10-07-2016, 04:25 PM
Yes, thanks, that would be awesome. I would appreciate to play such a game as a little bit of ironman challenge. And without the people in town, none of us can make the rules a little bit "easier" as the game goes

Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish!
10-07-2016, 04:25 PM
Yes, thanks, that would be awesome. I would appreciate to play such a game as a little bit of ironman challenge. And without the people in town, none of us can make the rules a little bit "easier" as the game goes
10-11-2016, 09:22 PM
Here you go, Davias. Completely rewrote the Live of the Land code for compatibility with the current version of this mod (and hopefully any future versions). The results are identical to before, except the Lazarus Portal should be more reliable about staying open in any SP game now (it could be a little fiddly before you were loading games that had been started before the code was enabled, and then switching to a new game), and Farnham is no longer left in town near the portals (as I often use this area as an item dumping ground, and he might get in the way).
Simply paste this entire code into the mod file (make sure you scroll down to get all of it). Let me know if it doesn't work for you. Code: start HF1.01 "Live off the Land mode - No NPCs, No Services in Town" This code will be re-included if I ever issue a version A6.
10-18-2016, 01:54 PM
Thanks, Belix. I will test it in the next few days
hey belix,
if you're going to create a version A6 don't you think it would be at the time to create a single install package with all needed files? no more patching 1.00 -> 1.02 -> A6 ![]() I don't think marsh is going to update his mod ever again, so that shouldn't be the problem. And you could choose a complete new name? Hellfire Final or Hellfire 1.10 something like that. In my opinion you've added so much to marsh's mod that you could at least differentiate from it by name. give yourself a little credit ![]() regards keksnase btw: this is my 1001 account here at lurkerlounge. last time I tried to post a view posts in the hope it wouldn't get deleted but nah...
10-21-2016, 08:23 PM
Hi again keksnase! Yes, I've been considering separating the package from Marsh's project as it has been quite a few years now since he's posted an update. Originally I had hoped to just contribute some work to his project, which he could merge or could be used in addition as users saw fit, but I learned quickly and was able to do much more than I originally envisioned, and this sort of became its own thing.
The installation and ease of use of this project is probably the most important thing I could improve upon at this point. I've been hesitant to work on it because my ideal solution is something much more intricate than simply bundling everything into one full package (at which point I'd be willing to give it a name, and I have one in mind). However, your request has made me realize there's no reason I can't or shouldn't do at least create one full package that's ready to use as soon as you unpack it into a Hellfire install (minus any changes you wish to make to the patch's default settings), in case I never push out another major update. I'll toy with the idea for awhile and maybe assemble a full package soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
Here may be a tiny treat for anyone still following this project:
A friend of mine who has helped me test this mod frequently during the development of its later versions suggested it would be nice if the game had a built-in shrine list. I took this suggestion to heart. It doesn't warrant releasing a new version of the mod, but I will include it in a future update. In the meantime, anyone who would like to have a built-in list of shrine names and their effects can try this. It replaces the text displayed when you press F1 with a scrollable list of alphabetically ordered shrines. To add this to the current version, copy all of the text from start to 'end' in the box below (it scrolls down further, so make sure you get all of it and not only what is shown), then simply edit the mod's .dat file and paste this new entry to the end of the file, save, and start/restart the mod through Loader and it should work. EDIT: Be aware there are some issues copying and pasting this code, probably due to how large some of the lines are. I'll look into it, just be aware for now that it may give you a headache. ![]() F1 Help List = Shrine Effect List Code: start HF1.02 "F1 Help List = Shrine Effect List" As usual, please report any problems you have. Enjoy!
Hey Belix,
just WOW! this is a damn cool feature ![]() here are some screenshots for others who might be interested: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie7kKKl9ULgjBV2lZvO...u?e=d4HgHc Another thing to be aware of: When copying the code from the code-tag and pasting it into an editor (notepad++ and chrome) there will be special chars (displayed as "?") inserted all over the place. The feature will not work with them. After search+replace all "?" with "" the feature was working. I have added a txt with the working code in it to the dropbox folder above to spare others the work ![]() regards keksnase
Hey Belix,
please forgive my double-post (I'm trying to perm my account by increasing my post counter) It seems to me that you forgot some shrines (the two random ones and Imposing) and the pools/cauldrons. To save you the trouble (given you want to add them) I prepared the code to expand the shrine list by the following lines: Blood Fountain: Restore 12.5% life per click $Cauldron: Random Shrine Effect Fountain of Tears: +1 to one attribute; -1 to another (random) $Goat: Random Shrine Effect Imposing: +2 Dexterity Murky Pool: Infravision (temporary: As if a scroll had been used) Purifying Spring: Restore 12.5% mana per click Additionally I added "(Until new game created)" to the "Weird" shrine so it reads: Weird: +1 max damage to all weapons (until new game created) I took my information from here: http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Diablo_I_Shrines You can download the shrine-pool-effect-list.txt here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie7kKKl9ULgjBV2lZvO...u?e=d4HgHc regards keksnase PS: is there a limit of bytes that can be replaced in one line within the dat file? I've tried to combine the complete string but it did not work for me.
