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Best HC Goldfinder? - Printable Version

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Best HC Goldfinder? - Guest - 06-18-2003

Im really intrested in making a gold finder, but im on a really limited budget and the best stuff I can pull together is pretty much what my lvl 82 druid can buy from hell larzuk/anya plus a few low-end uniques like Chancies, Ali Babas and Lem runes are out of my reach AtM (Hopefully my up and coming mf sorc will fix that).
All that said, What kind of character would be best suited for a goldfinder on cheap equip? I hear a lot about necros but, getting those first few minions is a pain in the ass and Hell council vs a necro.... sounds like suicide. I had a gfinder barb in sofctore and atm do have a ccb that I could use for one but, without good leech rings and some dr, im afraid id be throwing away more barb equip (Already lost 2 barbs this week to trigger and Insane mods on hell council).

Thnx in advance for any advice. :rolleyes:

Best HC Goldfinder? - Enishi Yukishiro - 06-19-2003

I'm not quite sure if I understood what you meant. Anyway, if you want to get some gold do as palyers I call "Lixeiros". It means: Garbage men. Just pick up those Scepters, Wands, Staffs, Heads and Orbs/Spheres (and everything related). They have good market prices and are not difficult to find at all. Try gambling some ring or amulet of greed or something... And get tomes and more tomes of townportal. You are gonna need them a lot.

Best HC Goldfinder? - Guest - 06-19-2003

No you dont understand me, i mean goldfind as in +100% gold from monster gold find. Im not lookin to follow folks around in hell cows, sellin items.

Best HC Goldfinder? - -Tempus- - 06-19-2003

here is a repost of a pick i took of my goldfind barb. its not near my best run but its still good.

[Image: Screenshot010.jpg]

this one is what 1 hell highcouncil member dropped. he didnt drop anything the frist time, all that gold is after i used my finditem skill on him

[Image: gold.jpg]

260k off one monster isnt half bad, too bad he didnt also drop the frist time.

the point of a goldfind char is to get mass gold fast. you can use any char you like but some are better at killing then others on some maps. you cant make as much gold as fast by selling items as you can with a good goldfind char.

btw the max goldfind in d2c is ~1000%
max in lod is ~3700%
max on lod 1.10 is a lot more i hope :lol:

Best HC Goldfinder? - -Tempus- - 06-19-2003

OrpheusPrime,Jun 18 2003, 08:09 PM Wrote:No you dont understand me, i mean goldfind as in +100% gold from monster gold find. Im not lookin to follow folks around in hell cows, sellin items.
:blink: like i said b4 any char can make for a good fun goldfind char. amz/sorc and necros do very well in cows since they can all kill without much in the way of items. but the best goldfind char is the barb with max find item skill. why is that? you kill a monster once for its drops then you use your find item skill to get a 2nd drop. kill once get 2 drops :D

even in hc a barb + might merc is very good. you dont need 75% block and you dont need godly elite items/charms (but they always help)

my normal mf/gf build is
max bo
max ww
max mastery
max itemfind
1 zerk
5 NR depends on items you may need more

what helps the most for this build is to have leech on your weapon. you could go with shael shael amn on your sword. my dream sword for goldfind is a GrandMasters Colossus Blade of quickness with Amn, Vex, 40%ed/-15%req.

for items that are easy to get
cube swords with chips. it didtn take me too long to get a +200%ed sword
greed jewels (put them in 2 six socket swords) and use them with FI or when your merc kills
goldskin is great on you and they put wealth on you merc. +30% greed charms drop all the time in normal. if you have dwarf stars use them and get your leech off a belt, amulet, helm and sword. as you get more items you can upgrade what you and your merc have.

most of the time i just let my merc solo the hell highcouncil while i keep my lem swords out but he has good items.

in hc what you can do for a very long time is run nm highcoucil and meph. a might merc can take them all out with no problem. i wouldnt be in any rush to run hell highcouncil in hc at low levs. also you can still get a ton of gold in act 1 hell. they are easy kills, many champs and good drops.

