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Philosophy Games - TaiDaishar - 07-23-2003

And learn more about the world/yourself.

What a nice site, I always liked quizes and the more the better :)

Philosophy Games - Chaerophon - 07-23-2003

Well, I just looked at the "Battlefield God" game and found that it is inherently flawed, despite the fact that it attempts to base its judgements upon logical fallacies rather than dogma, etc. Let me preface this little blurb with the disclaimer that at this point in time I have no particular religious affiliation - in fact, for now I'm agnostic. However, the test claims that if one does not believe in the Loch Ness monster due to the preponderance of evidence against its existence and yet one is still able to believe in God despite a lack of evidence as to His existence, one holds beliefs that contradict one another. Well...

If I am prepared to accept the existence of God as the creator of the universe and all of the natural laws therein, then I may (I don't have to) draw two conclusions:

1.) All of the complex natural laws of the universe as they were created by God may be used to explain the world in general and possibly be considered an act of God in and of themselves.

2.) Just because God created the laws of the universe does not mean that he is bound by them in his own actions.

That being said, I am not trying to make the point that morality is or is not a logical/religious constant above and beyond God, himself; that is a topic for a much more involved and, frankly, fruitless, debate. However, I find it amusing to be told that because, on the one hand, I hold the Loch Ness monster subject to the natural laws of God and yet do not hold God to the same burden of proof, I am a hypocrite, and a practitioner of faulty logic. Whether or not anybody agrees with me on the grounds of "faith", my logic is quite sound and relatively impregnable, if not particularly adventurous, and cannot be outright refuted without additional inside information, which, I assume, would have to come directly from God, himself. (Unless you are one of those 'literalists' in which case, we could argue all day and not arrive at any semblance of a consensus. IMO, the bible was written, not infallibly, but as a guideline... if that... by fallible human beings - not that anyone cares what I think about that, anyways)

Anyways, thanks for the quiz, but I'll stick to my guns :)

EDIT: punctuation

Philosophy Games - --Pete - 07-23-2003


Frankly, that game was a major POS. The people who put it together seem to be totally ignorant of the difference between personal beliefs and truth and the difference between a scientific theory and a belief.


Philosophy Games - TaiDaishar - 07-23-2003

Oh shut up, the quizes are supposed to be fun not to be critisized, not that I think otherwise or trying to offend you but you got to stop inspecting everything so much.

P.S That's one of the few tests I DIDN'T do :)

Philosophy Games - --Pete - 07-23-2003


Philosophy Games - LemmingofGlory - 07-23-2003

Hell, Michigan? Wouldn't Alabama be worse?

[o: *LEMMING* :o]

Philosophy Games - --Pete - 07-23-2003


Depends on whether you like your humidity hot or cold.


Philosophy Games - whyBish - 07-24-2003

"Here at the Lurker Lounge, the site and forum administrators fight to keep the maturity and intelligence levels of the site and its forums high - and we take great pride in that."

Sorry to make a personal judgement about you, but from this thread and the Israel one, it seems that you cannot accept people that have a different opinion from your own.

Telling them to 'shut up' is not going to win any arguments. <_<

Philosophy Games - TaiDaishar - 07-24-2003

Quote:Go to hell

I live in Israel, I can say it's a lot closer to hell than most places on this earth.

And in case nobody understood me (most likely) my first post was not to make them "shut up" or anything like this, just wanted them to loosen up a bit.

Philosophy Games - Chaerophon - 07-24-2003

Well, I, for one, enjoyed making my little analysis, pretentious as it may have been. I wasn't really criticizing your post, I merely thought that that particular test was a little bit bogus. Perhaps you will find/have found it to be entertaining. I never really condemned you for doing so, but I found my expereience with that one to be a bit frustrating. I don't like being told that my religious inclinations are incorrect on the basis of my inferior powers of logic.

Philosophy Games - Nystul - 07-30-2003

In my opinion, Hell, Michigan is almost as redundant as tuna fish :) It does tend to make one wonder though, just how it is that a name like that one "sticks" without the residents deciding to change it.