and reflections are one such aberration.

Vampires are said to have been repulsed and weakened by silver. Silver was once used as the backing of mirrors, and it was by the grace of the magical properties of this silver that a vampire's reflection could not be cast in the metal. In all truth, the myth of a vampire's inability to cast reflection in modern non-silvered mirrors (and on videotape) is a blurring of the esoteric interaction between vampires and magical metals. That carried onto the idea of shadows.

Though I may daresay that you might not be able to photograph a vampire, considering that photographic film is based on silver compounds.

Then again, in the game I am one of the mindset not to refer to such creatures as vampires. These guys are bald-headed robed spellcasters. Anyone remember any bald-headed robed spellcasters from the first game? These Vampires are the D2 version of the 'lawyers', methinks.

More like an interesting feature. - kier - 06-10-2003

Couple of things quickly. The Hydras followed you as he cast the hydra on you, not on the floor near you, and due to the casting delay, they followed you.

The reason silver effects vampires is the same reason it effects werewolves and many other "demons". And yes, you would see a vampire in a modern mirror, as if you couldn't, you yourself wouldn't be able to see them :blink:

Also, sun only weakens vampires, it doesn't kill them instantly. the general method taking all into account of killing them is chopping there head off, or putting a "steak" (sharp thing, could probably be made of anything, ive heard of wood and silver. Not the type you eat :P ).

More like an interesting feature. - Rhydderch Hael - 06-10-2003

kier,Jun 10 2003, 01:06 AM Wrote:...Also, sun only weakens vampires, it doesn't kill them instantly. the general method taking all into account of killing them is chopping there head off, or putting a "steak" (sharp thing, could probably be made of anything, ive heard of wood and silver. Not the type you eat :P ).
A stake of oak, ash, rowan, or any other sacred wood, driven through the chest and into the earth below, as this would induce a sort of magical connection to ground that drains the vampire of power and renders the helpless. Note the word helpless, not destroyed. Staking a vampire does not kill them, it binds them to the spot and leaves them vulnerable to whatever you do to actually destroy them.

More like an interesting feature. - Sheep - 06-11-2003

What about the Cross? Garlic? Holy Water/Bread?

I have a crucifix made out of silver, and when I wear it my skin bubbles up. Hmm.

More like an interesting feature. - WarBlade - 06-11-2003

Sheep,Jun 11 2003, 10:44 PM Wrote:What about the Cross? Garlic? Holy Water/Bread?
With so many contributions to the vampire mythos, it's no wonder there are multitudes of different interpretations. The rules are frequently bent for some reason or another, usually having something to do with the story. There is no "right" or "wrong" vampire lore. Just different interpretations. Crosses, garlic, holy water, invites over the threshold are all just different fantasy takes aimed against a

For instance the 'original vampire', Elizabeth Bathory, was a quite human historical figure who simply let human blood dribble over her skin (depending on accounts). A couple of hundred years later Bram Stoker is taking huge creative licence with Vlad Dracul becoming a fanged bloodsucker and then another couple of hundred years later Guillermo Del Toro is having Wesley Snipes blowing up creatures of the night with silver nitrate bullets.


It's all fun fiction. :D Well, except for Bathory who got stuffed up behind a wall for her crimes. They had a rather interesting justice system back then. :blink:

Which reminds me . . . The ruined castle featured in the early scenes of Dragonheart (Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery) was Countess Bathory's once upon a time. -Useless trivia. ;)

More like an interesting feature. - Rhydderch Hael - 06-11-2003

And of course the Countess of the Forgotten Tower in Act I of D2 is a complete rip-off of Bathory.

More like an interesting feature. - protoshoggoth - 06-13-2003

I've seen this, but I believe it was a meteor that 'followed' me out from one of the travincal dungeons. I could be mistaken about the specifics, but I know I've seen this sort of thing happen.

More like an interesting feature. - Occhidiangela - 06-25-2003

Quote:These Vampires are the D2 version of the 'lawyers', methinks.

Bloodsuckers, the both of them.

*Blushes, and meekly apologizes to goldfish. *