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Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Concillian - 03-03-2006

Shriek,Mar 3 2006, 12:26 PM Wrote:Overheal addon nerf?

I think this is because people were able to macro 2 spells in one macro if the first was instant and didn't induce the global cooldown by using "SpellStopCasting()"

For example you could use PoM + Pyro in one button press or Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch in one button press. Not sure if you will still be able to with this change.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - oldmandennis - 03-03-2006

Shriek,Mar 3 2006, 12:26 PM Wrote:Ah, well--I got
Quote:A new enchanting recipe that adds +25 Agility to two-handed weapons has been added to the Timbermaw Furbolgs that requires Friendly reputation.
Wow! Now the uber epic spear from AQ40 will actually be better than 2 BSHs!

It was already better by 21 stam. But yeah, the recepie makes sense.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - vor_lord - 03-03-2006

Important information about the 1.10 dungeon sets (the T0.5):

Quote:A brand new quest series has been added for each class which will allow players the opportunity to upgrade their existing dungeon set. The current dungeon sets consist of rare items that range from level 52 to 58. Each new set however, once fully upgraded through completing each quest in the series will provide players with four high level rare (blue) items, and four epic (purple) items. The upgraded sets are textured differently so that they are fully distinguishable from the standard dungeon set.

The new quest series begin with soloable quests, but eventually will take players into instances such as Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Depths, along with both Upper and Lower Blackrock Spire. What's particularly exciting is that these quests challenge players to fight brand new bosses which have been added to each of these dungeons. These bosses, while created and placed for the purpose of the dungeon set quests, have been fully itemized so players can kill them for loot, whether or not anyone in the party even has the associated quests.

Look here for a synopsis of the blue posts on the topic.

The short of it is that you cannot get any pieces of the T0.5 set unless you have the T0 piece. So those of us who chose to get gear that helped us do our role better, rather than collect a fairly meh blue set, are now behind the curve. :unsure:

I've got only 3 pieces of Devout, and as of 1.10 they will all be BoE so trivial to obtain. I never put my focus on getting them, I went for the best blue healing gear instead. I'm a long way from being able to get the T0.5 stuff :(

Luckily I like 5 manning but I wish I had known...

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Artega - 03-03-2006

Talissa,Mar 3 2006, 01:51 PM Wrote:Actually it just says BRS not Ubrs or Lbrs so the entire thing can't be raided now...

Blackrock Spire is not actually split into upper and lower sections; that's just something the players do. It's considered one instance, but is usually done in sections, since doing the entire thing in one run would take several hours.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Artega - 03-03-2006

nobbie,Mar 3 2006, 03:19 PM Wrote:The "Burning Crusade" Beta-Key Contest Details:
What are these char leveling contests for? To identify and fix the sweet leveling spots in the game?


Bloodsails in STV are certain to get significant attention; 230-270 XP per (at 40, anyway), and very easy to kill, depending on your class; my Lv.40 Shaman loves them.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Artega - 03-03-2006

Quote:Quest Experience to Gold Conversion at Level 60

      Previously, quest experience was wasted if one completed a quest at level 60. In this patch, any quests done at maximum level will have their experience reward converted to a healthy amount of gold, thus adding additional incentive to completing those quests in your log once you hit 60.

Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. SWEET!

Quote:# Molten Core

    * You no longer charge into the lava when charging Ragnaros.


Quote:# Blackrock Spire

    * Some monsters were removed to reduce the time it takes to run the dungeon.
    * Mother's Milk off Mother Smolderweb will now only affect players.
    * Spire Spiderlings now have fewer hitpoints.

No more four-hour Warlord's Command runs? I'm crushed!

Quote:New flight paths have been added between:

    * Ironforge and Light's Hope Chapel
    * Stonetalon Peak and Astranaar
    * Talendris Point and Everlook
    * Theramore and Talendris Point
    * Sepulcher and Tarren Mill

More changes for crappy Alliance flight paths. And my friends wonder why I refuse to play Alliance.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Concillian - 03-03-2006

vor_lord,Mar 3 2006, 01:31 PM Wrote:The short of it is that you cannot get any pieces of the T0.5 set unless you have the T0 piece. So those of us who chose to get gear that helped us do our role better, rather than collect a fairly meh blue set, are now behind the curve.  :unsure:



I guess that changes the focus of the rest of my 1.09 activity... Valor and devout were kinda 'eh' before. The only reason to go after them was from a collectability standpoint.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - oldmandennis - 03-03-2006

vor_lord,Mar 3 2006, 01:31 PM Wrote:The short of it is that you cannot get any pieces of the T0.5 set unless you have the T0 piece.