Best HC Goldfinder? - Numsay - 06-19-2003

I like to use a Sorc coupled with a high level might merc in HC to go after the NM Council, plus Meph and his minions. I use a level 16 static (covers the screen) to melt the hit points away and let my merc finish then off. You can also use your teleport skill to reposition your merc at will. It's a very fast way to farm gold and it's safe.
Although seeing Tempus's screeny I'm tempted to make a SC barb :)

Best HC Goldfinder? - Rhydderch Hael - 06-19-2003

-Tempus-,Jun 19 2003, 03:53 AM Wrote::blink: like i said b4 any char can make for a good fun goldfind char.  amz/sorc and necros do very well in cows since they can all kill without much in the way of items.  but the best goldfind char is the barb with max find item skill. why is that? you kill a monster once for its drops then you use your find  item skill to get a 2nd drop.  kill once get 2 drops  :D
I'm not a prospector by far, but wouldn't a really good gold harvest come from a Pindleskin run with a Barbarian player?

You get the Reanimated Horde fellows to crawl up to you, then dump a crate of whoopass upon them. Wait for a few of the fellows to scramble back up, then attack once more. When they're knocked down for good, go to Find Item.

Instead of 2 drop possibilities, you get 3 or more. Correct?

Best HC Goldfinder? - Archon_Wing - 06-19-2003

Hey I do that! :D

And yes, they can drop everytime you kill them. However, usually their drops aren't that spactacular as say, the council. It can be 2000-3000 g per kill with 400% gf, and they are ridicolusly easy to kill unless Pindleskin gets pissed one day and decides to be double enchanted with conviction.

Knocking up those flayers in hell can provide lots of gold too. Plus you can simply sell the large amount of junk for even more cash.

But I'm never rich in terms of gold. It may be because I blow off millions gambling every session.

Best HC Goldfinder? - -Tempus- - 06-20-2003

my first hc barb was made for mf/gf he is lev 89 with a might merc and has the same build i use for all mf chars.

max FI
max bo
max master
max ww
1 zerk
~5 NR

when i do nm high/meph i dont kill anything, i just keep my 2 ali's out and let my merc kill everthing while i just FI what he kills. i use taunt to pull them close to me and my merc and then use WarCry to stun lock them while the merc kills them. in hell hc i dont do the highcouncil that much since i'm on a 56k line and also game on an old P1 200mhz pc. but when i'm on a faster system i dont have any problems with them.

the pick is of my main sc goldfind barb/merc their setup is +3000% greed :blink: and like all of my chars its dupe/hack free :P i'm lucky because i have many old d2c rares with close over 100% greed on them. i also have 1.08 wars but i have them on my main mf barb ( he is using my old 2 lem ali's)

something to remember is you should make a goldfind char that you have fun with. i happen to like the barbs the most for a few reasons. they kill phy fast with zerk, they have NR so its easy to get max toall, they can hold 2 weapons ( 2 six lem swords is 900% greed ) they can also get mass life. and last they have the FI skill, using that they have the chance to get 2x the drops as anyother char class.

as for pind, he and all the undead can drop a lot of gold but only pind can drop more then 1 item at a time where all the highcouncil members can drop over 4 items.

also flayers rock for gold, so does act1, bloody hills, AW, city of dammed and so many other maps

Best HC Goldfinder? - -Tempus- - 06-20-2003

oh btw i've got about 60mill gold saved on west lod sc for 1.10 :lol: after i load up d2classic, lod hc, lod east chars i should have close to 100 mill gold all ready to gamble on amulets :blink:

Best HC Goldfinder? - Layzd - 06-25-2003

"what helps the most for this build is to have leech on your weapon. you could go with shael shael amn on your sword. my dream sword for goldfind is a GrandMasters Colossus Blade of quickness with Amn, Vex, 40%ed/-15%req. "

I know this is kinda off topic but... DONT WASTE A VEX AND AMN JUST FOR DUAL LEECH!! 2 p. skulls would work just as well. Giving 8LL/6ML compared to the 7 dual from amn vex. P. skulls are SOOO much cheaper and if you have a vex...make silence or something :-P.