Mostly witch doctor stuff
Chain apoc wiz with perma EB is pretty fun. Was able to get another RoRG and lucky enough to complete a full Vyr's set this past weekend, so I've changed my fire Wiz from a MM/Mirroball build into a Wand of Woh/EB/Archon wizard with 49% CDR. I have to say, I think I like this build even more than the MM-conflagration setup, though both are pretty fun. Also finally got my lightning Wizard going, electrocute build using Myken's Ball of Hate, Thundergod belt, and the Shard of Hate that I found last night (my first one!). I guess I need to find him a Velvet Carmel hat now. Can't really say lightning builds are feasible at this time on higher torments, but T3 is pretty doable, and its pretty crazy how much lightning this build can produce!

It's sad that Wizard does such poor damage compared to WD and Crusader though, classes that are pretty much 2 shotting elites on T6. Even my fully geared, BIS main Wiz does pitiful damage compared to Jade Doctors or Saders with perma Akaharats. Oh well, I refuse to jump on the bandwagon though. Wiz is just too much fun to play since we have the most build diversity, even if the class desperately needs buffs.

Latest transmog and stats of main wizzy (full Tal Rasha/EE build):

[Image: Screenshot108.jpg]

Fire wizzy:

[Image: Screenshot109.jpg]\


[Image: Screenshot110.jpg]

and finally the zapper:

[Image: Screenshot111.jpg]

As one can see, I really love the wizard class.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
[Image: Screenshot112.jpg]

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
I've been monk-ying around recently and found some nice weapons upgrades, including a Shard of Hate and then last night an Odyn Son. I typically play in T3 solo and T4 in groups. I still feel tanky, but the electrified and orbiter affixes can cause a ton of damage in a short amount of time. Fire chains also hurts, but I typically have more time to react and re-position (i.e. run away screaming like a little girl). I need to work on my armor rating, and am thinking about switching from diamonds in my armor to emeralds. With that change, Seize the Initiative should give a nice Toughness boost. Currently I'm at about 7,500 armor and 2,100 resist all, so very unbalanced. But since it takes about 10MM gold to make a max-level gem, I'm taking my time in the conversion. The latest patch really boosted gold find, so playing in those higher Torment levels feels much more rewarding.

(05-13-2014, 12:51 AM)Chesspiece_face Wrote: I'm pretty confident that once I get a hold of a SoJ I will be able to move up to T4. That or the rare possibility of the Calamity.

Hey, I don't know if you're still playing D3, but I noticed something on your profile: you have a Haunt of Vaxo amulet on your follower. If you could work that into your gear, with the proc on Danetta's Revenge you can get Marked for Death about 50% of the time. Your clones cast it a bunch so it's sort of like Calamity-albeit only half the time.
Battletag: Aahzmadius#1570 profile:
(06-09-2014, 06:25 PM)Aahzmadius Wrote:
(05-13-2014, 12:51 AM)Chesspiece_face Wrote: I'm pretty confident that once I get a hold of a SoJ I will be able to move up to T4. That or the rare possibility of the Calamity.

Hey, I don't know if you're still playing D3, but I noticed something on your profile: you have a Haunt of Vaxo amulet on your follower. If you could work that into your gear, with the proc on Danetta's Revenge you can get Marked for Death about 50% of the time. Your clones cast it a bunch so it's sort of like Calamity-albeit only half the time.

I've been playing a reasonable amount recently. Ended up swapping the amulet onto my DH and enjoy it. But I've also got a lot of other gear upgrades in the meantime. I've got my M6 set bonus working with the RRoG and am still looking for an SoJ as well as the set gloves so that I can swap my Magefist for Hexing Pants. Farming T6 right now without any problems so I think this character is to the point of only minor upgrades here and there.

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