Luckily I like 5 manning but I wish I had known...

Wish I had known too, though I've already gone purple and thrown out the blue set items I had. Could have at least done the quests for the cash :)

As far as acquiring the blue set goes, you still have several weeks to blast Drak 15 man, if you think thats the best way to get that piece. Moving items off Urok (I assume) and the postmaster will make it more easy to get those after the patch hits.

I'd guess that the relevent quests would not be raidable, even if the cap wasn't lowered. So lowering the cap will actually make it easier to finish T0.5, at least on my server where 5 man strath/scholo is a very difficult party to find.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Mavfin - 03-03-2006

oldmandennis,Mar 3 2006, 05:02 PM Wrote:Wish I had known too, though I've already gone purple and thrown out the blue set items I had.  Could have at least done the quests for the cash :)

As far as acquiring the blue set goes, you still have several weeks to blast Drak 15 man, if you think thats the best way to get that piece.  Moving items off Urok (I assume) and the postmaster will make it more easy to get those after the patch hits.

I'd guess that the relevent quests would not be raidable, even if the cap wasn't lowered.  So lowering the cap will actually make it easier to finish T0.5, at least on my server where 5 man strath/scholo is a very difficult party to find.

The population will adjust, though. You'll be able to find 5-man groups for these dungeons after the patch, once raids are no longer an option.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - nobbie - 03-03-2006

Artega,Mar 3 2006, 09:41 PM Wrote:Bloodsails in STV are certain to get significant attention; 230-270 XP per (at 40, anyway), and very easy to kill, depending on your class; my Lv.40 Shaman loves them.
How's that leveling competition going to work anyway on the very few test servers? I mean you have hundreds, if not thousands of players grinding in about the same areas? Impossible to get to 50 in that small time frame under such circumstances, unless you grind with groups through instances all day long.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Watto44 - 03-03-2006

Man, I wish the XP for Gold was retroactive. My current financial difficulties would be a thing of the past. Given that I'm planing on trying some different specs in the next few weeks, all the extra gold I can get my grubby little hands on is nice. :D

Kind of sucky that you need the T0 set in order to upgrade, particularly when you consider that many players (myself included) ignored the class set because much better ilvl equivalent gear could be found elsewhere. (Chestpiece of Tranquillity vs. Wildheart Chest really is a no brainer.) Luckily for me I managed to get some of the more difficult pieces through sheer luck (the chest and legs). Sigh, I guess it's back to Scholo for me. I'm getting really tired of that place. :(

I think setting a 5 man limit on Strat/Scholo et al. is a great idea. While getting your blue set can be a real pain in the bum, hopefully the changes to loot tables will make it a little more palatable. And, quite frankly, with all the dumbing down of those instances, 10 manning them was ridiculously easy and incredibly boring. At least 5 manning them requires some sort of teamwork and a little planning, as opposed to the "don't stop zerging until you hit the barron" strategy. :shuriken:

As for the changes to rep in AV, I like them. Given that all you need is to be on the threat list of the dying player, I can see a lot of tranquillity and hurrican spam coming in the next few weeks. :D More rep from WSG and AB is nice as well, as it'll make that last long, long leg to exalted go a little quicker. (Again, it's a little late, but still a good thing.)

For the druid stuff, it's nice that ravage can't be dodged, blocked or parried anymore. Shame about Rip being a proper bleed effect, but hey, it makes sense. Also a shame that shifting no longer gives you the one second immune, but again it makes sense. Very, very nice that I won't die when shifting out of bear form anymore. That was getting really anoying. After all, what's the point in having lots of stamina if you die because of it? Equipable items being usable in forms is nice, but pretty "meh" as far as I'm concerned. I would still like to see weapons proc in forms, but I can see the technical difficulties implementing that would create.

