gekko,Aug 18 2004, 03:14 AM Wrote:I bet some damned german made it. Damn germans, why can't they just use english like normal people? :P
Oh no, not again...not "Blümchens" -"Piep, Piep kleiner Sattelit"...we germans were punished enough for and by this piece of ugly kiddy "want-to-sound-like-techno" garbage.
I think it even made the charts' top 10 (well that was mid 90's, but still we have suffered enough).
So, again, I have to apologize to the world that this genetical-experiment gone wrong so badly has somehow slipped by the wardens and got free. :blink: (and obviously for not speaking, sorry, no excuses for that)
Anyway, here's my addition to the collection of favorite Websites:
No, please, hold your flame for one second. I am not talking about the shopping part of Amazon but the reviews.
How on earth can those reviews be entertaining? Easy. Pick any controversial Book, Movie or CD and check the reviews.
At this point you
will find some realy odd, but none the less funny, reviews. Now click the "see all my reviews" link next to the most absurd and biased ... enjoy :-)
Obviously political books are a great starting point to find whackos from both sides of the pond. For example there is a parade of both democratic and republican idiots on anything about Bush or Kerry.
My current favorites:
Lars Worthington III (Baltimore, MD) who is either the author of a fine piece of bad taste sarcasm or plain stupid.
Johnny448 (Allentown, PA USA) who thinks
Quote:He (note: refering to Bill O'Reilly) is probably one of the only journalists on television that actually seem like they are searching for the truth instead of just being a puppet for the heads of their station.
Quote:First of all, I love to study the Word of God. It is practically all I do in my free time as of late.
and of course:
dixieeagle (U.S.A.) who manages to slip this sentence into her review of "The O'Reilly Factor":
Quote:Even liberals contribute to Fox News because PEOPLE NEED TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES! Only a lie-infested communist would disagree with this.
seems all O'Reilly fans are also great christians and would probably like a good Bar-fight with
I am not trying to post like a
Wanker but my english has a pretty strong krautish influence.
Feel free to flame the content but give me some slack on spelling an grammar, thanks

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