What are the max stats on green items?
Treesh,Apr 5 2005, 08:35 AM Wrote:You can get blues and purples from just regular critters, not just greens.  They don't even have to be named critters.  I got nice purple gloves from some monkey in strangelthorn vale yesterday (maybe the day before).  We got a purple ring and a blue belt from two normal critters in Wild Shore yesterday as well.  It's not just greens that drop in the world.  If higher level items could drop from lower level critters and since you can get blues and purples in the world without going into instances, that's going to have one hell of an effect on the economy that isn't going to completely balance out through just supply and demand.  And if you made it so you can't get the blues and purples from regular critters, you're completely screwing over the soloers that Blizzard has at least been giving a nod to when making the game.

Edit: Tal has reminded me that I have always been lucky when it comes to drops in Blizzard RPGs (with the exception of the Kill x, collect y quests ;) ).  Apparently my finds aren't normal for the outside world and it really wouldn't be time efficient for most people to hunt outside of instances since blues and purples don't drop that frequently in the world.
You've just been lucky. I have only ever seen two epics drop, and both of those were when I was level 60 in an instance run. I didn't get (or roll on) either. Seeing a blue drop while soloing is quite a rare occurance. If those that did drop were two or three levels higher, I don't see exactly how it would destroy the economy.
I have seen 2 or 3 blues drop ever while soloing.(I have been 60 for a while and do a fair bit of solo farming). I have also gotten a some low level BoP blues running low lvl instances solo at 60, but I dont count those.

1 of those blues was "Wirts Third Leg". I its in my vault i couldnt bring myself to sell it.

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