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BE Paladins and Shattrah - Monkey - 04-19-2007

Quote:Meh, I don't know why I even bother. Blizzard sure doesn't. They still have the old "Eradar corrupted Sargeras" story up on their web page.


/surfs to

Oh, I see, you missed with:
Quote:Note: Certain parts of the History section are outdated and may therefore conflict with other pieces of lore or stories. We plan on updating this section in the future to bring it up to date.

There, doesn't that band-aid make the retcon all better?

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Lissa - 04-19-2007

Quote:Which brings us back to the timeless discussion you can frequently find on the WoW forums - why would, for example, these Blood Elves kill Illidan? He was actually one of the people who helped them, and he is actually against the Burning Legion, but let's go kill him anyway, right? And yes, apparently now there are some sound files in game which point to Maiev coming and helping the raid kill Illidan (even though Blizz said that you don't really kill Illidan, as much as get in his way).

Not that I like Illidan, but there is about as much reason to kill him as there is to kill Naaru or Consortium.

Ummmm...Illidan is also working for the Legion. Did anyone forget that he's Kil'Jaedan's Lt in Outland? Go back and look at the end of the BE/Naga campaign in Frozen Throne. He's most definitely working for the Legion as well. If you read through the text from various quests coming with 2.1, like getting attuned for Black Temple, it indicates that the reason Illidan thinks Kael should die is because Kael is trying to usurp Illidan's leadership in Outland and take over himself. It doesn't matter if Kael really is or isn't trying to do so, it's that Illidan's paranoia makes him believe that Kael is trying to take over and that is why Illidan wants Kael dead.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - lemekim - 04-19-2007

Quote:Ummmm...Illidan is also working for the Legion. Did anyone forget that he's Kil'Jaedan's Lt in Outland? Go back and look at the end of the BE/Naga campaign in Frozen Throne. He's most definitely working for the Legion as well. If you read through the text from various quests coming with 2.1, like getting attuned for Black Temple, it indicates that the reason Illidan thinks Kael should die is because Kael is trying to usurp Illidan's leadership in Outland and take over himself. It doesn't matter if Kael really is or isn't trying to do so, it's that Illidan's paranoia makes him believe that Kael is trying to take over and that is why Illidan wants Kael dead.
From Blizzard's official page:

Quote:[Illidan] quickly seized control of the chaotic region and sealed the last of Ner'zhul's cursed gateways.

Though he is the undisputed ruler of the ravaged land, Illidan lives in fear that he will be discovered by his powerful enemies - most notably Arthas, the new Lich King, and the remaining Lords of the Burning Legion.

Nope, definately sounds like he is enemies with the Burning Legion. Short history: Burning Legion forces Illidan to go after Arthas, Illidan loses, and fearing anger of the Burning Legion, retreats to Outlands, seals all the portals, and is preparing an army to fight the Burning Legion if/when they come knocking on his door.

Funny enough, it's not the first time that we stopped Illidan from helping us - in one of the WC3 chapters we stopped him from destroying the Frozen throne using the Eye of Sargeras.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - ima_nerd - 04-19-2007

Quote:Funny enough, it's not the first time that we stopped Illidan from helping us - in one of the WC3 chapters we stopped him from destroying the Frozen throne using the Eye of Sargeras.
Well, to be fair, Maiev didn't know what he was doing. She's also a bit crazy herself, come to think of it...

BE Paladins and Shattrah - NiteFox - 04-19-2007

Quote:Well, to be fair, Maiev didn't know what he was doing. She's also a bit crazy herself, come to think of it...
And flooding an entire planet by shattering apart an icecap is the better alternative?

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Bolty - 04-19-2007

Quote:And flooding an entire planet by shattering apart an icecap is the better alternative?
Wait, when did Al Gore get involved in this?


BE Paladins and Shattrah - Monkey - 04-19-2007

Quote:Funny enough, it's not the first time that we stopped Illidan from helping us - in one of the WC3 chapters we stopped him from destroying the Frozen throne using the Eye of Sargeras.

It's a little more appropriate to say this isn't the first time that warcraft players have naively been led into doing the wrong thing by the developers for the purpose of advancing the story. Hey, we helped Arthas slaughter Andorhal's sleeping villagers and complete his turn to the dark side, didn't we? That led to facing Archimonde himself to save the planet.

And now Illidan is blocking portals to prevent the Burning Legion's many "remaining Lords" from entering Outland. If WoW player characters kill/stop/hinder Illidan from doing this, who will face the Burning Legion on the other side of the portals? Where will we find powerful enough individuals?

These remaining Lords of the Burning Legion are so mighty that it'll probably take entire teams of 5, 10, or even 25 very powerful characters to defeat them. And they'll probably have to defeat halls full of Burning Legion minions and lieutenants before they can even attack these remaining Lords.

Gosh, where will we to find groups like that in the World of Warcraft?!

BE Paladins and Shattrah - ima_nerd - 04-19-2007

Quote:It's a little more appropriate to say this isn't the first time that warcraft players have naively been led into doing the wrong thing by the developers for the purpose of advancing the story. Hey, we helped Arthas slaughter Andorhal's sleeping villagers and complete his turn to the dark side, didn't we? That led to facing Archimonde himself to save the planet.