But, most importantly:
Quote:A new level 52 druid quest that takes place in Un'Goro crater has been added.
Woo#$%@#$%#Hoo! It's not an epic quest, but I don't care! I've waited over a year and a total of 88 levels (two toons) for another druid quest. I'm one happy furbie. :D

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Gurnsey - 03-03-2006

vor_lord,Mar 3 2006, 02:31 PM Wrote:The short of it is that you cannot get any pieces of the T0.5 set unless you have the T0 piece. So those of us who chose to get gear that helped us do our role better, rather than collect a fairly meh blue set, are now behind the curve.  :unsure: [right][snapback]103514[/snapback][/right]
Does anyone have a link to an official blue source that states that you must have the Dungeon 1 piece to get the Dungeon 2 piece?

I could have sworn that there was a post saying that you DIDN'T need it, but now I can't find anything one way or the other.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Concillian - 03-03-2006

Gurnsey,Mar 3 2006, 02:51 PM Wrote:Does anyone have a link to an official blue source that states that you must have the Dungeon 1 piece to get the Dungeon 2 piece?

I could have sworn that there was a post saying that you DIDN'T need it, but now I can't find anything one way or the other.

Vor_lords link is exactly what you're asking for. Did you click it?

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - oldmandennis - 03-03-2006

Mavfin,Mar 3 2006, 02:18 PM Wrote:The population will adjust, though.  You'll be able to find 5-man groups for these dungeons after the patch, once raids are no longer an option.

That's what I'm saying.

The official rules of the contest are up on the home page. Basically, you have level 19 WSG (250 ally 250 horde winners), and on a seperate server first 1000 to level 50 and 1000 people with the most level 25 characters.

I really don't think level 50 is that difficult. Most places have a fairly flexible dynamic respawn system, and between the people who would rather work on their actual characters and those checking out the changes on the real test server, I'd bet it's not that crowded after the first couple of days.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Watto44 - 03-03-2006

Concillian,Mar 4 2006, 09:52 AM Wrote:Vor_lords link is exactly what you're asking for.  Did you click it?
From that link:
Quote:For instance, players seeking the Magister Boots will no longer have to kill the Postmaster but rather take down Hearthsinger Forresten in Scholomance, a more convenient endeavor.
Great that mages don't need the postmaster, but, umm, is that a typo, or have they moved Hearthsinger? ;)

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Flymo - 03-03-2006

Concillian,Mar 3 2006, 08:32 PM Wrote:I think this is because people were able to macro 2 spells in one macro if the first was instant and didn't induce the global cooldown by using "SpellStopCasting()"

For example you could use PoM + Pyro in one button press or Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch in one button press.  Not sure if you will still be able to with this change.
I don't think this will stop you doing that. You can have any number of casts in a macro or add-on, it is just the cooldown that stops all but the first working. So using a trinket (which does not trigger global cooldown), SpellStopCasting(), then a cast should still work unless there's a further nerf in there somewhere.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - Ynir - 03-04-2006

Watto44,Mar 3 2006, 11:10 PM Wrote:From that link:

Great that mages don't need the postmaster, but, umm, is that a typo, or have they moved Hearthsinger? ;)

If Hearthsinger is the piccolo trinket guy, hes in Strat, unless they moved him.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - TheLuminaire - 03-04-2006

Test Realms are up! Character Transfers for existing characters should be open shortly, but there's some premade characters to play around with as well. They're really well geared too.

Power Infusion + ToEP + Inner Focus = Happy Priest.

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - nobbie - 03-04-2006

TheLuminaire,Mar 4 2006, 09:25 AM Wrote:Test Realms are up!  Character Transfers for existing characters should be open shortly, but there's some premade characters to play around with as well.  They're really well geared too.

Power Infusion + ToEP + Inner Focus = Happy Priest.
Same in Europe :)

Patch 1.10 Testing Next Week - nobbie - 03-04-2006

Quote:Quests & Reputation

- The Hexxer's Head is no longer a requirement for the Collection of
Heads quest in Zul'Gurub.
Casual gamers rejoice! :)