Shiny Prizes
Hail all,

I bet you clicked just as fast as if a legendary item fell on the ground. Has anyone found any loot that they would like to show off? I've put about 50 hours into the game and haven't found anything special, and I've heard a lot of people say the same. I, for one, am glad of the seemingly harder drop rates- it'll make those unique drops that much sweeter.

May I recommend when you guys post your 1337 drops to include the random properties and if any of the assigned modifiers were perfect. The most fun I have checking out someone else's loot is how close it came to a perfect drop and what random property they were cursed or blessed with.

1st Legendary Found [WD Mask] -
2nd! [Ring] -
Tal Rasha's chest piece dropped from Inferno SK run on my Hardcore Wizard :)
I found a Cracked Sash in my first hour.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Found anything yet?
I've found two legendaries so far. One was a low-teens level monk claw that Frag's monk got some good use out of for a few levels. The other was a low level pair of pants with no base stats on it, making it pretty much useless to wear. But it is fun to see the red letters drop on the ground and wonder what you've just found.
(05-19-2012, 08:33 PM)Chesspiece_face Wrote: Found anything yet?

Big Grin

Thanks for that! Only 8 hours into the game with my Barbarian, nothing to report.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
(05-19-2012, 08:27 PM)Elric of Grans Wrote: I found a Cracked Sash in my first hour.

Same here. I've even kept my first Cracked Sash and stored it in my stash.

There's been nothing (else) of note in my haul so far. No Legendaries, nothing with eye-melting stats. About 93% of my rares have been going straight on the auction house and earning me a pretty penny (I put a 15% markup on the selling price for the bid, then set the buyout at an extra 50% on top of this). The rest of my rares have been getting use until they get upgraded.

Then they go on the auction house.
Last night, I had three legendaries drop in the same room. Then I woke up. True story; perhaps I need a break from the game. Nah!
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
I saw my first legendary today in a game with Frag, Swirly, and MongoJerry.

I also figured I'd share the Mojo I got somewhere in Act IV normal.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Well I can't seem to figure out how to imbed this image correctly so:

Here we go.
This is the only Legendary I've found.

[Image: JBN6h.jpg]
(05-21-2012, 02:01 AM)DeeBye Wrote: This is the only Legendary I've found.

[Image: JBN6h.jpg]

Yep, those were the pants I found, except mine didn't even have the +3 Vitality.

I just found a Goldwrap belt last night, too. It has gold and magic find, as you'd expect. It also has a 9% attack speed increase, which is pretty amazing on a belt, which I don't think normally can have an attack speed increase modifier. However, it again, had no base stats on it of any kind, making it really hard to justify its use in hardcore. If it had, say, +40 vitality on it, I'd use it for a long long time.
Ok, here is my first Legen... Wait for it...


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Glad to see a few of you got some legendary items. Who will find the first set item? Smile

Although it's a bit odd to see magic items have better damage than some legendary weapons, when they're both the same level. I would say some extra stats from the legendary weapon helps, but the damage difference (300+) is too good to give up (unless it's Hardcore, there may be some defensive stats more valuable).
I've been thinking today that Blizzard could make some legendary items a bit more... well, legendary, if they simply had a modifier like "+5% to Vitality" or "+2% to all stats" in addition to the special stats. It wouldn't have to be a big percentage, but it would make it more likely that someone would use it over a similar level rare.
Boneshatter, legendary 2h mace, found in the sewers under Caldeum. Underwhelming.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
(05-22-2012, 05:27 AM)MongoJerry Wrote: I've been thinking today that Blizzard could make some legendary items a bit more... well, legendary, if they simply had a modifier like "+5% to Vitality" or "+2% to all stats" in addition to the special stats. It wouldn't have to be a big percentage, but it would make it more likely that someone would use it over a similar level rare.

I'm also a bit disappointed in the legendaries that I've seen. I suppose we're in the same boat that we were in when D2 was first released- they're mostly crap with a smattering of 'decent', when what we're REALLY used to are the uniques and runewords that were around in D2:LOD. I guess they have to save something for the expansion.
(05-22-2012, 03:09 PM)RTM Wrote: I guess they have to save something for the expansion.

Not quite. Blizzard "blue" posts have already made clear that they like the current system, where the random number generator can generate great items and it can generate trash, even for Legendaries. There's no golden "best item" that will ever exist in Diablo III, which is a great thing.

Once you add uniques or super-special items to the game that are clearly the best, the entire game devolves into getting those particular items. Once you do, your character is then "perfect" and the incentive to play it lessens greatly. This made a little more sense in the Diablo II world, where you could "perfect" your character but still have a lot of playtime to get them to level 99. I still thought it was poor implementation back then, though, and advised Blizzard against it to no avail. What keeps people playing in the end is trying to get that extra 0.5% of gear power...

I saw a forum post somewhere where someone calculated that for a particular Legendary item, there were something on the order of 12 quadrillion possible combinations of stats that could be generated. You'll never, ever have a "perfect" (meaning, max of every possible stat) set of gear for a character in Diablo III. Ever. Well, maybe if you have thousands of real-life dollars to spend on the AH to buy every single perfect item ever placed on there, but consider how valuable those would be. I can't even imagine; it would be like winning the lottery if a "perfect" item ever dropped, once the playerbase matures to the point where everyone is seeking those extra 0.5% better items.

The current system makes getting a perfect Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac from Diablo 1 look like a trivial exercise. Such an item would be pitifully common compared to a perfect high-end Diablo III Legendary or Rare.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
(05-22-2012, 05:29 PM)Bolty Wrote: Once you add uniques or super-special items to the game that are clearly the best, the entire game devolves into getting those particular items. Once you do, your character is then "perfect" and the incentive to play it lessens greatly. This made a little more sense in the Diablo II world, where you could "perfect" your character but still have a lot of playtime to get them to level 99. I still thought it was poor implementation back then, though, and advised Blizzard against it to no avail. What keeps people playing in the end is trying to get that extra 0.5% of gear power...

I agree with this point, but not the math that is leading to the current situation. Rares get like 4-5 random affixes, Legendary/Set get like 2 set in stone (w/ random numbers) and 2-3 random. For a rare to be good, you need to get at least 3 mods that are good. For a Legendary to be better than a rare, then, you need at least 4 mods that are good (including the innate) or a higher level advantage.

Here's where it breaks down: we see tons of rares, so the randomness eventually works in your favor. I haven't seen a legendary yet. How long till I find a single decent one? We're being hit by low percentage twice: once for it being legendary, and once for it being good.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
I just got my first Legendary:
Broken Crown
+22 Vitality
Attack Speed increased by 7%
Monster Kills grant +9 Experience
Health Globes grant +30 Life
Increases Gold and Health Pickup by 3 Yards

My helm at the time (a Rare) had slightly higher armour (5 points) and very similar stats, but only +14 Vitality and that Attack Speed boost is nice. Upgraded. Still, I have to agree with the general dissent. Legendaries are most certainly not the Uniques of the past: they are just Rares with an extra mod or two. Looking over a list of them, very few have interesting mods on them. I agree with Bolty, balance is king, but they could still do with being a little less dull.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
I found this.

[Image: 8AFPC.jpg]

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