Things to know
There is some information that isn't perfectly clear in the game, but could be good for people to know. So figured I would share some of that info in case others would like to know it. Obviously some of this has been posted in other threads already and some hasn't. Feel free to add things you've found that you feel is useful knowledge for people to have that may not be apparent to them right away.

Elective Mode
Lets you put most skills in any slot instead of only certain types in each.

Advanced Tooltips
Show percent values for damage and other such more detailed information for skills.

Lore books
Found all over the place. Give story as well as XP. Make a point of checking for them around towns (in the buildings and outside). Note that new versions will show up in the same places you found old ones as quest line story progresses so check back too.

Quest Selection
You can choose what quest line you are on from the character screen. If you miss NPC story or wish to kill a specific Mob again this should let you go back. If you join a younger character's game and can't figure out how to get back to your original quest placement check here as well.

MF on Followers
If you put magic find gear on a follower you will get 20% of it. You can test this by clicking details on your inventory screen and noting your magic find value. Then equip the gear on your follower and see how much it goes up.
Gear for Followers
You can interact with the followers you are not using and place gear in there inventory slots while in town. This can be useful so that they can have up to date gear in case you want to switch to one a different one later on. Also useful for a little extra storage space if you are short.
(05-18-2012, 05:36 AM)swirly Wrote: MF on Followers
If you put magic find gear on a follower you will get 20% of it. You can test this by clicking details on your inventory screen and noting your magic find value. Then equip the gear on your follower and see how much it goes up.

I thought it was 25%? Anyway, it's Magic Find, Gold Find, and +Experience.

Stats on Followers

Raw statistics (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Vitality) are 250%. So items that have high statistics and little else are great for followers.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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