Theorycraft To Do list
The D3 beta is out and I don't have a copy! However, it seems like people should be able to start working out the game mechanics of D3 beta. To start off with, the obvious basic-level stuff:

1) Miss Chance - Blizz says that most ranged attacks and spells cannot miss, and the melee miss chance is 5%. Which skills have a miss chance and which ones don't?

2) Attack - For autoattack as well as abilities, how much damage or DPS is gained for each point of Attack?

3) Precision - How much does it increase crit? Is it different for different classes? As a "combat rating", how does it scale with level?

4) Vitality - How many HP per point for each character?

5) Defense - How much damage does it prevent?

6) Armor - How much damage does it prevent? Does it only affect physical damage or do some spells respect Armor?

7) Resistances - How do these work, what is the formula? Not sure how much resistance gear is available in Beta.

8) Attack Speed - Are there breakpoints? Diminishing returns? May not be able to test this with the gear currently available in Beta.

9) Critical Hits - How is crit chance calculated, what is the base percentage and incremental gain from Precision? Do you have a lower chance to crit bosses? Is there a different crit chance on melee and spells (ie, a Wizard crits lots of spells but never crits in melee)?

10) Critical Damage Bonus - There are a lot of traits that affect critical damage. Are they multiplicative or additive, how do they work?

11) Hit recovery and Block recovery - How much of a role do these play in D3? Are we as likely to get our abilities interrupted by hard hitting monsters as in D1/D2? This may not be easy to test in Beta due to the weakness of early-level mobs.

12) Interrupts Monsters Attack - Do these work the same as sending a monster into hit recovery, or are they different somehow? Do some monsters get an "Interrupts Players Attack" ability?

13) Chill/Freeze/Stun/Knockdown - What monsters have built-in resistance or immunity to these effects?

14) Life and Mana Leech - Are skeletons unleechable like in D2? Are there other unleechables or reduced-leechables?

15) Player number scaling - Any hint of how much stronger monsters get with extra players?

16) EXP and leveling - What is the formula for percent EXP gain versus monster level difference?

17) 1H/Shield vs 2H vs DW - In general, how does autoattack DPS compare? Does dual wielding provide attackspeed and damage modifiers?

Has anyone started to work this stuff out?
(09-08-2011, 10:15 PM)Piousflea Wrote: The D3 beta is out and I don't have a copy! However, it seems like people should be able to start working out the game mechanics of D3 beta. To start off with, the obvious basic-level stuff:

1) Miss Chance - Blizz says that most ranged attacks and spells cannot miss, and the melee miss chance is 5%. Which skills have a miss chance and which ones don't?

2) Attack - For autoattack as well as abilities, how much damage or DPS is gained for each point of Attack?

3) Precision - How much does it increase crit? Is it different for different classes? As a "combat rating", how does it scale with level?

4) Vitality - How many HP per point for each character?

5) Defense - How much damage does it prevent?

6) Armor - How much damage does it prevent? Does it only affect physical damage or do some spells respect Armor?

7) Resistances - How do these work, what is the formula? Not sure how much resistance gear is available in Beta.

8) Attack Speed - Are there breakpoints? Diminishing returns? May not be able to test this with the gear currently available in Beta.

9) Critical Hits - How is crit chance calculated, what is the base percentage and incremental gain from Precision? Do you have a lower chance to crit bosses? Is there a different crit chance on melee and spells (ie, a Wizard crits lots of spells but never crits in melee)?

10) Critical Damage Bonus - There are a lot of traits that affect critical damage. Are they multiplicative or additive, how do they work?

11) Hit recovery and Block recovery - How much of a role do these play in D3? Are we as likely to get our abilities interrupted by hard hitting monsters as in D1/D2? This may not be easy to test in Beta due to the weakness of early-level mobs.

12) Interrupts Monsters Attack - Do these work the same as sending a monster into hit recovery, or are they different somehow? Do some monsters get an "Interrupts Players Attack" ability?

13) Chill/Freeze/Stun/Knockdown - What monsters have built-in resistance or immunity to these effects?

14) Life and Mana Leech - Are skeletons unleechable like in D2? Are there other unleechables or reduced-leechables?

15) Player number scaling - Any hint of how much stronger monsters get with extra players?

16) EXP and leveling - What is the formula for percent EXP gain versus monster level difference?

17) 1H/Shield vs 2H vs DW - In general, how does autoattack DPS compare? Does dual wielding provide attackspeed and damage modifiers?

Has anyone started to work this stuff out?

Good Lord! Not me, but I'm sure it will get analyzed into the ground on this forum. Wink Great post with food for thought aplenty.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!

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