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Berserk Model - Coca - 08-15-2003

I'm making a variant(?) modeled around, (even though there' not tons of info) a Khorne Berserker.

Among other stuff, his main attack in going to be berserk (Creative.) No WW or frenzy. But to make this viable, I'll also use WarCry to Stun before I hit, and have a little battlecry for bosses (because I can't stun them.)

Also have plently BO to keep the life up. And he'll be Axe/Shield (I want the axe to be Famine because of all that Elemental.)

Any suggestions?

PS. Anyone know if Taunt counters BErserk effect? I doubt it, but just wonderign what happens with them.

Berserk Model - Arutha - 08-15-2003

Twinked or not ?

Berserk doesn't leech. Warcry is very mana-hungry.
So if you're going for an untwinked char, you may face serious mana issues.

Why go axe/shield ?
If you keep them stunned with warcry, you may as well go for a two-handed axe. The point of berserk is to lay down some real smack. ;)

I haven't checked Famine's stats, so maybe I'm wrong here: I'm reading your comment about Famine as providing a lot of elemental damage. Unless 1.10 dramatically changes the situation, you don't need elemental damage with a berserker: few monsters resist magic damage, and you have physical damage for those.

Berserk Model - MMAgCh - 08-15-2003

I have a ~L70 Berserker on USEast and haven't found mana to be a real problem. There are three good sources for mana and the swift regeneration thereof:
- "Vulpine" items. True, because of War Cry you shouldn't get hit, but now and then you will, so you might as well make the best of it. :) My Berserker wears Nightsmoke for precisely that reason; 50% damage goes to mana should be more than enough.
- Natural mana regeneration. By having high-level BO (as pretty much every Barb does) and placing special emphasis on charms that increase mana, you can easily end up with over 500 max mana. At that point the mana cost of Berserk is negated by regeneration, and you will basically never use War Cry so often that you'll run completely dry.
- Mana leech. Due to the newly introduced leech penalties this might be a bit less reliable in 1.1, but in 1.09, taking a (Concentrate) swing at a monster will fully refill my mana orb every time, even with only 4% ML.

Arutha is right, ditch the shield and get a nice big two-handed axe or maul. I'm a fan of mauls because they have no dexterity requirements; all the more stat points for Str and Vit, the Stats that Matter ™.

Famine is also not really necessary. Very few monsters are immune to magical damage in 1.1, even on Hell. While I'm reluctant to recommend any runewords, the ridiculous new ones in 1.1 especially, I'd say that Beast looks nice, solely because of the Fanaticism aura it grants.
Of course, there'd be nothing wrong with an upgraded Steeldriver, or a good rare, or the IK hammer (and the rest of the set while you're at it), etc etc. :)

Berserk Model - jahcs - 08-15-2003

From my experience defeating the minions of chaos the Khorne Berserkers usualy carried 2 HtoH weapons, had lots of attacks, high initiative, and charged into combat without regard for safety or allies. A frenzy (with berserk on weapon switch) build may be more in character. Axes of couse. A few warcries are a must.

Berserk Model - Coca - 08-15-2003

Yea, I thought two axes were more in character, but I've played my handful of frenzy axe barbs. So this is a champion with just one. =P

Berserk Model - jahcs - 08-15-2003

You could try for Kharn the Betrayer. Stay hostile with everyone and click randomly while in melee. ;)