And now Illidan is blocking portals to prevent the Burning Legion's many "remaining Lords" from entering Outland. If WoW player characters kill/stop/hinder Illidan from doing this, who will face the Burning Legion on the other side of the portals? Where will we find powerful enough individuals?

These remaining Lords of the Burning Legion are so mighty that it'll probably take entire teams of 5, 10, or even 25 very powerful characters to defeat them. And they'll probably have to defeat halls full of Burning Legion minions and lieutenants before they can even attack these remaining Lords.

Gosh, where will we to find groups like that in the World of Warcraft?!
Ahaha, thanks for the chuckle:lol:

BE Paladins and Shattrah - lemekim - 04-19-2007

Quote:It's a little more appropriate to say this isn't the first time that warcraft players have naively been led into doing the wrong thing by the developers for the purpose of advancing the story. Hey, we helped Arthas slaughter Andorhal's sleeping villagers and complete his turn to the dark side, didn't we? That led to facing Archimonde himself to save the planet.

Quite true, hell, there are whole campaigns where you play as the bad guy. But you know what they say, fool me once into trying to kill Illidon, shame on you, fool me twice... Bah, it's not like there is any story left to advance. Let Blizzard do as they wish, as long as everyone get new shiny epics.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Frag - 04-20-2007

Quote:Quite true, hell, there are whole campaigns where you play as the bad guy. But you know what they say, fool me once into trying to kill Illidon, shame on you, fool me twice... Bah, it's not like there is any story left to advance. Let Blizzard do as they wish, as long as everyone get new shiny epics.
Eh? Go do the netherwing questline, when you're sent to the orcish fort on Netherwing Island, stand next to the commander there for a while until he has his discussion with Lady Sinistra. Chris Metzen totally wrote it, you can tell, and there's plenty of story in there.

~Frag B)

BE Paladins and Shattrah - oldmandennis - 04-20-2007

Quote:Chris Metzen totally wrote it

That's a good thing? He's responsible for the Eradar/Sergaras/Pew Pew Spaceship mess.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Alrin - 04-24-2007

Quote:Well, to be fair, Maiev didn't know what he was doing. She's also a bit crazy herself, come to think of it...

Is it just me, or is this "complete insanity" deal starting to become quite the racial trait for Elves in general?
Kael'thas is obviously quite the raving lunatic..
Queen Azshara.. well yeah.. nice going there lady.
NE Hunters (99%) of them ... Oh . My . GOD.
Illidan, locked away for thousands of years in a black room. Way to go therapy! Drinking from skulls of magic powers. Stark raving mad? Probably.
And that leader prick in Darnassus, that male elf that constantly insults the hell out of you whenever you did quests for him (his name escapes me) .. maybe hes not insane but lets just say he is for the sake of it so he will be the first against the Wall when the Revolution comes. IMO
Oh and druids gone mad, driven insane by mana bombs? Bombs, made by who..? More elves! WEEE!
And lets not forget the Emerald Dream, once it's released I'm sure it'll be shock-full of absolutely bonkers druids. Yes, I can't wait!

But clearly, elves in general are totally missing a few branches in their trees, ahem.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Quark - 04-24-2007

I suppose it's a consequence of being pigeonholed by your own lore. How many elves are there that are innately evil, as opposed to evil due to insanity/addiction/plague/etc?

You could say the Highbourne were at least partially evil due to the stratification of Night Elf society, but did they really act evil before Sargeras' corruption?

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Artega - 04-24-2007

Quote:And flooding an entire planet by shattering apart an icecap is the better alternative?

If it means stopping an unholy juggernaut of undeath and preventing the creation of what is quite possibly the single-most powerful evil entity in the (heavily retconned) history of Warcraft, I think it would be okay:P

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Artega - 04-24-2007

Quote:That's a good thing? He's responsible for the Eradar/Sergaras/Pew Pew Spaceship mess.

Metzen actually admitted that he'd forgotten parts of his own storyline.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Jester - 04-24-2007

Quote:And flooding an entire planet by shattering apart an icecap is the better alternative?

Oh, no! Whatever would the Murlocs do?


BE Paladins and Shattrah - Taelas - 04-24-2007

Quote:Queen Azshara.. well yeah.. nice going there lady.
Azshara wasn't crazy. Evil as hell, yes. Crazy? Not really.

She probably is nowadays, though. Being turned into a Naga Queen will do that for ya.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - NiteFox - 04-24-2007

Quote:Oh, no! Whatever would the Murlocs do?

Suffer, hopefully.

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Lissa - 04-24-2007

Quote:Suffer, hopefully.

You've been Murloc tipping to often with an overly rambunctious female Troll haven't you? :unsure:

BE Paladins and Shattrah - Alrin - 04-24-2007

Quote:Azshara wasn't crazy. Evil as hell, yes. Crazy? Not really.

She probably is nowadays, though. Being turned into a Naga Queen will do that for ya.

Really? I was under the impression she was droven bonkers by demonic influence and screwed up bigtime.
So she just went EvilVillain-Mode™ instead?