11-24-2016, 08:27 AM
(11-22-2016, 12:08 PM)keksnase Wrote: just WOW! this is a damn cool featureThanks. I only just used the Diablo Torch UI mod for the first time today (I avoided it for quite some time because I heard the stash feature built into it could cause items to disappear, so I'd rather use the more reliable Gillian Stash by PlugUlmo), and I was really amused to see that the author of torch also decided to color the dangerous shrines in Red. Even the exact same ones that I did. (11-22-2016, 12:08 PM)keksnase Wrote: Another thing to be aware of: When copying the code from the code-tag and pasting it into an editor (notepad++ and chrome)...This seems to be caused by the exceedingly long length of lines. Even trying to edit this in the first place I ran into a lot of problems trying to copy and paste such large amounts of information, but it didn't occur to me that copying the text off this page might also cause the same problem. I'd have to spend a lot of time clipping the code into more bite size pieces to fix this. I'll try to fix it soon. (11-23-2016, 01:10 PM)keksnase Wrote: It seems to me that you forgot some shrinesI never forget what the other objects do (which I don't technically classify as shrines), so I decided not to add them to the list. But I realize now that may not be the case for other players. Perhaps I should include them at the bottom. I'm happy to see someone else tinkering with the game a bit. Nice job making your own additions! The Imposing shrine only existed in the Diablo Beta and never made it into the retail version of the game. It was originally meant to permanently increase your life in exchange for permanently reducing your mana; the presence of shrines that could actually increase your maximum life or mana makes sense of some weird things in the game like shrines that permanently damage it, and Black Deaths permanently damaging your health. It stands to reason that when these were implemented the designers knew the loss could be made up elsewhere, but when they were later removed (likely due to the implementation of multiplayer), they overlooked some of the things that could still permanently reduce these stats which could no longer be counteracted. Also, if you want to note that Weird shrine effect only lasts for the session, you may also want to note that Gloomy shrines have the same limitation. (11-23-2016, 01:10 PM)keksnase Wrote: PS: is there a limit of bytes that can be replaced in one line within the dat file? I've tried to combine the complete string but it did not work for me.I had the same problem when I was developing this text patch. The limit may be around 1000 bytes. This is the reason I had to split it up into 2 pieces (and judging by the issues copying and pasting even those 2 large pieces, I probably should have split it up more). I may have to rewrite the code on a one message per line basis to clean it up. I'll probably rewrite the patch and text myself and update the original post at some point, but thanks for sharing and putting it here for anyone else to use.
the idea of putting each shrine in it's own offset line inspired me to create an excel sheet that completely generates the lines to put into the *.dat file
All you have to to is insert the original hexcode in cell A1, the starting offset in B4 and edit the ascii text of each row in column E. I tried to make it reusable so it may help others when creating similar changes you can find it here: StringToHex.xlsm (you have to enable macros, as i included a simple ascii->hex and hex->ascii vba function to use in cells. see column D) i also updated my shrine-pool-effect-list.txt. The Imposing shrine is removed once again, "(until new game created)" is added to gloomy shrine and each shrine is in it's own row
01-25-2017, 03:24 AM
I'd like to add my voice in saying thanks to those who have spent time working on this. It's become the go-to version of Diablo for me.
I believe I've found an error in the Shrine Effect List. For the Solar Shrine, it currently states "8PM-2AM +2 VIT" and "2AM-12PM +2 DEX". Shouldn't the correct values be "8PM-4AM +2 VIT" and "4AM-12PM +2 DEX"? I hope to see Gillian's gossip glitch resolved someday. I know its related to PlugUlmo's stash, so maybe that one won't be achievable, but it's one of the few issues about the current version that stands out to me. At any rate, the stash is worth the trade-off if that's the way it has to be.
@KillingMachine: I checked several D1 wikis can confirm you're right. I've updated my excel + shrine-pool-effect-list
01-28-2017, 03:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2017, 03:46 AM by hybridmoments.)
Hey Belix! Just wanted to drop in and say a big THANKYOU for creating this mod and for you considering further updating it and making it even better! I still play your mod everyday, and I check in here at least once a week to see any new posts in this thread!
Adding the shrine list into a new update would be awesome, I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Torch mod from over at Tristr.am, but it has a built in shrine list and it is super useful not having to alt-tab out to check a website for shrine effects. Here is a link to the mod if you haven't seen it before: http://tristr.am/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=88 I have no idea how much work this would be, but I have a request to throw out there if you do end up pushing out another update to the mod, and my request would be an in-game clock that shows the real world time. This is actually a feature in the Torch mod I previously mentioned. In Torch, the real world time is shown at the top center of the screen while you play. I love having it there because we all know how easy it is to get lost in Diablo and play a bit more than we intended to. ![]() But again, thanks for all your hard work in making your mod the best there is! All of us die-hards appreciate it!
