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Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - Printable Version

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Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - savaughn - 10-27-2005

Rinnhart,Oct 27 2005, 12:43 AM Wrote:What passes for good now will be garbage after the expansion.

Absolutely. If you have any other assumptions, you are laboring under delusions. There's a whole world of Legendary and Artifact items that are going to roll out in volume after we get an expansion. Just like when Blizzard rolled out the Diablo2 expansion, there's going to be entire layers of better gear on top of what's out there.

And todays most precious treasures are going to be tomorrow's trash. Count on that one. :P If you find yourself spending months and months and emotionally investing heavily on getting a specific object this can be harsh news, so make sure you go into this with that understanding. There's a whole layer of items that we've never even seen yet.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - Artega - 10-27-2005

Quark,Oct 25 2005, 10:01 PM Wrote:The next time I hear someone say how easy it is to get Exalted with Stormpike or Frostwolf, I will rip their head off in frustration.

Just do what we did. Use the realm forums to get AVs going at particular times during an average week. We did and it went from two AV nights a week to two AVs going on all day, every day.

The fact is, it is EASY to reach Exalted with your faction if your server has an AV going frequently.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - MongoJerry - 10-27-2005

Artega,Oct 27 2005, 01:25 PM Wrote:The fact is, it is EASY to reach Exalted with your faction if your server has an AV going frequently.

Yes, very easy. I got Exaulted with Frostwolf in two weeks of casual playing in AV as opposed to almost six months of wining Warsong Gulch quite intensively and only getting Revered.

It also used to be even easier, when you could exploit the Eye. There was a way you could turn in the eye, pick it up again before the game registered that it had been turned in, and turn it in a gain. You got faction every time you turned in the eye, so many people (and I knew several on both factions) got Exaulted with Frostwolf in one game.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - Quark - 10-27-2005

Artega,Oct 27 2005, 04:25 PM Wrote:Just do what we did.  Use the realm forums to get AVs going at particular times during an average week.  We did and it went from two AV nights a week to two AVs going on all day, every day.

Artega's got the answer folks! Stormrage must just be stupid for never trying anything like this!

Oh, wait. We were doing this. Klan Krushbone (horde side) used to organize AV once a week. They quit in frustration at lack of Horde signing up and being too difficult to get a group going.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - Drasca - 10-27-2005

Brother Laz,Oct 27 2005, 10:27 AM Wrote:Why would 'the' blood elves be evil and 'the' tauren good? Just like in RL, there are good and evil individuals in each race.

You have to consider how the race is created and how they respond to threats. Mucking about with demonic forces is unnatural. Being born out of death is considered unnatural too, but that's not the only reason undead are considered evil. Undead alchemists don't value life, and are willing to experiment on it haphazardly to the point of exploiting the desperate.

Blood elves abrogate morals to achieve power. Blood elves, by their chosen nature, throw away any inklings or trappings to be good so they may have the power for vengeance. Rather than letting their powers fade away gracefully, these elves seek unnatural means to extend their power. They are desperate for power, and are willing to seek coercive means for it. That is why they are 'evil'.

Tauren aren't out for conquest or vengeance. They haven't been tempted by evil as much, but they value life, respect its existence, and value preservation of nature. They've held the attitude of a defensive war, not spilling more blood than necessary. Neither Undead nor Blood Elves hold any such values, and are willing to throw away the lives of others to achieve their own goals. That is key in judging good vs evil.

The Forsaken may or may not eventually learn to value the living in others as much as their own undead existence, but they've become aware of the precious freedom of their own unlife--so they may yet be redeemed or fall further into amorality depending on how the Warcraft story will continue.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - Artega - 10-28-2005

Quark,Oct 27 2005, 04:43 PM Wrote:Artega's got the answer folks![right][snapback]93342[/snapback][/right]

I do try.

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - martini - 10-28-2005

Concillian,Oct 26 2005, 12:06 AM Wrote:Heh, no kidding.  I've been in AV everytime I've been able to when I see it open.

That's four times in three months.  Once I spent two hours in Orgrimmar advertising in order to get it open.  I'm in queue everytime I'm on for a few hours with a character high enough level who isn't on specifically to group with others.
Wow, you've been able to get into AV? You're one (or several) up on me, then. :P

Patch Notes for "The Burning Crusade"? - TheWesson - 10-29-2005

let me be the first to link to the new Blood Elf race for the Horde: