Fun Screenshots
I had promised a screenshot of the interface screen a guild master gets to see, and how configurable it is. Here you go (1280x1024, large). You can set all these permissions for every rank of the guild, and create new ranks if you so desire.

Next up, a fun bug. I was walking around in Thelsammar and saw something wild - someone was riding their flight bird in the Inn there. I asked them how they did that, and the response was "huh?"

This was a purely graphical bug on my screen only - to the other player, they were just walking around normally. After discussing it, the druid decided to change form into a bear. Wish I got a screenshot of that, but I couldn't because they changed back to elf form very quickly, after which I saw this! The game engine was really freaking out with that. :) This was probably caused by lag on my end, but who knows how to get it to reproduce. I've at times seen chars running around with their falling animation always on, so this must be related.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Last night I had this problem at Darkshore, having just flown in from Teldrassil. I found a group of gnomes and night elves brawling at the inn. I was not part of the conversation, but the screen chat went pretty much like this:

A human, on a hippo!
Humans can ride hippos
Yes, but she's not supposed to do it in an inn!
This is a bug -- I'm going to report this!

Somehow I had the feeling we were not wanted, so the hippogryph and I went upstairs to sleep while they continued downstairs with their bickering.

With regard to guild administration, the other night someone asked in channel to have their character added. I did not know how to do it but fortunately someone else came along who did. Could you post (repost?) the policy/procedure? I hope that it is easier than swimming.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
LavCat,Jul 5 2004, 06:50 PM Wrote:With regard to guild administration, the other night someone asked in channel to have their character added.  I did not know how to do it but fortunately someone else came along who did.  Could you post (repost?) the policy/procedure?  I hope that it is easier than swimming.
Go to your social menu, click on the guild button, and click on Add Member. Viola!

Basically, anyone who posts here or is a "friend" of the Lounge is welcome in. This is a beta; no need for strict policies. If someone starts ticking off a bunch of guild members, we boot em. ;)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
One can also use the chat commands. Type: /ghelp for a list. To invite someone that way, use: /ginvite name (were name is the character name), same as inviting for a party except the extra g in front of the command. Most guild operations can be done that way instead of using the GUI.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

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