Back in the Fold
So, after keeping a close eye on the development of WoW since the end of beta, and being fairly dissapointed at the progress that has been made, i came across a piece of writing that said there would be no more new copies of WoW released until the servers were able to handle the current player loads.

I then thought "hmm, well knowing blizzard that could be quite a while" so i scramble to get myself a copy of this game before they were all gone. I searched high and low, and finally found a copy at the Electronics Boutique in Bellis Fair (about an hour and thirty minute drive from my place of residence in Vancouver, BC).

So, i managed to go down there and pick myself up a copy. Picked up a game card aswell, and installed it to see how things were.

Then i tried to look for some familiar faces, and having seen my good friend Neriad (MongoJerry), post in the priest forums, i decided to look him up via thottbot. So, now i have a character, undead warlock of course who's ready and willing to fight and level. sure he may be low, but that will change soon enough. It's just nice to see a familiar face, and i wanted to stop by and say hello.

P.S. Not many of the lurkers may know who i am, but i know for certain MongoJerry will :D

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