SaxyCorp's Return
I know that some of you have been watching my climb from noob to being raid-worthy. And many of you know that restarting a character is hard work.

I was taken out by a migraine last Sunday, which has left me camped out in an inn, gaining rest state - something that I have seen very little of since I started SaxyPoo, my reborn Pali.

The migraine was bad, but the rest state is good - especially since I have a full level of rest state, and I'm at lvl 36.5. I'm hoping that by this time next week, I'll be at least level 40, if not higher. Then I can get my mount, and really start bouncing around from location to location questing.

One thing that I would like to hit up soon is SM, just so that I can get some more XP, and hopefully some gear upgrades.

I found it rather ironic that Smites Mighty Hammer lasted me from lvls 20 to 35, without my coming across anything better, whether it be from drops, vendors or the AH.

I have a better hammer now, completely spec'ed out for Retribution to dish it out as quickly as possible. If any of you want to escape the mundane world of raiding (/silly) and want to join in the poinding of lesser mobs, drop me a line when I'm online, and we'll meet up.

I'll be raiding soon (I hope)


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