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Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Printable Version

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Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Arutha - 07-01-2003

1- New toys to play with, new builds to try out ?

2- Because the game will be more balanced ?

3- Because the ladder realms will provided a cleansed mp environment ?

4- Because of new modding opportunities and ease ?

5- Because of long overdue bug fixes ?

All things considered, I don't believe for one sec that the game will be more balanced. I also believe 1.10 may fix some bugs, but will introduce a plethora of new ones.
I expect that the ladder realm's "clean" state will be short-lived, and that the average BNET crowd will stay nearly every bit as obnoxious as it is now.
The new "toys" and builds will hold some appeal at first, but I also expect glaring unbalances to spoil that fun rather quickly.

In spite of all that, I am eager for 1.10.
Because of the new files structure, and the modding possibilities that should come with that. The only game I've spent more time with than D2 is Age of Empires. Not playing the game, but playing with the scenario editor.
I hope I'll start having the same kind of fun with D2...

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Sickywicky - 07-01-2003

Quote:New toys to play with, new builds to try out ?

I've always been kind of a necromancer fan so that explains itself. :)

But mostly I hope I can play in pubby's again... I avoid those lately,I don't want my precious hc chars to be killed by some "1337 Tr!994-H4cK20R W17h ITH 14M3r n00b".

That last bit took me a lot of time since I'm not really familiar to that little "language" feel free to ask for a translation. ;)

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Brother Laz - 07-01-2003

Because I've been waiting for it for about 6 months! Do they think my mod will make itself? :lol:

Ahh, bad old times when I rushed my first mod to be complete by April 2002 because 1.10 was coming out in May...

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - DralaFi - 07-02-2003

Because it will revolutionize the gameplay and the game itself like and may be even more then 1.08 did.

Plus like others. I have been waiting for this patch for over 1.5 years.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - CorwinBrute - 07-02-2003

Well, because it may actually make me want to play D2 again...

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Dyntheos - 07-02-2003

Because Skiing in Hell will be fun.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Swarmalicious - 07-02-2003

Quote:3- Because the ladder realms will provided a cleansed mp environment ?

Yeah, that one. If only it would last.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Brista - 07-02-2003

Arutha,Jul 1 2003, 01:01 AM Wrote:1- New toys to play with, new builds to try out ?
I've always loved trying out different skill set-ups. I generally don't get as excited about items but the idea of all the different skill set-up has me very keen to play 1.10

I think that the synergies will actually increase the numbers of builds to try, I'm looking forward to Holy Fire and Lightning strike :)

Quote:2- Because the game will be more balanced ?

I've never been too fussed about this. I play all of the character classes and have found each very enjoyable

Quote:3- Because the ladder realms will provided a cleansed mp environment ?


For me the real test will be though if the game can be made enjoyable and predominantly legit (in Ladder games) through the periodic flushing of characters into the non-Ladder pool

I would love to play Diablo2 online again in public games where the vast majority of players don't cheat

Quote:4- Because of new modding opportunities and ease ?

Too complicated for me, I'll be glad to try some of the mods other people come up with :)

Quote:5- Because of long overdue bug fixes ?

Not something that really bothers me. I agree with you that we will probably see new ones, hopefully not on the order of the Angelic bug.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Any1 - 07-02-2003

My main motivation for 1.10 is all the new builds (I play mostly Paladins) and strategies that will become possible because of the new skill synergies, equipment, cube recipes, etc.

Having a hack/dupe/bug free environment for a couple of months may also motivate me to go back to closed Bnet.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Ignatz - 07-03-2003

Hey Corwin,

I just reread your Basin bowazon guide...such great stuff! I think I blew half my workday reading it, but well worth it. :)

Edit: Off topic, but I took the opportunity anyway. Back to your regularly scheduled post. :P

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - Ignatz - 07-03-2003

Two points of eagerness:

1. Dramatic skill changes = whole new world of character combinations. That alone will keep me going for months upon months.

2. Brand spankin' new items to find, and this time, no Meph runs or any other temping bullhooey. My plan is to slap about 100% mf on each char I make and play normally on the ladder.

Why are you eager for 1.10 ? - niomosy - 07-03-2003

I'm waiting for the expansion pack to finally come out of beta (hopefully).

I'm anctious to play a Necro with (hopefully) some decent firepower.

I want to see what the new uniques will be as well as the new set item bonuses.

I want to see what they're doing to rares to make them "better".

I'm anctious to upgrade some of those unique exceptional weapons to elites (like the throwing weapons for my barb, daggers for my necro, titan's for my javazon, etc. etc.) since it's not always easy to find good elite stuff.

I'm curious to see what synergies will really do in the game.

I want to hit the ladder just to play clean for a bit. A friend and I (and probably another friend) are planning to team up so this should be fun!

I want to see what the new "mf run" areas end up being and if mf will even be worth it.

I want to see how good gambling ends up being and if we'll have a return to 1.05 type gambling results or not (though it'll be far more expensive than gambling was in 1.05)

I want to see how good this "rust storm" thing ends up being.