01-30-2017, 01:26 AM
(01-25-2017, 03:24 AM)KillingMachine Wrote: I'd like to add my voice in saying thanks to those who have spent time working on this. (01-28-2017, 03:44 AM)hybridmoments Wrote: Just wanted to drop in and say a big THANKYOU for creating this mod and for you considering further updating it and making it even better!You're both welcome, and thanks! ![]() KillingMachine, I made a note to correct the 2 hour discrepancy in the shrine description text. Thanks for pointing that out. (01-25-2017, 03:24 AM)KillingMachine Wrote: I hope to see Gillian's gossip glitch resolved someday.Actually Mordor or one of the other gentlemen who have worked on The Hell mod figured out how to fix this a couple months ago. I am hopeful I can figure out what they changed to correct it and recreate the modification here, but I haven't had time to inspect what they did closely yet. (01-28-2017, 03:44 AM)hybridmoments Wrote: Adding the shrine list into a new update would be awesome, I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Torch modI knew of Torch, but it wasn't until after I wrote the F1 -> Shrine List memory patch that a friend of mine mentioned Torch had something very similar. So I went and tried Torch and was amused how remarkably similar the two lists were (including the use of red colored font), despite the fact I had never seen Torch's shrine list before. (01-28-2017, 03:44 AM)hybridmoments Wrote: my request would be an in-game clock that shows the real world time.I have no idea how difficult that would be. I've never done anything with Diablo yet to get it to display new strings on screen, only to expand and add more content to ones that are already displayed. I added the suggestion to my notes.
02-03-2017, 01:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2017, 02:18 AM by KillingMachine.)
About the Gillian gossip glitch: While lurking around the Khanduras.net forums, I came across a post where someone edited the StashHellfire.dll to address this. I gave it a shot, replacing the one in my existing install of 1.02.A5 and it seems to do the trick without any ill effect. The post can be found here: http://khanduras.net/forums/mod-making-d...ossip-fix/
Aha, so that's where Mordor got the fix for that from. Thanks!
Looks good. Anyone who wants to fix the Gillian gossip bug should grab this (copied from the post KillingMachine just linked): blankname Wrote:DiabloStash gossip fix
02-15-2017, 04:09 AM
It has come to my attention that there may be a flaw in the bug fix I wrote for monsters dying more than once in multiplayer games. Both reports indicate multiple monsters becoming frozen (almost as if stone cursed) in Hell.
Neither of these reports come from this mod, however, but came from players of The Hell after it was implemented there. It is possible that the issue is unique to something with the mod, but I wanted to mention it here just in case. If anyone ever has or does encounter a bunch of unresponsive, stuck monsters for no apparent reason, please let me know what type of game you were playing (SP or MP) and the number of the dungeon floor you were on if you can recall. Thank you!
03-01-2017, 04:34 AM
(02-15-2017, 04:09 AM)Belix Wrote: It has come to my attention that there may be a flaw in the bug fix I wrote for monsters dying more than once in multiplayer games. Both reports indicate multiple monsters becoming frozen (almost as if stone cursed) in Hell. I'll keep an eye out for it, a buddy and I are playing our way through the levels we just entered the caves again after years of not touching the game hahaha
03-01-2017, 04:54 AM
(01-25-2017, 12:19 PM)keksnase Wrote: @KillingMachine: I checked several D1 wikis can confirm you're right. I've updated my excel + shrine-pool-effect-list This is bad ass, this was a needed info help!!! Great find guys!!!
03-05-2017, 06:52 PM
Alight, so I played through the Hive, and the Crypt, we didn't see the problem you spoke about, we did however run across where only by buddy could pick up the quest items from both areas, in fact I couldn't see half of them on the ground. He could see them but couldn't pick them up. We picked up the "Grey Suit", but not the "Brown Suit", I couldn't see either... We were able to pick up the teddy bear, but i couldn't see it till my buddy dropped it on the ground, then when he turned it in, she dropped an amulet that as soon as it hit the ground de-spawned... Then a "scroll" dropped, we both saw it drop from the quest boss, but once it hit the ground we couldn't find it, even with a scroll of search. The crypt for the most part was easy going, the main boss was interesting, I didn't understand the 3 spell books in front of his "prison". None of the quest communication worked right, only the starting "Hive" quest did, the rest just appeared, and when you tried to listen to them in the quest log it was a different quest. Such as, I tried to listen to the one for Theodore, and it was Cain and "The Skeleton King"... Basically, the added dungeons are buggy as shit, the crypt was the best out of the 2. My "Hive" was only 3 levels deep, and my "Crypt" was 4. Although we both agreed, the randomized layout for both dungeons is the best we've seen from "Diablo"....
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