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Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - Printable Version

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Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - kra - 10-28-2003

It appears that for the release version of 1.10 skeletons have been toned down considerably (seemingly back to their 1.09 level).

Disappointing to say the least :(

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - Bun-Bun - 10-28-2003

I guess I'm fortunate I finished up my skeleton fella under 1.10s. Is this an observational deduction or did you check the MPQ's?

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - Ruvanal - 10-28-2003

The MPQ stats are still the same as in the v1.10s beta test.

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - loonygloss - 10-29-2003

Yes, but were they not recieveing absurdly boosted life - on the order of 10x what it should have been according to the skills? Perhaps that is what has been fixed.

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - AssA - 10-29-2003 Skeletons took this

[Image: haarbal.jpg]

hairball without any losses, on Nightmare difficulty. So I doubt anything has changed :P they really seem to be as strong as ever.

And if you're referring to the fact that your skeleton crumbles as soon as you get to level 2, that's because of a bug.

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - Obi2Kenobi - 10-30-2003

Actually, that is techinically losing them if you have a plus to skeleton item. :) (ie: starter wand)

Warning to wouldbe skelemancers - Chaerophon - 10-30-2003

Does anyone have any 1.10 experience with using PE rather than PN as a regen inhibitor? Will one or two castings at level three or so be sufficient to control the regen on, for example, a screen full of boss pack of frenzytaurs? (will it cover much ground is the question :) )Just curious as to whether its worth the investment. I'd like to use it as a snazzy looking corpse remover for summoning creatures as well. Pretty green.....