Things I like about D II
1) Perfect chat gem activated.

D2 was all downhill after that. :P

The first time I went to the secret level though (not the secret gem level, I mean the cow one).... that syncopated mooing bit when you first enter really cracked me up.
Act 4, as a whole. I love the entire act - particularly the Chaos Sanctuary. And Sirian's tales (particularly Ember!). That tale half made my love for the CS - it is difficult for all, but not impossible, even for the most feeble of characters. Or at least, it wasn't, until LoD...

*shrugs* My belief is that LoD ruined D2, but hey, I could be wrong :-)

Nystul,Feb 20 2005, 06:49 AM Wrote:1) Perfect chat gem activated.

D2 was all downhill after that.  :P

The first time I went to the secret level though (not the secret gem level, I mean the cow one).... that syncopated mooing bit when you first enter really cracked me up.
What about the MOOO! that was activated sort of like the perfect gem? I've only seen the pgem from experience, but I saw a screenshot of the mooo once.

I just came upon a realization: I think the syncopated mooings are poems in chinese. If I recall correctly, there is a chinese (or other oriental) tongue-twister that involves all homynyms of "Mo." If not, oh well.

I didn't think there was a secret gem level...
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
Nystul,Feb 20 2005, 11:49 AM Wrote:1) Perfect chat gem activated.

D2 was all downhill after that.  :P

The first time I went to the secret level though (not the secret gem level, I mean the cow one).... that syncopated mooing bit when you first enter really cracked me up.
*hi~!I am John. 21years old. I am a chinese. creay about Diablo2!
my yahoo messager:diablo_john11
*hallo. Ich bin John. 21jahr alt. Ich bin ein Chinese.
Meine yahoo messager:diablo_john11
*hola!Soy John.Soy chino.
esto es mi yahoo messager:diablo_john11
私の雅虎:diablo_john11 私のQQ:408687898(中国地区限り)
whathuh,Feb 21 2005, 06:01 PM Wrote:What about the MOOO! that was activated sort of like the perfect gem?  I've only seen the pgem from experience, but I saw a screenshot of the mooo once.

I just came upon a realization: I think the syncopated mooings are poems in chinese.  If I recall correctly, there is a chinese (or other oriental) tongue-twister that involves all homynyms of "Mo."  If not, oh well.

I didn't think there was a secret gem level...

Secret is the key there . . . ;)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
MEAT,Jan 21 2005, 12:44 AM Wrote:1 Sickly enough, my absolute fondest memories of Diablo II were TP trapping.  I would befriend my victims in need of a rush, rush them most of the way, cow them, tell them to get on their eBay bought fighting gear, then go to finish the rush... but it would never complete  :D .  I would usually get all three council members and a few of those fireball-slinging vampires to swarm Mephisto and put up a TP in the middle of them all in Hell.  85% of the time, my poor hapless victim was toast with all his best gear lost.  I never even bothered to loot because I already had everything I wanted.  Sometimes I sit and wonder why I enjoyed it so much, but even now I get that warm fuzzy feeling in my heart when I do.

But my best memory of Diablo II was uninstalling it... and selling my CD's on eBay to ensure I’d never again be stuck in the monotony of this very addictive, time-consuming video game.  That release for me was my greatest triumph in my entire time playing Diablo II, and thus the thing I liked most about the game.  Yes, it's the SIMPLE things that make this game great  ;) .

1 - Please don't hate the way I feel.  You can resent my actions, critize my choices, or even question the way I feel, but please don't hate the way I feel because I can't control these emotions any more than I could stop time.

Heh - I just can't help myself.

My favorite thing about D2? Reading posts like this where the TP Pker has sold his disks and won't be terrorizing folks any longer - bnet is a better place without him.

Amazon Basin Moderator
AB Reveler Leader

East Realm

"Buzzards gotta eat - same as worms" (spit)
the comments of the Assassin and the Necromancer

the upright walking, poleaxe swinging cows (mooo)

finding a rune above THUL

getting 2 sockets into a magical item from Larzuk's quest reward

planning out the skills of a new character

playing through act1 with a fresh, twinked up character
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining, or testing your
code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
One thing I love about the game is the little absurdities. Like the fact that the torch flames in the Rogue Camp cast shadows... :wacko:
"People are strange, when you're a stranger." J. Morrison
One thing that I noticed for the first time the other day is that the sound that you make when walking over the snow in act 5 is the same sound that you make when walking in sand in act 2. Also, if the game lags for a few seconds with some of those Black Raptors on screen, their wings continue to beat and make sound, even if nothing else is moving.

