Find Item Questions
Hi guys, normally I ask dumb questions over at the Basin but I am in withdrawal with all the rest, so if you don't mind helping me that would be great:)

First off, how long do bodies normally hang around for horking? I have finished some really long fights before and some bodies are still there, and some are not, is there an average?

Second, do the monsters keep their TC class when using find item on their body? E.g. will bosses in the pit still be able to drop from TC 87?


The monsters do have the same TC as they did in life, with one exception: they no longer have a NoDrop chance.
Heh thanks.

Adeyke answering makes me feel like I am still at home :P
Quote:Adeyke answering makes me feel like I am still at home :P
You've been at home here for more than two years...B)


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