Civerb's Cudgel Warrior in hell/hell.
Anyone ever played this variant before?

I recently gave it a try again after many years, and forgot how fun it was to be able to 1-2 shot things on hell difficulty. It's a pity that it requires 3 gold jewels to use it, which means it is really viable only against certain monster types since it limits your resources, making telekill vs. witches or mages a bit of an issue. Still, outside of this hiccup, 1-shotting things is quite fun.

Here's a little video I made of me playing CC Warrior in hell/hell. I use low-ac of course, since high ac would make this build ridiculously easy. Build: Obsidian Plate of the Stars, Emerald Shield of the Tiger, Royal Circlet, Gold Jewelry of the Heavens x 3. I can do up to 990 damage per hit with this build, when I land a critical strike against foes. Enjoy.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
It is fun, but the equipment compromises are tricky especially with less exceptional gold jewelry. I always imagined that with dream gear, a hybrid setup using big plate and an obs/mammoth hat or similar would be quite the juggernaut. But I had maybe 1 gold/heavens and 1 gold/perf in my years of playing. Still it was playable with some hybrid setup but I had to accept some serious shortcomings also.

Telekill is nice for fast play but not really necessary. With one hit killing ability and some old fashioned use of cover they will die fast enough.

If you can afford loss of 10 DEX you should try swapping to the Helm of Sprits for a while just for the fun of getting all that life back. Although it's not nearly as novel today since D2 and all it's clones seem to have insane life leeching mechanics way beyond CC + HoS.
Yea, you need really specific gear to play this build, and because you have to sac so many hit points and mana to get the proper to hit, you need those gold jewels to be pretty high end. I played CC warrior using my Awesome Stars plate with Obs Mammoth helm a few times, but it was just way too easy. Not that it isnt fun to dominate sometimes, but since you are killing things in 1-2 hits anyway I just go low ac so to make it a bit more interesting. Using CC on witch levels is viable, just more hassle than its worth for me cause of my fast playing style - too many trips to town for mana. I should try on a couple Obs Precision items and see if that gives me enough to hit, so I can use a Dragon's Zod in one jewel slot, although it is doubtful. With 3 golds and RC/Obs Stars plate I have 190 to hit, which is just enough I believe.

Overall its a better item for a rogue obviously since they don't need the golds, but doing up to 990 dmg with crits is just insane. For that reason I find CC warrior more fun than on rogue. On rogue these days I have been playing a lot of low-ac healer (with bow) in hell/hell.

HoS would be nice on a CC warrior for sure. I don't have one at this time though, and don't really have the patience to look for one either heh. Too many laz runs and shopping for all my uber gear over the years has killed my will to do anymore hunting Smile

*Edit* Yep, two Obs Precision items isn't viable to try and use a Drag Zod...can only reach 175 to hit which isn't enough - iirc 185% was the absolute minimum that should be used in hell/hell. I am fortunate to have 3 Gold Heavens jewels with very nice stats - and it was a pain in the arse to find these let me tell you.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
(04-15-2013, 03:43 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: *Edit* Yep, two Obs Precision items isn't viable to try and use a Drag Zod...can only reach 175 to hit which isn't enough - iirc 185% was the absolute minimum that should be used in hell/hell. I am fortunate to have 3 Gold Heavens jewels with very nice stats - and it was a pain in the arse to find these let me tell you.

The target for on screen to hit will vary a bit with class and character level. Each character level is a hidden 1% bonus, and warriors get a hidden 20% melee bonus which other classes do not. For a level 50 warrior, 175% on screen should give you 80% chance to hit a hell/hell blood knight. For a level 30 warrior, 60%. For a level 30 CAT rogue, 40%.

If my math is right, the level 50 warrior with 175% on screen would hit 90% or better against *most* enemies in hell/hell, so it might actually be worth trying.

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