<span style="color:red">Now lounging in the Amazon Basin.
Than there's the way the river of flame isn't connected to anything, so you wonder how the demons get from other places to there. (Yes, I know it's so you don't try exploring other places)

It's also strange when the desert happens to curl back near Lut Glolein, and the desert keeps going off to the side even though there's an ocean next to the city.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Occhidiangela,Feb 23 2005, 01:23 PM Wrote:Secret is the key there . . .&nbsp; ;)

No doubt!

I won't reveal all of the secrets of Diablo, but here's a starter for you all. The Butcher's Chamber in Diablo was roughly shaped like a cube. There is a seldom heard riddle on the Diablo CD hinting for the player to cast town portal in the butcher's chamber. The riddle is told by Wirt. I guess you can see what I'm saying here.

Now that you know the typical methods behind Blizzard's madness, finding the secret gem level should be no problem.
Minionman,Feb 26 2005, 04:26 PM Wrote:Than there's the way the river of flame isn't connected to anything, so you wonder how the demons get from other places to there.&nbsp; (Yes, I know it's so you don't try exploring other places)

It's also strange when the desert happens to curl back near Lut Glolein, and the desert keeps going off to the side even though there's an ocean next to the city.

That is actually the effect of spatial disorientation induced by the absynthe they serve at Atma's. Your sense of direction is what is at odds with the seafront's direction, not the gate, or the other gate, or the other gate . . . :D

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:I loved how squashing every single one of the bugs brought out Wirth's ghost who handed you a Godly Plate of the Whale and said, "So sorry for being such a putz in that other game. I hope this makes up for it and that you can forgive me so that I may move past this purgatory."

(No, this isn't true. Yes, I did try this, more than once, just in case.&nbsp; )

Oh, you probably just missed a few bugs, better try again...

1. the Tristram-music that's from original Diablo played after rescuing Cain.
2. the Catacomb-music from Diablo played in the Jail levels, I think

Causes rising feelings like "oh yeah, the good old time of playing Diablo...that athmosphere...that feeling...that obs/zod ring...infravision in the catacombs to see who's guarding a library...adria selling a book of firebolt to a lvl 43 mage...the hard way to find out resistances and immunities with a target acquisition (STA) and happy foot tactic (HFT) and telekilling with a warrior...running towards a snow witch and casting a fire wall at a distance of 3 squares just about when she starts moving to see her stop walking a second later in the middle of the flames...and so on...". long name for a feeling, though

3. Big D's friendly way to welcome you in his home <_< Could try to say this to my girlfriends parents :D
4. Big D's death animation
5. Cain telling me how lovely my Horadric Cube is whenever I meet him after having dropped that thing...he could simply say that he would want to have it, I then could say "No, old man, I need it, just go away and tell your stories to someone who doesn't know all of them already!", and that's it...actually it's something I forget it
6. when you rescue Anya and first talk to her after already having killed Baal: she'l have 4 dialogues and one item: almost the best you can get from one click!
7. the only time Ormus doesn't speak of himself in the 3rd person: when he gives you a ring as quest reward and saying "I don't need it anymore" or something like this, if I recall correctly
8. the birds flying around: the green ones in Act III for example
9. the ALT-key (his function in the game, not the key itself *lol*)
10. the way the cows moo...sounds like "mouw mau mow" *rofl*
11. the style of the Chaos Sanctuarium...not that I'd wish my room to look like that :lol:
12. the special comments that some NPCs have for special character classes only. I think Nilhathak says something unique to Necromancers, and Fara to Paladins...
13. running with a high-level character and holy fire/shock/frost aura on him or his merc through Act I, Normal: everything dead before it comes close...funny
14. the Arcaine's Valor I've just ound a few days ago...after several years of playing
15. the fact that this game is still fascinating...after several years!

1,25 dozen things I like...that's enough!
Azatoth,Mar 3 2005, 07:50 PM Wrote:7. the only time Ormus doesn't speak of himself in the 3rd person: when he gives you a ring as quest reward and saying "I don't need it anymore" or something like this, if I recall correctly

"This magic ring does me no good. Here, wear it proudly.

Azatoth Wrote:12. the special comments that some NPCs have for special character classes only. I think Nilhathak says something unique to Necromancers, and Fara to Paladins...

Charsi, Geglash notice barbarians. Not sure about acts 3 and 5

Akara, Drognan, Hratli, Malah notice sorceresses

Kashya, Meshif, Asheara, Larzuk see amazons

Gheed, Elzix, Alkor, Nilithak (the item casinos) notice necromancers

Warriv, Fara, Ormus, Qual=kek (sp?) see paladins. Ormus has only a slightly different intro post from usual.

Nilathak sees assasins

Qual=kek sees druids.

(Thank you for letting me show off for a few lines)
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Zerathorn,Feb 24 2005, 11:00 AM Wrote:Heh - I just can't help myself.

My favorite thing about D2?&nbsp; Reading posts like this where the TP Pker has sold his disks and won't be terrorizing folks any longer - bnet is a better place without him.

Heh - indeed a well-warrented perspective. I only played hardcore so my actions were truly damning! In a fashion, I believe I thought of myself as an anti-hero of sorts, ridding of those unscrupulous whinners begging for a rush to hell/hell for their level 1's. These begger's almost always have Paypal purchased gear waiting for them and I feel purchasing gear from the people of almost always supports the use of bots, dupes, and general unethical on-line play to obtain the items. It is for this reason that I felt justifyed eliminate these type of people, but in doing so I became just as trecherous as them, if not worse. People put their trust in me and I paid no respect to the fact that some of these people might have actually been legit players, spending days upon days earning their hard-won gear.

I actually haven't played ANY video games more than 5-hours total since I quit D2 over 6-months ago other than sporatic time with the Diablo 1 NWN MOD, and the Diablo 1 MOD The Dark 5.2. I'm not sure if I've grown accustomed to not having any video games to take up my time (which I've been spending playing with my children) or if I just haven't found a game I really like yet and that dosen't too closly resemble D1 and D2. I feel that time is getting close for me to choose a game to settle down with for a spell.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
What I like:

-The music of Act 5
-The snow of the Highlands and when it snows in town
-The self repair mod and etherealness
-The view of the Arreat Summit
-The desert of Act 2
-The hair of the sorcerer moving in the wind
-The cinematics esp the beginning

i love how after all this time (what has it been now - almost about five years of the game now?)
i can still stumble into dialogue with an npc i have never heard before.


[Image: booty.jpg]

[Image: whores.jpg]

[Image: hlinready02gt1.gif]
<span style="color:tan">h j u k i<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
<span style="color:goldenrod">amazon basin member
the amazon basin
<span style="color:green">___________________________
What I like about D2 is too much to list without cluttering, but in short:
(some spoilers may follow)

- raining money after killing the countess. So refreshing...and enriching. :D
- the dark lord turning into spawn. Creepy.
- Prime Evil voicing
- the feeling of power upon entering Kurast docks (IMO a very stilish act EXCEPT crappy dungeons)
- Hell music - especially inside hellholes in act five. Being chased by kamikaze is even better.
- the venom lords - old reminders. Except they're a lot easier to fight now. :angry:
- Nihlathak, such a fascinating character;
- and yeah, Warped Ones and Horadrim Ancients, especially their latest bosses.
Good night.
1 the golden bird (i won't give it to alkor it's mine!)
2 the green birds in act 3
3 squashing things(rats scorpions etc)
4 the act 5 and 3 music
5 killing baal with your bare hands or with your weakest skill, or making your merc do baal runs
6 barbarian warcries
7 chasing those fake zealots with my zealot
That you can sell back a reward ring in Act 1 without a complaint from her lips.

The lighting of the Act 1 bonfire at night.

The death animation of the afflicted (lightning ball shooters in the catacombs of Act 1). Each time I want to call them on overacting.

That charms make you balance your ability to pick up gear.

The way stairs to the different act 3 temples fall down.

That people not only still play, but the game is still sold.

That you can play it in so many different styles: character classes, subtypes due to skill choices, and fighting types based on gear (melee, ranged, throwing,...).

That there is content added in patches like UberDiablo and annihilus charms and three key events.

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